Ground Handoff Freezes MSFS, any suggestions?

Sphagnum1 Guest

I doubt there is an answer to this question, but I figured I'd throw it out there...

With increasing regularity, when I am handed off to ground at my destination airport, MSFS crashes. It's always the most frustrating because I've completed the flight and all I have to do is park to get my money and hours (pax). It's happening so much lately that I tried just closing the ATC box when they said to go ground but that even once caused it to crash.

I know, I know... MSFS ATC really sucks. I don't have the money to buy anything better right now though and I don't want to ignore it or else they clear planes to takeoff and land on the runway I'm landing on. I suppose I could just turn off AI traffic and ATC, but that would really be lonely in the skies Crying or Very sad

I doubt there is a "fix" to this problem, but anyone else have similar problem and what do you do? Thanks guys

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Are you using "real weather" and what are your system specs.
Does it happen at the same airport every time.


Sphagnum1 Guest

RadarMan wrote:

Are you using "real weather" and what are your system specs.
Does it happen at the same airport every time.


Yes, I'm using Real Weather.. I do every time. And no, it doesn't happen only at one airport. It happens at any airport.

System specs are Pentium M 1.7 Ghz, 512 MB, 80GB HDD, 1440x900 screen, and I believe I have 64MB video memory though I have no idea what the make of it is.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Your really forcing that machine to work hard.
With the combination of the weather, the weak card, only 512mb ram, and the graphic intensive airports may be proving to much to handle.
You have to cut down somewhere to ease the strain.


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