Problems with A/C add ons



I have been looking over this site and just signed up for a membership, but since it will take a bit to get the account activated I figured I would post my question here and hope for some help.

I had FS a while back, and hated it. The graphics stunk, frame rates were poor, and overall aerodynamics of the plane led a lot to be desired. However, being a pilot I have been seeing all the hype on Disc Wings and read the article in AOPA a while back about the program. I just never liked the sims, so I didn't buy it until I saw a documentary about it on tv.

WOW! I am hooked and have contacted a representative about getting into a support group. In the last week, I have logged over 20 hours flying for my

Anyway, on with my question. I have read how to install aircraft and know what subfolders are in each aircraft. however, I want to upgrade to a ERJ or CRJ with my VA. I am having all sorts of problems getting the planes to work. It is all panel/guage problems. The CRJ is missing the Comms guage and the comms shortcut button. The ERJ is really messed up, even after downloading the erj.grab file from Mr. Grabowski. I downloaded version 4.01 of his panel and it still doesnt work. I have a registered copy of FSUIPC as well, like he suggests

I also cannot find the fs9.cfg file to fix the FSSOUND.dll error that everyone mentions. I did a search on my HD and didn't find it.

Here is the link for the planes that I am attempting to download. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Av8r77 (my profile name; when my account is active)

Thanks once again for the help!

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Warning! This flight sim can be addictive. Help!



Funny that you should mention FSSound.dll. last night I installed and aircraft that was an exe. and it put an old version of it in my folder. Warning warning... that annoying message.
I went to the main Flight Simulator 9 folder, then to the module folder, removed the FSSound.dll and put it for safe keeping into a separate folder that I had just created for it.
The sim and the sound is fine without it. Try it, if it doesn't work you still have it to put back.

Rules Here is my special ©patented® install procedure, see how it works for you.

You need WinZip to unzip the folders.
You can get the trial one at WinZip it's the best you can use and the trial will last for years.

I think I know what you are asking but I try answering two ways.
One, If you cannot find your downloads to "unzip" them, send them to "My Computer", "My Briefcase" or even to "Desktop".
You can enter them from any of those areas.
I download to a folder that I have in "My Briefcase" it's just handy for me that way.
I do it a more complicated way, but it works.
Make certain you have a full aircraft not just textures.

Unzip the file and now it's in it's own little window, you work from there. Dump the jpgs.


dblc on "My Computer"
dblc on The "C" drive icon.
dblc on "Program files"
dblc on "Microsoft Games".
dblc on "Flight Simulator.

Now you have all the folders laid out in front of you.
Follow the directions in the read-me that came with the aircraft.
Put the gauges in the gauge folder.
Put the effects in the effects folder.
Put the aircraft in the aircraft folder; make certain it has the correct name of the plane.

Now go crash land like I do.


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