So far ive managed to collect the following RAF bases and RAF aircraft for FS9, if anyone knows of anymore freeware that ive missed any extra help would be great.
RAF Stations
Brize Norton
Fairford, RIAT (payware)
Greenham Common
Yeovilton (Naval Air Station)
RAF Aircraft
Jet Provost
Tornado F3/GR1/GR4
C130 Hercules
Red Arrows
Lancaster BBMF
Spitfire BBMF
Hurricane BBMF
Dakota BBMF
Sea King
A330 Tanker
Beach Kingair350
many thanks
Nice list Sonic......didn't know alot of them were available, especially the scenery.
I got some of them from an addon called RAF Airfields South, good addon available here:-
it cost £10 but is well worth it 👍
My next plan of action is to install military bases scenery in Germany, France, Norway, Italy, Turkey, Saudi, Kuwait and Muscat, Australia with RAF and Nato aircraft all flying to and from these bases.
So far ive got plenty of RAF AI aircraft flying all over the UK and to Gibralta, Cyprus and Oman and its been working really well, im chuffed to bits with the project so far, only thing is i'm spending alot of time on my laptop doin the flightplans while my pc does the flying, by the time im eventually finished i expect FS2015 will be due for release. 🙄
Below has a few sceneries not listed above, could help you with your next project
ill give it a look, cheers mate
I have almost completed my military bases installations in the following countrys:-
Saudi Arabia
Accension Islands
Falkland Islands (UK 👍 ) Ex Malvinas (Argentina )
I will be working on the AI flightplans for all these countrys over the next week or so, any more ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Not long been going but believe their quest is to have military FPs for every country eventually. Massive undertaking.
They seem to be mirroring Graham King's excellant repaints at
But you probably know this already mate.
cheers sylvan, i came across these websites at the weekend and will be keeping a close eye on thier work, i expect my project to be completed, tried and tested by end of December, all going well.
Would you keep me posted on what happens pal? Working on the sceneries you sent me over the weekend. Have you removed static .bgls or are you happy with them? Have you upgraded the AFCAD as AI parking is wrong, especially Lossie?
Im happy with the statics at the moment but havent yet updated the afcads at any of the bases.
Have just installed all of the flightplans ive been working on over the last week and in the process of flying around the various bases and making sure everything is working well.
I just completed the following flight in a Nimrod:-
RAF Kinloss (EGQK)---Sarajevo(LQSA)---Akrotiri(LCRA)---Seeb(OOMS)
It was a great sucess, as I was departing Kinloss and a US Navy P3 was coming in, I passed various aircraft en route to Sarajevo such as VC10's & Tristars.
On arrival to Sarajevo I had to wait for clearence as RAF Harriers were doing "touch & go's"
I departed Sarajevo for Akrotiri, on arrival at Akrotiri I was expecting my FPS to be quite low as I added alot of traffic there but my pc managed to maintain a healthy 19-20 fps which was good considering there are C130's, Tristars, VC10's, C17's and many others coming and going.
My flight from Akrotiri to Seeb was very intresting as alot of my military traffic was flying about including my carrier AI aircraft in the Gulf of Oman, I was almost escorted into Seeb by a couple of USAF F117 Stealth Fighters as they were right on my tail as I came in to land, until that is the tower told them to "go around"
So in all so far its been a great success. I will be checking all my traffic out in the persian gulf before flying south to the falkland islands to see if my AI Argentine Air Force are still hastling the RAF.
For the scenery you've missed: Conningsby, Northolt, Valley.
And for the aircraft: C-17 Globe master and the Apache.
Apart from that really nice collection. 😀
WOW! Nice setup!
Did you by any chance, keep any documentation? I personally would love to read it!
Have the Eurofighter "Typhoon" in RAF livery and the "Supertucano" but latter unfortunately in Brazilian colours. Do you know of an RAF paint job add on?
Also note that you have "Dominie", where did you find this one as I've been outlooking for some time?
If you join these guys here @ UKMILRepaints you will get all that you need, they recently did a CP140 (P3 Orion) for me in RAF colours, great site 👍
Some scenery released yesterday 4/1 on AVSIM search UKSD for Topcliffe, Linton, Dishforth and Church Fenton.
Just downloaded them and will be trying them out today, many thanks Sylvan 😀
RAF Aldergrove scenery released 13/1/06 on Avsim
just downloaded it, another one in the collection of many, cheers sylvan 👍
Thats a very impressive collection you have there.
I would love to have the Hawk.
Can you tell me where to get it.
😀 😀
wheres the falklands/acension scenry from please?
Anonymous wrote:
wheres the falklands/acension scenry from please?
Try these two, both free. Look this over.
i tried both of these and found quite a few bugs 😞
Ive now finished my huge project involving military aircraft, scenerys and flightplans.
For the UK ive used all the packages from the UK2000 series by Gary Simmons which are absolutely fantastic and can be found here:-
All of my aircraft have been freeware, my overseas air bases are mostly freeeware from but I have purchased a few from Alphasim
I have covered every modern RAF Base in the UK, most USAF/USN bases in the USA and a few NATO bases in Norway, Germany, Sigonella, Cyprus, and a variety of allied Air Bases in the Gulf such as Seeb, Al Udied, AL Taqaddam and Ali Al Saleem.
If anyone would like to use my flightplans from this project you are more than welcome to pm your email address to me and I shall send them on.
For the UK flightplans you will need the UK2000 scenery etc or you can adjust your own AFCADS/AI parking.
Most of my AI aircraft were downloaded from Mike Stones website and Simshed found here:-
I just changed the names of the aircraft I downloaded and deleted the panels, as easy as that. I also downloaded various military AI packages from PAI found here:- and also there a many AI packages available at
I would also like to thank UKMIL REPAINTS for repainting my Nimrod and CP140 Aurora for me, a great site found here:-
I must also thank a fellow member and newly found friend through the Flyaway site "sylvan" who helped me out on a number of occasions with my AI project, a great help answering my emails throughout the day. 😀
Here's a website I find useful:
sonicninja wrote:
i tried both of these and found quite a few bugs 😞
I've been trying to get AI RAF Helicopters, where did you get yours?
Hello guys,
I have just returned to flying with FS2004 and have purchased a Phantom, which I downloaded.... it's a beauty and I love it but I would like to know how to make other RAF aircraft visible at bases, which I visit and I would also like to find more add on RAF bases.
I have the LAGO Tornado add on, with 3 RAF bases in there, but alas they're not too good.
Please help me get my Bases populated.
I think Traffic 2005 has military bases populated, wait for someone that has it.
I have Ultimate Traffic but it doen't include military.
Isn't there a way to put Military files in the program rather than commercial jets etc?
There must be some way of doing it, I have seen screen shots with more than one Phantom at a base...
Are these easy to use?
BTW thanks Radar.
Ok, I got the file and installed it but when I go to Brize Norton to look at the C-17 Globemaster.....I see no aircraft other than my own....
So how do I set some of my planes as static or AI planes?
Thanks guys, sorry to be a pain.
OH BTW the Program fixed a corrupt file for me too.....hehe no more annoying start up messages about FSSound.dll files.
I noticed you mentioned an Ai Harrier, i've been looking for one for ages, can u tell me where you got yours please?
Where did you get Duxford from?
Sonicninja sadly is no longer with us mustangpilot. After all the work he'd put into his military setup, he one day decided to quit, sold all his gear and said good bye.
The only freeware Duxford scenery I can find ATM is this one ➡
Sometimes sceneries come packaged with aircraft such as this one ➡
Cheers bud! As always, very helpful!! 🙂
If you are looking for some decent scenery (including civil and military airfields) i would suggest the excellent payware UK2000 scenery by Gary Simmons (Duxford is in UK2000 Pt4 East Anglia).
This are shots from Pt6 Wales(RAF St Athan).
The AI aircraft come with the scenery.
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