Graphics still not right?

Pro Member First Officer
RichT First Officer

Hi everyone

I finally got around to buying a powerful PC with a powerful processor and double graphics cards and memory etc. After loading FS2004 and all the terrain and environment enhancements, although much more realistic than before, it still doesn't seem 100%.

I set all the display sliders to max and then messed around with them, because the display didn't look right. The scenery looks blurred just in fron and behind the aircraft, is only truly clear when the aircraft is directly over it, but still seems to appear in square patches as you fly along. It's not the smooth detailed scenery going off into the distance that I was hoping for.

Someone mentioned about changing the FS9.cfg file because they had similar problems, but although I had all hidden files shown, I could not find such a file?

Could the problem be one of the following:
I am not setting the display sliders correct?
Something whilst downloading has removed the FS9.cfg file?
I do not have the monitor plugged in correctly (it is plugged into one of the graphic card ports - does it need to be plugged into the main monitor port to be able to read from both cards)?

After seeing pictures from other simmers, they look so realistic, and I was hoping to achieve the same, hence I am disappointed and frustrated.

Looking forward to helpful suggestions.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Hi there,

First goto into your graphics card display settings by right clicking on the desktop. Have your settings like this ➡

Load up FS and set your settings up like this

Hardware Settings. Make sure the Anti Aliasing is not ticked and let your graphics card do the work

Scenery Settings

Weather Settings

Download this alternative FS9.CFG File on Avsim ➡

imporved CFG File

Load up the sim and take a quick flight. Now defrag your hard drive.


What I'm about to say you don't have to do. But if you do I can not be held responseable if anything goes wrong

Once this has been finished the final modification to your system registry is required. If your familiar with REGEDIT, add the following key. If you think what the hell is he talking about send me a PM and I'll email you the .reg file that you just click on. This mod stops Windows updating your files last access date on files every time they are read. FS9 uses many files and this setting really helps optimise disk I/O traffic.

Press start then RUN
Browse to: hkey_local_machine\system\current controlset\control\filesystem
add DWORD NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate
Change value to 0X1

Now reboot your system

Your system should be running like a dream.


On a side note when you install FS do it this way

Install FS Launch the game, take a quick flight
Install the update, take a quick flight
install you terrian, take a quick flight
install your mesh, take a quick flight
install your payware or freeware (ONE AT A TIME),take a quick flight
Install your other payware or freeware (like FSNav, FSBuild), take a quick flight

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

and double graphics cards

Also FS9 isn't configured to use SLi Graphics Cards and Dual Core Processors.

It's getting the right contrast and making each peice of hardware talking together at the same time.

IF you follow my directions above, you should be OK.



Pro Member First Officer
RichT First Officer


Last night I completely removed FS2004 from my system, as something was not quite right with it.

I shall re-install and do as you say later today. I will keep my fingers crossed, and you may get an email from em of I am not sure about anything.

Many thanks


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Good luck and can you give us a rundown of the specs of your computer.
The CPU, amount of ram and what video cards your using.


Pro Member First Officer
RichT First Officer

The spec of the PC is as follows:

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
Processor Speed: 2.4GHz
Memory Installed: 2 GB
Maximum Memory: 4GB
Motherboard: ECS KN1 SLI Extreme
Motherboard Chipset: nVidia nForce4 SLI
Memory bus speed: 200Mhz
Technology: PCI Express (SLI)
Graphics Card: 2 x Inno3D 7900GT 256MB SLI
Graphics Chipset: nVidia GeForce 7900GT SLI
Graphics Memory: 256MB x 2

I did the suggested adjustments and it has greatly improved things. HOWEVER, I still could not find the FS9.cfg file??? I downloaded the improved one from the website, made the adjustments as it suggested, and inserted it into the FS9 main folder. When I ran FS2004, it has caused flickering on the menu page. I then removed it thinking this would fix it, but it still flickers.

What am I doing wrong?


Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

To find where to put the .CFG file, here you go

Click on My Computer
C: Drive
Documents & Settings
Make sure you don't have any hidden folders by clicking on TOOLS/FOLDER OPTIONS/VIEW/tick nect to where it say's SHOW HIDDEN FOLDERS & FILES.
Apply & then OK
Then paste the adjusted .CFG here and click on yes to overwrite.

On a side note. Your not using the NVidia firewall are you? I did and had no end of problems. All the downloads where corrupted.

Pro Member First Officer
RichT First Officer

No, I am not using nVidia firewall that I know of. Is this automatically set up to run with a new PC?

Most of the downloads seem to work OK. Just the occasional one which makes airport buildings and terminals dissapear. I think it may be a clash of downloads - I have one which adds jetways to lots of airports, then I have Heathrow Pro 2000 and a Charles de Gaulle upgrade.

However, I have just finished a run from CDG to Heathrow, and everything seems to look and feel just as it should. The only flickering I get is on the menu when creating or selecting a flight, but whilst flying there are no problems whatsoever. The scenery looks great, thank you for your help.

I will try and locate the cfg file tomorrow and replace with the updated one.


Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

hey liono that tip for using the graphics card for anti-aliasing is awesome! i can have full resolution AND 3D clouds whereas before it was one or the other. cheers man!

Pro Member Trainee
chlorinekid Trainee

yeah that's a great setup, i've done the same with my machine and it;s running really well 🙂


Rich T Guest

Having followed the uinstructions as previously advised, my graphics are greatly improved. however, there are still some glitches which I am eager to resolve.

In Spot mode, when flying over scenery, I get a square meshing on the bottom half of the screen which appears over the scenery, dissapears as it goes past and then reappears again. Also the scenery is blurred and then updates itself with the detail again on the bottom half of the screen. It's as if you can see the system updating itself, but surely by fiddling around with the settings this can be resolved to give smooth detailed scenery all the time whilst flying over it.

I do not however know which settings to touch as I don't want ruin what has already been achieved. Any suggestions anyone?


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