where can i download landing countdown in FS2004

Pro Member Trainee
shirke01 Trainee

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

This gauge gives you everything you are looking for ➡


If you want something that is easier to install, try this ➡


...this file by David "Opa" Marshall gives you only the altitude callouts though.
You should also know that freeware panels are available which have callouts already built in.

Pro Member Trainee
shirke01 Trainee

I Copy and paste the 9 .wav files to my sound directory and also
I Copy and paste the fpda_boeing_callout.gau to my gauges directory.

But im stuck in here its say:
Insert the following line (replace the xx with the next available gauge number) in the appropriate spot.
whay should i replace with xx?
gaugeXX=FPDA_Boeing_Callout, 10, 100

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

shirke01 wrote:

I Copy and paste the 9 .wav files to my sound directory and also
I Copy and paste the fpda_boeing_callout.gau to my gauges directory.

But im stuck in here its say:
Insert the following line (replace the xx with the next available gauge number) in the appropriate spot.
whay should i replace with xx?
gaugeXX=FPDA_Boeing_Callout, 10, 100

I'm assuming you're using 'altitude_callout.zip'.

Look at the 'Panel.cfg info' contained in the same folder as the 'Installation Instructions'. The author gives an example of how to do it with the default b737-400 panel. NOTE: Back up the original panel.cfg before you make any changes!!

Only work with the section [Window00] .

The gauges in the Windoww00 section are numbered from 00 to 40. Note: Other panels can have more or less numbers in this section. Because this panel has 40, ie. "gauge40=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 236, 10" -- the next number (xx) is 41.

This results in this:

gauge40=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 236, 10
gauge41=FPDA_Boeing_Callout, 10, 100

The top part of the panel.cfg should look like this now:

// Panel Configuration file
// Boeing 737-400
// Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[Window Titles]
window00=Main Panel
window01=Radio Stack
window03=Throttle Quadrant
window04=Overhead Panel
Window06=Mini Panel


gauge00=737-400!Airspeed, 0, 64
gauge01=737-400!Flaps, 586, 64
gauge02=737-400!Altimeter, 237, 45
gauge03=737-400!Vertical Speed, 238, 128
gauge04=737-400!Fuel Quantity, 236, 204
gauge05=737-400!Main Set, 335, 85
gauge06=737-400!OMI Lights, 1, 153
gauge07=737-400!Oil, 468, 85
gauge08=737-400!Clock, 17, 147
gauge09=737-400!RMI, 1, 211
gauge10=737-400!HSI, 86, 162
gauge11=737-400!ADI, 85, 39
gauge12=737-400!Gear Lever, 586, 217
gauge13=737-400!Nose Gear Light, 594, 180
gauge14=737-400!Left Gear Light, 579, 198
gauge15=737-400!Right Gear Light, 609, 198
gauge16=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Left, 354, 68
gauge17=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Right, 416, 68
gauge18=737-400!AT Lim, 385, 68
gauge19=737-400!Low Oil Left, 458, 68
gauge20=737-400!Low Oil Right, 519, 68
gauge21=737-400!Start Valve Left, 489, 68
gauge22=737-400!Start Valve Right, 549, 68
gauge23=737-400!Flaps Ext, 609, 115
gauge24=737-400!Flaps Transit, 579, 115
gauge25=737-400!Autopilot, 336, 11
gauge26=737-400!Pitch Trim, 305, 144
gauge27=737-400!Aileron Trim Indicator, 242, 261
gauge28=737-400!Aileron Trim Switch, 248, 276
gauge29=737-400!Rudder Trim Indicator, 285, 261
gauge30=737-400!Rudder Trim Knob, 290, 276
gauge31=737-400!Nav GPS Switch, 306, 17
gauge32=737-400!Avionics Master Switch, 239, 300
gauge33=737-400!Autobrake, 581, 134
gauge34=SimIcons!Kneeboard Icon, 181, 10
gauge35=SimIcons!ATC Icon, 194, 10
gauge36=SimIcons!Compass Icon, 264, 10
gauge37=SimIcons!ECU Icon, 250, 10
gauge38=SimIcons!Map Icon, 208, 10
gauge39=SimIcons!Avionics Icon, 222, 10
gauge40=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 236, 10
gauge41=FPDA_Boeing_Callout, 10, 100

That's it. Let us know how you're getting on!

Pro Member Trainee
shirke01 Trainee

Thanks again Tailhook
installed and working flawlessly 😀

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