Video Update Grrrrrr

Pro Member Trainee
Seideric Trainee

Ok I started with Asus V8440/TD/ntsc/128M/A, Nvida Gforce4 ti4400. It is locked at 20FPS (I do not know how to unlock etc.)

DXDT said it was Display Driver version:

Processor😛4 2ghz/400Mhz sys bus.
MoBo Gigabite: GA-8IRXP
512 Ram
OS win98S2 (wife does not want to upgrade to XP, and we are on same land and I do not want to deal with 2 differnt OSs on the same land. She is going to need a new monitor soon maybe I will make her a deal, upgrade to XP and I will buy a new monitor for her.)

Went to
Down loaded: Version: 61.76, Release Date: July 20, 2004

Installed, Got new stuff but looked at version now and it says version 4.13.0001.2742. WTFO a 20July04 is older than my old driver???

At Asus under V8440 ULTRA/TD they have version 56.72 Date 2004/05/28

Gees if I install that will I be back to version 1???

Made a flight but there was a low fog so I do not know if that is what caused the gliching.

Maybe I will go to the EQ site they have a list of all the new updated drivers if you can find it.

Ok another good site besides tomshardware is

I am going to Bed will worry about this later.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Don't go by the dates, match the numbers up to the driver number on Nvidia's site.
Here's where you change the FPS, set it about 27 to 30 any higher and your using up resources that can be used elsewhere.


Pro Member Trainee
Seideric Trainee

Not Happy.

I should not have update.

The driver they gave me is dated 2/5/02 and is an older version as stated. The old driver was dated 03/20/03.

All they did was give me a package of candy (pretty software) and no meat. (the Driver). If you don't eat your meat you can't any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!!!

Thanks Radarman, Grin, I was on that page and missed that.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You may have to use a driver cleaner to get rid of the old one, it's good to do it in "safe mode".
Download the new one to a folder on your desktop, your going to delete it after you use it anyway.

Use the one on their site if they have one or I've heard that this is good.

I use the one ATI supplies for my card.


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Allways go by the version number
All graphic card drivers ATI and Nvidea should be installed clean(as Radar says driver cleaners are about but just unistalling normally should do the trick)

You could try one of the specialist drivers by Omega (They tweak and try to get more out of the official drivers)

They do drivers for both ATi and Nvidia
The main site is down but are available here ➡

I have used them before and found them better than the stock drivers
I run on XP and the new Nv driver 61.77 seems ok for me

Good luck and let use know

You can only but try

Omegadrivers site ➡

Pro Member Trainee
Seideric Trainee

I uninstalled the old vid driver year 03, before trying to install the new, and got year 02 instead. ('Evil or Very Mad')

Tried Flying with the 02 driver but on final approch the game crashed to desk top, of course it was my best approch ever 😎 clean, good altitude, power sweet, airspeed at 70 kts, then POOF 😳 Desk top as I approched the about a mile out. It was a shock to the system I was so into the landing.

Well, I grined and hit the update.exe again then walked away asking my wife if she could put her 03 driver on a disk for me. She shook her head and said to her self that I should not play with software... I normaly build them she does the software.

Well when I came back restarted and guess what the New driver 4.14.0010.6176 Dated 7/12/04 is installed =)

Have not flown FS2004 yet to see if it works. But here is to a good flight.

Oh I asked my wife if Icould get XP PRO for both machines if I bought her a new monitor. She said that she would rather buy the monitor. So in the next month or two I will try to update to XP and see if I can get 98 and XP to use the same Lan.

Thanks for the help and for the links, I saved them.


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