I recently downloaded a Posky A330-200 in Aer Lingus Livery..Upon rotation off of the runway, the plane rapidly pitched upwards, and, well, consider it my final destination. All settings were correct, and I had flipped through the complete preflight checklist thoroughly. I'm assuming it's a problem to do with the Config settings, but I wouldn't be able to locate it's exact source..here's an image just so you see the seriousness of my complaint....
I'm not a jet jockey but I don't believe that plane can sustain that rate of climb at take off. 😂
I think we know where this flight ended.
If everything was set to specks then it looks like there is an error in the cfg. file. There is no way that plane should point it's nose at the noon day sun under normal conditions.
heh, isn't that trick they do when landing those Russian fighters?
bizarrely the elevators don't seem to be extended dramatically?!
It reminds me of the F-100 Super Sabre dance. They had a problem with that aircraft pointing it's nose to the sky on landing if it wasn't done properly.
For those who understood me incorrectly, I did not intend that rate of climb 😳 . I'm not that dense 😕
crosscheck9 wrote:
For those who understood me incorrectly, I did not intend that rate of climb 😳 . I'm not that dense 😕
I'm sure you aren't that dense and I agree with you there is a problem with a cfg, file somewhere.
I have solved some problems in cfg. files but that is one I'm not sure I could locate. One thing you might try is loading a cfg. file from another 737-400 and see what that does, backing up your current files of course.
Insight wrote:
heh, isn't that trick they do when landing those Russian fighters?
bizarrely the elevators don't seem to be extended dramatically?!
What are the elevators?
By the way, I thought the title of this thread was funny 😂
lol crosscheck I know you didn't do it intentionally.. i was commenting it looked odd because the elevators arent showing you pulling on the stick at all.. must be a cfg thing
I've had the same problem before with the POSKY A330 and A340. To fix that problem I've downloaded an FDE. After installing the FDE, that problem was gone forever.
Here's the FDE for the POSKY A330 ➡ http://s56.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=05TUA5V25JLAB375I4WILZ30PH
Make sure you have the latest FDE file - search AVSIM for a330-version-2004-8-3.zip see if that helps
Beat me to it Agus
What's an FDE and what are elevators? Thanks...
JTH wrote:
What's an FDE and what are elevators? Thanks...
The elevators are the movable part of the horizontal tail assembly and the part that cause the plane to change vertical direction when you pull back or push forward on the stick (also known as pitch control).
JTH wrote:
What's an FDE and what are elevators? Thanks...
And FDE stands for Flight Dynamics Edited. It just changes some things from your aircraft to make it fly more realistic.
sylvan wrote:
Beat me to it Agus
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. Sorry if I sounded as if I was accusing anyone of calling me dense earlier - hehe, I was just trying to point out that something so extreme wouldn't slip by me that easily. I'll try out the suggested FDE and let you know how it goes.
I installed the FDE, and...well......looks familiar?
If you have your FDE installed and the problem still persists, then there's something you are doing wrong.
I've had this problem before and was fixed by installing the FDE.
What panel are you using for the A330-200?
What is your trim setting?
What is your flap setting?
What is your weight? Make sure you don't exceed MTOW.
[quote="crosscheck9"]I recently downloaded a Posky A330-200 in Aer Lingus Livery..Upon rotation off of the runway, the plane rapidly pitched upwards, and, well, consider it my final destination. All settings were correct, and I had flipped through the complete preflight checklist thoroughly. I'm assuming it's a problem to do with the Config settings, but I wouldn't be able to locate it's exact source..here's an image just so you see the seriousness of my complaint....
I'm also intrigued by the little puffy smoke clouds near the center of the fuselage.
You normally get the same kind of clouds with sparks on the Posky a/c after a tailstrike. What's burning up there in the cabin and WHY?]
The original aircraft I had downloaded can be found at ➡
I trimmed the aircraft at 1.3, as I generally do in such conditions flying the a330. Also, when I went to fuel and payload, there was 100% fuel, and 0 payload, and it was heavy, so I reduced to 50% fuel and the problem was solved. I was departing with 8 degrees of flaps. The panel of the aircraft is included in the package - made by Ken Mitchell, who I trust when it comes to panels. Everything was set correctly as far as I understand. Any ideas as to why the aircraft decide to fly towards the moon, rather than dublin?
I have also the Ken Mitchell panels for some A330.
Are you sure you are using the A330 panel instead of the A320? Maybe the guy who made that full package put the wrong panel on it. I'm downloading that full package to check that.
Have you installed the FDE properly? That shouldn't happen if you have the FDE installed.
Your trim for your 50% of fuel is correct.
8 degrees of flap.... is that the first notch?
What's your takeoff speed?
I just had a look at the link you provided : 3 pages 29 files.
I actually browsed through but I couldn't find a model with Ken Mitchell's panel. Why don't you let us know the exact file name?
Crosscheck downloaded the full package download, which includes the Ken Mitchell panel. Look at the pictures and you'll see.
Sorry for the confusion...its the second one on the list.
crosscheck9 wrote:
Sorry for the confusion...its the second one on the list.
Yeah, that's the full package....the one you downloaded.
Thanks guys, just found it. It looks like a good package. Let's see who's the worst pilot of us all 😀
Tailhook wrote:
Thanks guys, just found it. It looks like a good package. Let's see who's the worst pilot of us all 😀
Deal! 😉
What's a "Polsky" A330?
Guys/gals!...i figured it out...Having trimmed at 1.3 caused the smooth rotation to be exaggerated a very little bit, which caused the stalling..no matter how much forward pressure I put, it always kept climbing higher and higher, so I found out that I had to trm at someting around -0.3 for the rotation to be smooth...I think that solved the problem...there are a few other glitches I need to fix with this aircraft..otherwise, we've overcome the toughest! 😀
POSKY stands for Project Open Sky (www.projectopensky.com) which is a webiste where you can download some airplanes for FS2004.
POSKY A330 is the Airbus A330 aircraft of Project Open Sky.
crosscheck9 wrote:
Guys/gals!...i figured it out...Having trimmed at 1.3 caused the smooth rotation to be exaggerated a very little bit, which caused the stalling..no matter how much forward pressure I put, it always kept climbing higher and higher, so I found out that I had to trm at someting around -0.3 for the rotation to be smooth...I think that solved the problem...there are a few other glitches I need to fix with this aircraft..otherwise, we've overcome the toughest! 😀
I'm glad that you solved it.
When you said that you trimmed the aircraft to 1.3 I thought you meant "-1.3? For takeoff, always trim the aircraft to a negative number. ALWAYS! It doesn't have to be whatever number, though.
Now, -0.3 of trim for take off is way too low for 50% of fuel. You are gonna rotate at the end of the runway, or a bit earlier. Try a trim of -1.5 and let me know how that goes.
Agus, thank you for that information...I always thought I was trimming upwards, but now when I think of the physics of it, your correct, trimming negatively sounds reasonable. Thank you for your help
You're welcome, Crosscheck. 😉 I think that all aircrafts need to be trimmed negatively before takeoff. It makes sense...
Agus0404 wrote:
Tailhook wrote:
Thanks guys, just found it. It looks like a good package. Let's see who's the worst pilot of us all 😀
Deal! 😉
Well, I won by a mile, didn't I... piece a cake for an old fighter pilot.
Put her on the tarmac, stock FDE, NO trim, NO flaps, rotation at about 140-145, did NOT exceed the stress or speed limits - positive climb established - gear retracted - due to the lack of trim and all that other newfangled stuff - now requires steady forward pressure on the stick; she's up at 10.000ft in no time, put the foot on the accelerator a bit to reach cruising altitude and she looks like a ballerina in the sky. 😀 And all this is going on while Grand Funk Railroad is pumping away on the radio... cool.
What's that AP and "Trim" thing anyway? Kidding. I didn't end up going in for the kill (landing, recovery...whatever you wanna call it) though, but I can't see that being a problem anyway.
Thank you, thank you... I know I'm the best
I am curious though - did any of you crashpilots notice something odd in the Select Aircraft/Description window when you loaded the a/c?
I shouldn't have asked... I can already hear the sound of deafening silence 😳
You are lucky! I can't use my simulator these days...
Just to let you know....
I have 38.3 hours on the A330-200 and 8 hours on the A330-300. 😎 I can have more hours if I want, but I don't have all the time, though...
With the A340-300 I have 81.1 hours. That's pretty cool.
Agus0404 wrote:
You are lucky! I can't use my simulator these days...
Just to let you know....
I have 38.3 hours on the A330-200 and 8 hours on the A330-300. 😎 I can have more hours if I want, but I don't have all the time, though...
With the A340-300 I have 81.1 hours. That's pretty cool.
Agus we all know that you are the expert re Airbus.
What's wrong with your Sim?
Nothing is wrong with it. I just don't have the time to fly. I'm busy with my studies to get the driver's licence. In Portugal you need to take a 2 month course to get the driver's licence 😕 The test is hard too, so I have to study...
I was right again, wasn't I - put it down to ESP if you must :
I am curious though - did any of you crashpilots notice something odd in the Select Aircraft/Description window when you loaded the a/c?
I shouldn't have asked... I can already hear the sound of deafening silence 😳
Now before you all become professional airline pilots, you'll have to pass an IQ test - I see no problem in this department with you guys.
The bad news - in order to pass the test, you'll be required to read and pay attention to details 😳 ... silly idea really.
After all, there won't be any need to pay attention to details once your in the left seat of your 747 or 340 🤔
I was right again, wasn't I - put it down to ESP if you must :
I am curious though - did any of you crashpilots notice something odd in the Select Aircraft/Description window when you loaded the a/c?
I shouldn't have asked... I can already hear the sound of deafening silence 😳
RickNow before you all become professional airline pilots, you'll have to pass an IQ test - I see no problem in this department with you guys.
The bad news - in order to pass the test, you'll be required to read and pay attention to details 😳 ... silly idea really.
After all, there won't be any need to pay attention to details once your in the left seat of your 747 or 340 🤔
An IQ test? I didn't hear anything about this in Europe... 😕
Changing that topic, I guess I can start flying again...I wish I could finish with my studies to get the driver's licence and fly more often.
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