For a while now, the view left, view top left, and view rear left buttons on my Logitech Freedom 2.4 cordless didn't respond in the sim, but when I went to caliberate it, it appeared like the keys were functional. Now, I came to fix it for once and for all, and I noticed that the buttons are no longer functional, even at calliberation. How could I fix this? What could be wrong? I went to the support section of their website, but I couldn't get an answer. Thanks. 😉
Try new batteries and a squirt of oil(WD40/Duckoil/STP)
The switch contacts may have become stuck
The batteries are fine, because it's only a few buttons that don't work - The rest works fine. Also, I just recenty cleaned it, and and everything. Thanks for the tips though.
I would still try a new set of batteries,just because some of the buttons are working.You may have a weak battery.
Also try and reposition the RF reciever
As an addition to TTT's correct instructions i would like to suggest to try resynchronize from the connect push button your stick and your receiver.
Well, I changed the batteries, placed the receiver directly in front of the control stick, and I also did as Greekman suggested, but still, no luck - Could it be faulty wiring on the inside?
You said that in calibration mode these buttons seems to be working.You mean you press those buttons and see them respondimg in the main menu?
There is also a traditional method to see if your joystick transmits properly.
You can take a small fm-am radio.Turn it to the am am and place it in front of your joystick.Push a button and possible you will hear a noise like buzzing.
Start from a button that is ok in order to see if you get this noise.(Maybe your joysticks frequency transmittion is out of what the small radio can get)and then push the buttons that you seem to have problem.
In case of the buttons that working dont give you this noise ,give up from this idea.
Anyway i think that if you have ''wirring'' problem in your joystick you dont seem to see this buttons working in your calibrate menu.
Greekman72 wrote:
You said that in calibration mode these buttons seems to be working.You mean you press those buttons and see them respondimg in the main menu?
Sorry, I must have worded it incorrectly - In calliberation, they used to show up - Now, they don't respond whatsoever
I see...did you check it with the radio-way i told you?Of course there is no need to ask you if you have unistall it-unplug it and the plug and install it... 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
I see...did you check it with the radio-way i told you?Of course there is no need to ask you if you have unistall it-unplug it and the plug and install it... 😉
I have, ofcourse, tried uninstallation, to no avail. I also brought a radio, as you suggested and tried it, but I got no response. I think, however, the problem could be from the radio in this case, because the only one I have is very old, and weak.
No no no...the older the better...The only think you have to be careful is to turn the volume in high level and choose the AM mode... 😉
(Of course it must working properly 😉 )
Did your joystick fails down or stressed ?
Nope - It has never fallen, or been damaged in anyway - It's just acting up I guess
Ensure that you have choose the right joystick form the joysticks catalog in the configurator.Maybe for some reason it has changed and its setting up to one with less buttons than yours...Also check your usb's ports drivers.Check the device manager if you have some question marks in the USB controllers.
The followings routins are from logitechs technical support ,check it out too:
1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel.
2. Double click Game Controllers.
3. In Game Controllers, select the Logitech gaming device you wish to test and click Properties.
4. Click Test. In the TEST screen, check that the axes and buttons are operating correctly
This is the synchronised method:
1. First press the button on the receiver; the light on the receiver should blink rapidly.
2. Press the "mode" button on the cordless gaming device.
3. The LED on the receiver will change from blinking to solid to indicate that the receiver is synchronized with the cordless gaming device.
4. Use the same procedure for each additional cordless gaming device
I also suggest updating your drivers from here:,CRID=1786,contentid=6217
Let us know Crosscheck.
Greekman, I did everything you mentioned on that list - I also downlaoded the drivers, and I found a caliberation/identification program that came with it - I did everything it asked, and then I loaded up the aircraft, and the views were working - Then I took off, and they failed again. Do you know what could be the reason for this?
Did you restart your system?
Greekman72 wrote:
Did you restart your system?
Yes - It meant I had to end a 22 hr flight, but I did restart the system 😉
22hrs flight ❗ OMG...
Tell me something.... how could you do all these settings while flying?
I unchecked the pause on task switch selection and did everything, but when I found out I needed to restart, I had forgotten all about the flight, and I ended up losing about 17 hours worth of flight.
Try to do them without fs running... 😉
Well, I just tried, and unfortunately, I got the same results - Thank you for your patience with me my friend 😉
There is no matter of patient dear Crosscheck.I learn and search too through this proccess.
Well if i read and undersatnd right you said that for a while it seems that it works and when you fly again it fails.
This is a good start in order to figure out that your joystick is working properly.
Now its time to search your system to find what cause this failure.
Thats why if i was you i will try all this proccess from the begining.What do i mean?
1.Unistall the device from your system and after it plug it out.
2.Clean up the drivers (You can also use this for cleaning )
3.Shut down your system
4.Plug in your joystick
5.Start your system and let windows find your new hardware
(be sure that the joysticks receiver is placed near and with visual contact with the joystick-also be sure that you use new batteries)
6.Install your device with the drivers you already have.
7.Update these drivers from logitech site(you have it already)
8.Synchronize your device.(you have this procces)
9.Choose the correct type of joystick in calibration menu(from control panel game controllers) and calibrate your joystick.
10.Check the calibration also from FS option.
Be sure that you dont have problems in your USB ports(if you have you will see a question mark appears in the usb controllers in the device manager menu)
If you dont boring this proccess try it and let us know. 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
1.Unistall the device from your system and after it plug it out.
2.Clean up the drivers (You can also use this for cleaning )
3.Shut down your system
4.Plug in your joystick
5.Start your system and let windows find your new hardware
(be sure that the joysticks receiver is placed near and with visual contact with the joystick-also be sure that you use new batteries)
6.Install your device with the drivers you already have.
7.Update these drivers from logitech site(you have it already)
8.Synchronize your device.(you have this procces)
9.Choose the correct type of joystick in calibration menu(from control panel game controllers) and calibrate your joystick.
10.Check the calibration also from FS option.Be sure that you dont have problems in your USB ports(if you have you will see a question mark appears in the usb controllers in the device manager menu)
If you dont boring this proccess try it and let us know. 😉
Well Greekman, all was looking well until I reached the end -- In step 8, there was a calliberation process, so I did that and evertyhing looked fine, then when I finished, I went to the control panel to make sure the caliberation was correct, and guess luck. The 3 keys to the left didn't work ...Thank you for your help so far 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
Don't dispair Greekman, you are doing a marvellous job. This has been a herculean effort so far. I don't know how you do it 🤔 and all this while your dear wife is probably playing voodoo with you in the background
My credits also go to Crosscheck : he has managed to follow your instructions and advice while most likely practicing his speed reading skills - incredible 😂 think that it took me about half an hour just to READ the whole thread - including unforeseen interruptions of uncontrollable laughter when you guys started working with the radio
Please don't take me wrong - I admire your resourcefulness Greekman and I got the impression that you knew EXACTLY what you were doing... but you have to see the irony of it all : to fix a joystick with a radio 😳 ...who would have thought of that??
I'll be following the developments here with interest
Rick 😀
Thanks for the follow up Tailhook 😉 . Interesting to hear your thoughts at this point -- Your right, it has been a diverse conversation 😀 . I admire Greekman's willingness to help. Thank you guys 😂
Dear Tailhook... 😀
Fortunately the most ot this posts my office...but i had the lucky too that my lovely wife was working till late at night yesterday so i had plenty of time... 😉 😉 😉
Of course im not take your sharp humorus comments as sarcastics...I had to laugh and open the dictionary a lot of times...
Well as about the old fashion radio method 😂 😂 😂 ...we use to check the remote controls with this way(if they transmit or not) when we dont have a specify device, in the former romantic years of research and damaged in the electronics... 😉 Believe me it works.. 😂
As about Crosschecks problem im still smashing my head about it but i belive that has to do with the joysticks choice(you know..this option that let us choose the 3 buttons 5 yokes 15 pedals etc)
I ll try to search more...
Cheers to both of you guys. 🍻
Greekman72 wrote:
As about Crosschecks problem im still smashing my head about it
Dear Greekman - No need to go on. I would honestly like to thank you for all that you have done already. I'll keep searching, but the last thing I want is you to waste time on it -- on me. It is a difficult problem to resolve, true...but I should use what you have taught me to my advantage. I apologize for taking your time, and again, thank you very much 😉
I dont waste my time Crosscheck as i have alreay told you. ❗
Remain to your disposal my friend. 😉
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