I would like to ask for your suggestions in order to download a C-130(freeware if this is possible ).
I have already test a couple of them from avsim but the panels are horrible and the sounds was like i hear a scooter of 125cc... 😀
I will appriciate any of your suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
I just PM'd you, but try Mike Stone's C-130 at http://www.pmstone.com/index.html
It will need a better panel and repaint, and possibly a sound package from avsim(or alias to another plane's sound), but Mike Stone's aircraft usually fly well.
try alphasims c130 the sounds are not bad it is payware though
peco wrote:
try alphasims c130 the sounds are not bad it is payware though
Sites that require you to register before looking at their products aren't among my favorites, but the best payware C-130 is at http://captainsim.com
Well thanks alot guys. 👍
I download and install the one that Crash suggests me and i find it great.It remains to find a better panel at it will be ready. 😉
Thanks a lot both of you.
of course everyone has their favourites i think captain sim looks awesome but a bit on the expensive side if u purchase all the updates and expansions dont u agree.
RadarMan wrote:
Can you use these sounds.
Thanks a lot RadarMan .The sounds are great ❗ ❗ ❗
I found this in my surfing and remebered that you wanted one good one.
22.8mb, it has to be good with a download that big.
RadarMan wrote:
I found this in my surfing and remebered that you wanted one good one.
22.8mb, it has to be good with a download that big.http://www.simshed.co.uk/c130.html
Many thanks for keeping me on your mind dear RadarMan.I appriciate it. ❗
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