I'm Back with my A319 Questions :)

Pro Member First Officer
leachus2002 First Officer

Hey Peeps,

I am finally getting to grips with my A319 that I am flying, but just need to clear up some loose ends.

Firstly, when I pull up (on average), is pulling up to "20" ok or is that a bit steep? Also, what is the correct rotation speed (again on average) for a 319? I was thinking about 140knts, but looking on some vid's on Flightlevel350 - this seams a tad high.

Also, when I am descending and sitting at 3500 (for example) waiting for APP to takeover the approach, what speed should I be maintaining? I normally descend at 245 below 10,000 and then slow to 180knts when I am leveled out, again is this too slow, and should I wait to reduce speed until I am on the localiser?

I am hoping someone has an answer Wink

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Pro Member Captain
Sean (SeanGa) Captain

Giving you a rotation speed is very hard as it depends on very many things like weather, flap settings, weight, etc.. though I assume the average rotation speed is 120-130 knots

As for the descent, when established on the localizer you should lower your speed to about 130-140 knots and maintain that speed until you disengage the autopilot and idle the throttles (again this depends on a lot of things)

I am not an expert on the A319, so anyone feel free to correct me

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Try to maintain a climb attitude of 10 degrees pitch up. 20 degrees is too much for an A319. Some aircraft need to climb with a 20 degrees pitch up because of the terrain, but those aircraft are generally low or medium aircraft types.

Rotation speed depends in many things. 120-130 kts as SeanGa said is ok, but again, it depends. If you are heavy, rotate at a higher speed. If you are light, rotate at a lower speed.

Whe reaching 10,000 feet reduce your speed to 250 kts IAS. This depends if you are flying IFR or VFR and the type of airspace you are in.
Reducing speed also depends in the area you are flying. Charts give that information and ATC too. If you are flying off-line then reduce your speed just before long final. As you are getting closer to the airport reduce your speed to maintain a correct approach. That's the VAPP speed (which is the approach speed) Maintain that speed until you disengage your AP. Finally reduce your speed for landing. Remember to flare when you hear the "Retard" callout or about 30 feet AGL. When you flare, do not exceed 8 degrees pitch up or you will have a tailstrike.

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