I have downloaded 5 different aircraft

Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

🙄 Crying or Very sad ❓ ❓ ❓

I have downloaded 5 different aircraft to try to add to FS9. I have followed the instructions and one result actually yeilded a result although poor the RJR-145 did work but was very quarky at best, so deleted that one I consider this file and any of the other ones that do not work as "JUNK FILES". All of the downlods were from this site Lockheed SR-71A (4 times dl), Boeing C-17 Globemaster, Air Force One (3 times).

I know that I am just a trainee, but I am not a trainee at computers, but I am always willing to learn more so if anybody has anything that might work go ahead and pipe in please. I am very frustrated and maybe I got a bad FS9??? I don't know but anyway somebody try to help me.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I think you are doing just one small part wrong, Read the step by step below and always read the read-me that comes with the aircraft.

First you should try some "easy" ones, go to http://www.pmstone.com and try his. Very nice very basic.

There are two windows in the menu to look for your aircraft, put "any" in the top one and then search for your aircraft in the second (lower) one. If it's a Boeing, you may have 10 different aircraft listed under Boeing, you cant spot them individually unless you use the lower window.

You need WinZip to unzip the folders.
You can get the trial one at http://www.WinZip.com, it's the best you can use and the trial will last for years.

I think I know what you are asking but I try answering two ways.
One, If you cannot find your downloads to "unzip" them, send them to "My Computer", "My Briefcase" or even to "Desktop".
You can enter them from any of those areas.
I download to a folder that I have in "My Briefcase" it's just handy for me that way.
I do it a more complicated way, but it works.
Make certain you have a full aircraft not just textures.

Unzip the file and now it's in it's own little window, you work from there. Dump the jpgs.


dblc on "My Computer"
dblc on The "C" drive icon.
dblc on "Program files"
dblc on "Microsoft Games".
dblc on "Flight Simulator.

Now you have all the folders laid out in front of you.
Follow the directions in the read-me that came with the aircraft.
Put the gauges in the gauge folder.
Put the effects in the effects folder.
Put the aircraft in the aircraft folder; make certain it has the correct name of the plane.


Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

😎 😎 ❓ ❓ ❗ ❗


Thank you for your response. When you say to dump something what exactly do you mean by that? Also I have Win Zip full version. I download them to a specific folder FS 2004 Updates. The I make a folder for the Aircraft within the FS 2004 Updates. Then within that I make a new folder calling it the aircraft that I just downloaded then I unzip it to the one for the aircraft. Then I copy that folder to the aircraft folder in FS 2004( FS9).

So I am not sure if anything that Iam doing incorrectly but if you can keep feeding me information I will try it.

Thank you,

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Dump=jpg's=the screen shots that they give you with the download, eye candy not necessary for the aircraft.

Unzip to a separate folder.
You have a folder with the aircraft name on it, if you double click that folder it opens up and exposes several folders and read-me's in it.
Some are marked/aircraft/model/panel/textures/gauges etc.
Follow what the read-me tells you.
If it just tells you to put the entire folder into your "main aircraft folder" that is in the main flight simulator9 folder, do it.
It may tell you to put the gauges or and the effects into their main folders.
Most of http://www.pmstone.com aircraft either have the full folder placed into the main aircraft folder, some also ask you to put the gauges into the main gauge folder.
Practice with his, they are easy, get the "feel" of it and then go to the more complex ones.
Let us know how you do.


Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer


I have read instructions and none of the ones that I have downloaded had instructions like you described???

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Download "scomance" from pmstone
In the read-me he states "put this folder into the main aircraft folder".
Dump the two read-me's and the base textures(they are for re-painting the aircraft).

I see your stll here, wait a few minutes until I take and crop and post some screen shots for you.

Don't go away Nope , hey I said wait...ok. Yes


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Download "scomanche" from http://www.pmstone.com.

1st shot shows the Microsoft games section where the main Flight Sim 9 folder is.
2nd shot shows where the main aircraft section is where you open it with a double click drag and drop "scomanche" in.
3rd shot is "scomanche" in the aircraft folder, now it will show up in your sim menu.


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