Jebel Ali Airport - 30/1/2002
Dubai International Airport City project at Jebel Ali announced; work to begin in February
HH Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has ordered the construction of the Dubai International Airport City project at Jebel Ali, to begin in February.
HH General Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Minister of Defence, UAE, was briefed about the project by HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of the Department of Civil Aviation and Chairman of Emirates Group.
The Airport City project will cover 140 square kilometres and will include, not just an airport, but also several smaller cities which will cater to the financial, industrial, service and tourism industry needs connected to the aviation industry. The core of the city will be one of the world’s largest airports.
The airport at Jebel Ali will be built 40 kms from the existing Dubai International Airport adjacent to Jebel Ali Port and Jebel Ali Free Zone. It will be surrounded by a strategic road network linking the airport to the different emirates and some of the GCC countries.
The project will be completed in phases. The first phase, costing US $ 547 million (Dhs 2 billion) will include the Logistics City and one runway. Initially, the focus will be on cargo requirements. The airport will consist of a number of terminals, six parallel runways, a large area for cargo and two main entrances. When completed, the airport will have the capacity to handle 120 million passengers and 12 million tonnes of cargo annually. All facilities will be equipped to handle new generation aircraft including the A380.
The new airport will be encompassed by a carefully designed and integrated ‘city’ that will form the modern hub for aviation and business industries, and simultaneously cater to the general public and tourist. This diverse, urban environment will be organised into ‘cities’ featuring aviation, logistics, commercial, residential, educational, recreational, technology and entertainment facilities. The Dubai International Airport City at Jebel Ali will include the following, besides, the new airport.
Dubai Logistics City: - This will be the world’s largest multi-modal logistics hub for air, sea and road service, located adjacent to Jebel Ali Port and Free Zone.
Commercial City: This will the financial and business heart of the airport city forming a breathtaking new Dubai skyline. It will include a high rise area of over 850 towers (50-300 metres in height). It is expected to become the future financial and business centre for leading companies.
Aviation City: This is foreseen as becoming the regional headquarters for leading companies working in the aviation industry, including suppliers, maintenance specialists, manufacturers etc.
Science and Technology Park: This will serve the industrial and technological sector.
Residential City: There will be a variety of accommodations from luxury estates and spacious apartments to affordable developments and airport staff housing. It will include commercial and community services for residents.
Golf Resort: Will be the region’s largest golf course surrounded by high-rise residential towers as well as villas in form of clusters.
The Dubai International Aiport city is a master plan designed to cater not just to the growing travel and tourism demands but also for the industries that progressively being established around the Jebel Ali industrial belt. The Government of Dubai is committed to making Dubai a premier destination in terms of business and leisure. The Department of Civil Aviation’s new project is another step in making that objective a firm reality.
Airport design (Picture):
No wonder...this guys want to rule the world or something like that! 😳
This airport is probably going to be Emirates's new hub.
They have already the DXB airport and they are building a new terminal there. And now another airport? 😕 Isn't that enough for them? Apparently not...With all the aircrafts they have in their fleet they will not have space to put all their aircrafts. So they will use this new airport too.
Look at that design...Terminals all over the place, runways too close to each other plus taxiways beside them. What happens if there is a 90° crosswind of 30knts? You will not have a runway to land in that direction so some bad things may happens.
What do you think about this?
😳 Looks like an ATC Ground controlers nightmare
It looks like a great project. Alot of thought was put in there - as far as that crosswind question, I can tell you that you will rarely, if ever, get a 30 knot crosswind at Dubai. What bothers me is that if your at one part of the airport, and due to depart from the other side, it'll take forever to arrive at the airport, especially with heavy traffic.
Are there any sandstorms in Dubai? Too much sand there...
TTT, I agree with you. That would be a pain in the arse to control all the airplanes.
This airport is probably going to be Emirates's new hub.
They have already the DXM airport and they are building a new terminal there. And now another airport? Confused Isn't that enough for them? Apparently not...With all the aircrafts they have in their fleet they will not have space to put all their aircrafts. So they will use this new airport too.
Well now you know where Emirates are going to store all their new aircraft Agus. 😉
If in the future they buy like 50 A350, 40 787, and 35 787-8, they will need to build another airport to put more aircrafts!!
tomthetank wrote:
😳 Looks like an ATC Ground controlers nightmare
😂 I agree it massive ❗
Imagine how huge that airport would have to be! 😂
It seems like an awful amount of work just be be able to say, "Ours is bigger than yours".
It seems like an awful amount of work just be be able to say, "Ours is bigger than yours".
CG, you might get this requires a bit of thought, which is why I found it perfect for you...
Anybody check their e-mail's Junk Folder lately 😉 😂
If no one gets that one, I'll post a hint.
Why do I get the feeling that if the airport in question was to be build in say... London, Paris or Chicago - nobody would raise their voice in discontent?
It doesn't seem like anyone's really complained too much. Just the fact that it is THAT massive is rather shocking. I suppose if it was to be built in chicago, I for one would still wonder why they bother.
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
It seems like an awful amount of work just be be able to say, "Ours is bigger than yours".
CG, you might get this requires a bit of thought, which is why I found it perfect for you...
Anybody check their e-mail's Junk Folder lately 😉 😂
If no one gets that one, I'll post a hint.
I think I'm on the right vector. But after flying 5 flights today and being full to the brim with turkey. I'd better think about this in the morning.
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
It doesn't seem like anyone's really complained too much. Just the fact that it is THAT massive is rather shocking. I suppose if it was to be built in chicago, I for one would still wonder why they bother.
FEM with you being bilingual I would have thought you know the difference between complaint and discontent.
You wouldn't find the size of the airport "shocking" if you were aware of the size of the fleet and the additional aircraft on order.
If you care to read this ➡ you will understand better what is being discussed here and might understand what prompted me to raise the notion of discontent.
You know, you pointed out a good point. I honestly could not think of a way to word that sentence properly, so I used "complained".
Sorry about that, bad choice of grammer and too little thought as to how I was wording the sentence. I did read that post about their purchases, I guess I just figured that if they were going to buy that many aircraft, they would deploy them to several different airports instead of trying to accomodate them all.
Oh well, I suppose there's probably going to be a time when their entire fleet will all be sitting at that airport.
I hope they have that airport in MFS10 😁
Dubai Int Airport has two parallel runways and as far as I know that hasn't stop any aircraft from landing, so I don't see why six parallel runways would be any different.
Sand storms aren't that bad nor that usuall, how ever fog is very bad, then again thankfully it doesn't happen often.
By the way, Emirates is looking for pilots and cabin crew to join the company right now, if any one is interested then check out: and send the aplication on line.
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world. we win
beerbadger wrote:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world.
we win
You may want to rethink that.
World's busiest airport
Nate66 wrote:
I hope they have that airport in MFS10 😁
That would be a frame rate killer! 😳
beerbadger wrote:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world.
we win
Who is "WE" ???
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world. we win
Had to do it
Sorry it's third, we win. 😂
Tailhook wrote:
beerbadger wrote:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world.
we win
Who is "WE" ???
Agus0404 wrote:
Tailhook wrote:
beerbadger wrote:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world.
we win
Who is "WE" ???
I thought you were Portugese or Argentinian or both ❓
Why confuse an already overstressed brain?
Ok, this is getting confused. 😕
Beerbadger said the following:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world. we win
You quoted his post and said "Who is WE ???"
My answer to your questions was "British". That means that Beerbadger is British and he was saying that they have the world's busiest airport, Heathrow, which is not actually the world's busiest airport according to Radarman's links.
About me, I'm Argentinian. My mom and dad are both Argentinian. I'm just living in Portugal, but I'm not Portuguese.
Agus0404 wrote:
Ok, this is getting confused. 😕
Beerbadger said the following:
it may well be the biggest but not the busiest, heathrow or EGLL is the buisiest in the world. we winYou quoted his post and said "Who is WE ???"
My answer to your questions was "British". That means that Beerbadger is British and he was saying that they have the world's busiest airport, Heathrow, which is not actually the world's busiest airport according to Radarman's links.
About me, I'm Argentinian. My mom and dad are both Argentinian. I'm just living in Portugal, but I'm not Portuguese.
Thanks for your effort to clear things up Agus and I apologise for not being sure what your nationality actually was.
As for the rest of this little debate - I assure you that I am very well aware of who said what and that I studied the links provided by Radarman. One of my many weaknesses - I couldn't help it but my sarcastic streak completely overwhelmed and prompted me to ask the rethorical question "Who is "WE" ???".
In spite of the high standards this board rightly prides itself to follow, in my personal opinion 'US and THEM' connotations smack of separatism and are therefore too closely related to political issues for my comfort.
So... whip me, tar and feather me, drive me out of town or crucify me if you must... but this is my opinion and I find nothing wrong with a little criticism and sarcasm devoid of malice.
Rick 😀
Almost forgot I did want to draw to the attention of Beerbadger and others who might have forgotten by now to the fact that this is an INTERNATIONAL community and therefore everybody regardless of nationality should be treated with respect and this 'us and them' bussiness just doesn't cut the mustard.
No need to apologise, Rick. I don't get mad because of that. 😉
I don't have to whip you since everyone had their own opinion and I trully respect that.
So... whip me, tar and feather me, drive me out of town or crucify me if you must
I would love to be the one that has to do this hard job with you...
😉 😉 😉
(Just a foolish joke in order to depress a litle the discussion... 😉 )
BTW i dont like ''We'' or ''I''states in general but im sure that Beerbadgers ''We'' was on kidding and friendly mode 😉
I always thought O'Hare (KORD) was the busiest airport in the world and over NY had the most congested airspace becouse of all the large airports in that area.
stop posting links, its annoying lol.
anyway heathrow has the quickest arrival and departure rate, every 25 secs i think, biggest is alwasy buisiest.
beerbadger wrote:
stop posting links, its annoying lol.
Well, since you seem to know it all, I'd really appreciate if you answered the following three questions - and please, be patient, since some of your rather abstract concepts are difficult to understand for a more simpleminded fellow like myself 😀
1) Was the above quote in jest? (re: the lol ❓
2) Has this not provided you with any benefit at all ➡ ❓
3) What is the meaning of this
PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:50 am Post subject: Reply with quote
you have to register and i cant find that link!! Evil or Very Mad can you give me some direct links?
Bae-146, Beerbadger
❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
biggest is alwasy buisiest.
Why? How? Proof?
Hola Agustin, soy Argentino y trabajo para Emirates como comisrio de abordo, veo que tenes mucho interes en Emirates, si te puedop alludar en algo hacemelo saber, saludos !!!!
Hola Leo, gracias por ofrecerme ayuda. ¿En que aviones trabajas como comisario de abordo? ¿Cómo se siente trabajar en Emirates? Se que Emirates es una aerolínea muy grande que va a expandir su flota con más aviones. Eso me llama mucho la atención. ¿A ustedes le dijeron algo sobre este aeropuerto nuevo que van a construir?
Hola Agustin, si te interesa la podemos seguir por mail, contactame a
Cuando dieron a conocer la noticia del aeropuerto fue durante el air show de Dubai y yo estaba en Bs.As. de vacaciones, hace tiempo que vienen construyendo el aeropuerto ese, pero me parece que tomaron la oportunidad para darle el empuje necesario con la prensa mundial, creo que va a comenzar como cargo solamente y despues para jets privados y cosas por el estilo ya que va a estar hubicado muy cerca de lo que seria "el nuevo Dubai" o el Dubai del futuro, con tiempo y cuando este mas avanzado las aerolinea comerciales van a volar ahi, pero no estoy muy seguro.
Yo vuelo A330-200, A340-300, A340-500, B777-200 y B777-300, o sea toda la flota de EK menos el unico A310-300 que les queda, y hace seis anios que estoy en EK.
Si, es mejor que la continuemos por mail, asi nadie se enoja que estamos hablando español.
Ξέρω Greekman που πρόκειται να σταματήσουμε τα ισπανικά
Agus0404 wrote:
Ξέρω Greekman που πρόκειται να σταματήσουμε τα ισπανικά
😳 😳 😳
WoooooW you surprized me my friend.No there is no reason to do it...i was just kidding.. 😉
Κανενα προβλημα φιλε μου Αυγουστινε. 😉
Wow! Look at my name in Greek I'm gonna keep it!!
Thank you 😀
Agus0404 wrote:
Wow! Look at my name in Greek
I'm gonna keep it!!
Thank you 😀
Well Capatain Agus your excact name is Aυγουστινος.When we want to call you turns to Αυγουστινε.
For example:Hey Aυγουστινε where are you????
But when we ask:What is your name?we answer Aυγουστινος.
Aahh, I see that. 😀
I like all those symbols. I don't know what they mean, but they are still nice.
Agus0404 wrote:
Aahh, I see that. 😀
I like all those symbols. I don't know what they mean, but they are still nice.
spelling:AVWOUSTINOS....W is using like What.
It's incredible how that word is spelled differently 🙂
I had a Greek friend at school and he taught me some words 😀
He lived in Chios, if I'm not spelling it wrong.
Agus0404 wrote:
It's incredible how that word is spelled differently 🙂
I had a Greek friend at school and he taught me some words 😀
He lived in Chios, if I'm not spelling it wrong.
You spell it perfectly and what a coincidence...I ve just only land from LGHI(Chios)to LGEL(Elefsis).
I had a problem with flaps during flight (Co pilot announce that they wont be extended)and i had to land my Mooney(i cant buy something else)without extend flaps.
I know that it heards childish as a problem for all of you which you are experts but for a rookie like me it was a good experience.
Notice that this is my 6th flight with my chicken transporter poor cheap company. 😉
Flight Date: 09 December 2005
Departure: 18h19 (17h19 GMT)
Arrival: 19h10 (18h11 GMT)
From: LGHI - Chios - Greece
To: LGEL - Elefsis - Greece
Nbr of Passengers: 2Incident Report:
The flaps remained locked in the up position. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 227 km Landing Speed: 125.94 Km/h
Time Airborne: 00h50:54 Landing Touchdown: -310.77 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 00h51:44 Landing Pitch: 7.11°
Time On Ground: 00h03:12 Landing Weight: 1296 kg
Average Speed: 268.41 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 33 kg
Max. Altitude: 2475m Fuel Not Used: 172 kg
Climb Time: 00h11:28 Climb Fuel Used: 11 kg
Cruise Time: 00h32:34 Cruise Fuel Used: 20 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 300.56 Km/h (M0.25) Cruise fuel/hour: 38 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h06:52 Descent Fuel Used: 1 kgPassenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +101€ (227 km)
Cargo Income: +0€ (0 kg)
Services Income: +0€ (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -0€ (20% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +20€ (400 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -40€ (33 kg 100LL)
Airport Taxes: -2€ (Small Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -4€ (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: 74€
Total Income: 3'726€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 3'726€ (total income+fleet bonus)Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect,the tickets price low,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 78% (+2.15 increase)Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 580 points
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+400)
Sorry, I meant that words are written in a way, and are spelled in another way.
Congratulations with the landing! I'm sure you will end up with 747's 😀
Great job! 👍
Agus0404 wrote:
Sorry, I meant that words are written in a way, and are spelled in another way.
Congratulations with the landing! I'm sure you will end up with 747's 😀
Great job! 👍
Dont have to sorry about nothing...
747???I have long way till there.... ❗
Well, but it's not too far. Your airline will increase, and I am sure of that.
Agus0404 wrote:
Well, but it's not too far. Your airline will increase, and I am sure of that.
Thanks for your encourage words Captain Agus. 😉
You're welcome, my friend 😉
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