Great scenery

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Hello all I thought I would share with you this excellent little add on for Bremen in Germany
I found it at ➡ flightsim

Its called eddw2k43 and i've copied this from the readme file ➡

High detailed and realistic Scenery of the airport in Bremen (Germany).
Totally new form of dynamic Scenery with wind sensitiv aircafts,
passenger gates, catering and fueltrucks and follow-me cars.
The dynamic objects are full animated and also service the user aircaft.

You will need some beef in your pc and if you have I think you might just like it

Let me know what you think 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

👍 This scenery just gets better and better .You get to call all the service vehicles to your aircraft via the radio..........bus,catering,fuel and the bus again(outward passengers)How cool is that? very cool

If you go for this make sure you read the docs and there is a link in there for a forum with 2 patches

This man Oliver Pabst is a scenery designer god Bow Down

Here is a link to his site for screen shots and d/load ➡

(dead link removed)

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Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

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