Is it just me or are the "view" controls for FS9 a little hit and miss?
For the moment at least I'm limited to using an old Sidewinder joystick with no POV, so I have to reply on keyboard inputs for my views.
Well "S" and "Shift-S" seem to work ok and once I'm outside I can use the number pad to look around the plane. But by now I would have expected FS to have a 360 sweepy around view rather than these set clock face positions, am I missing something?
More importantly I don't seem to be able to move my viewpoint at all in virtual cockpit. The mnaul as well as the kneepad, says it's "Shift-number pad keys" to do this, but mine don't seem to do it. Perhaps I have the wrong end of the stick?
I've just upgraded to FS9 from FS2002 and I'm having similar problems with my exterior views which I never had in FS2002. I've assigned the left pan which works ok but panning right, up and down doesn't work. Its registered the key assignments but the view just snaps in to place. Re-installing hasn't solved this and its annoying not being able to assign them correctly. Any ideas how I can colve it?
no, as far as I know fs9 only has the clock veiws. I also dont think it is possible to move around the virtual cockpit, other than zoom (defualt keys - and +.)
I may be wrong, but I am 90% sure of it.
No I think I explained that badly Mossy.
I'm not trying to "move" around in the virtual cockpit, I only want to move my head and look around. The view points forward at present and the "shift-numpad keys" don't allow me to look anywhere else. It wouldn't be very "virtual" if I couldn't look around.
Virtually virtual if you will.
lol....Hi Badgy mate, press Shift+S to switch to external view, then press any of the following:
There - its not perfect, but should be a lot better already
How are you enjoying the sim so far by the way?
I think the only way you are going to achieve this is to get a joystick with a HAT switch that allows you to sweep around 360 degrees inside the cockpit or externally!
ARD-DC wrote:
Nice one ARD-DC, never knew you could do this. 😳
I just messed around a bit and using the hat switch if available achieves the same result. In my case any way.
To my knowledge it's not possible to 'pan around' in 2D cockpit mode. To get different views outside of the 2D cockpit, all I have to do is to use the 1 - 9 keys on my numpad.
Anyone want to pan around or zoom in or out while in the virtual cockpit, get:
F1View Utility (742 KB) - This small module installs into FS2004 and supplies simple mouse-based movements, panning, and more, using the center mouse wheel/button. You can also move past the default view limits of FS2004 (good for strolling through virtual cabins). After you download, please make sure you read the full instructions included.
➡ http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library
In external view, this neat little utility lets you pan around to more angles than a hat switch and simultaneously zoom in or out.
Tailhook wrote:
Anyone want to pan around or zoom in or out while in the virtual cockpit, get: F1View Utility (742 KB)
What an excellent file!! Thankyou Tailhook this does almost exactly what I wanted! There's nothing quite like having the POV switch on the joystick of course, but while I must use this old one I certainly won't miss the POV so much now thank's to this! 🙂
For some reason the "hold the center mb down and move left and right to look around" does not work, so I still can't look around. Although interestingly I CAN zoom in and out. But really the ability to move smoothly about the aircraft in the external view makes all the difference 🙂
ARD-DC wrote:
How are you enjoying the sim so far by the way?
Hi ARD, very much enjoying it thank's. I have now passed the initial solo flight test (having failed it twice.) and have moved smoothly onto the Private Pilots lessons, while simultaneously resisting the urge to find out how well Rod the flight instructor could walk with his clipboard shoved where the sun don't shine!
I am being distracted somewhat by that insidious but devilishly attractive Xbox 360 nestling there under my TV and the fact that Santa finally found his way to Badger Towers (we are out in the sticks a little) with my belated Christmas prezzies of "BattleStations: Midway" and "Crackdown" for that console.
But my determination has not waned permanently and after my console thirst is satisfied by Mr Gates little beige box, I still find myself in the cockpit of my Cessna practising those "Steep Turns" and hoping against hope that if they're "steep" enough, the passenger door might fly open and Rod might fall out!
All the best
I'll check out that module because I'm having several view problems as well. The external views wont register even though they have been assigned. Panning to the left works but none of the other pans work they just jump to the view and I really want to sort it out because without the panning ability I can't get decent external close ups of the aircraft. Assigning key commands in FS2002 was a breeze.
I have the same problem in the cockpit as AirBadger where I can't zoom around the virtual cabin (unlike FS2002) so I can't zoom in to the instruments. Would the latest FSUIPC help. I don't really understand the benefits of this module. I'm also having trouble assigning control surface and other commands. I'm glad I've still got FS2002 on my hard drive. 😕
Tailhook wrote:
Nice one ARD-DC, never knew you could do this. 😳
I am surprised.. 😂
I just messed around a bit and using the hat switch if available achieves the same result. In my case any way.
Yeah, pretty sure there is nothing more to it, two means to the same end
To my knowledge it's not possible to 'pan around' in 2D cockpit mode. To get different views outside of the 2D cockpit, all I have to do is to use the 1 - 9 keys on my numpad.
And you did know, (just checking ) that if you press NUM9, then Shift, then release NUM9, then release shift, that this will make the view stick, right?
ARD-DC wrote:
And you did know, (just checking
) that if you press NUM9, then Shift, then release NUM9, then release shift, that this will make the view stick, right?
I did indeed I think they were the same combinations in FS2k2.
But did you know that if you want to retain that view (you're mentioning 9 - I prefer 7) for sightseeing but quickly want to scan your panel occasionally, you toggle those two views with NUM 0? ... and to go back to the panel view for good it's just NUM 8?
Yeahh, I bet you did, just checking 😀
AirBadger wrote:
For some reason the "hold the center mb down and move left and right to look around" does not work, so I still can't look around. Although interestingly I CAN zoom in and out.
That's odd, don't give up AirBadger. Load your default Cessna and unless you've changed any settings, you should be in panel view. Hit <S> once and you're in the VC. As you know, you're zooming in and out by simply rolling the scroll wheel back and forth.
In order to pan around in this, the VC view, you have to press down the scroll wheel, keep it down while you're moving around the mouse simultaneously. Is it working?
Jamie wrote:
have the same problem in the cockpit as AirBadger where I can't zoom around the virtual cabin (unlike FS2002) so I can't zoom in to the instruments. Would the latest FSUIPC help. I don't really understand the benefits of this module. I'm also having trouble assigning control surface and other commands. I'm glad I've still got FS2002 on my hard drive.
I wouldn't change my FSUIPC yet Jamie. Get F1View first and try it out.
Assigning commands is easy: Go to Settings / Assignments and all the available Events are there in alphabetical order.
If for example you scroll down to the Elevator Events, you see that they have already been assigned. You can change those if you want to, or any other Event for that matter. If you mess things up, you can always 'Reset Defaults'.
Scroll to the penultimate Event in the list - 'Wing fold/unfold' this hasn't been assigned by default. Try and assign it even if you don't have an aircraft with wingfold. Just so you get the hang of it and then Delete the Key Assignment again. It's pretty intuitive.
I hope some of this has been helpful
Tailhook wrote:
In order to pan around in this, the VC view, you have to press down the scroll wheel, keep it down while you're moving around the mouse simultaneously. Is it working?
Nope, even though I DO have the zooming functionality, I can't look around by holding the mouse wheel down and shifting the rodent about.
Don't worry though because your file suggestion has made an enormous difference. I'm dead chuffed to have smooth rotatey vision in my external view and frankly I barely concider using the VC in any case. I'm certainly happy to keep it this way until I can afford a better joystick 🙂
Thank's again.
I concur, the F1View is an excellent piece of freeware so thanks for the link. 🍻
I also managed to assign my pan settings to boot. It wouldn't let me assign panning to commands with SHIFT + in it but its let me assign them to just the arrow keys on the numpad so coupled with F1View all my views are now spot on. After backing up FS9 I installed the latest FSUIPC freeware which is something like version 3.47 and other issues I was getting from add-ons have all been eliminated. Its also bumped up my FPS from 29 to 31 to boot.
I still have some assignments issues though. In FS2002 the 4 arrow keys bunched together to the immediate right of the main enter key used to control the aircraft direction. I would use left and right to make small corrections on the take off roll and press down to make the aircraft rotate. In FS9 this is not the case and they bring up the VC which is what the arrow keys on the numpad do. It seems both sets of arrow keys are binded together and can't work independantly. Is it possible to make them work seperately. The same goes for:
INSERT - Does the same function to what is assigned to NUMPAD 0 (and vice versa)
DELETE (underneath insert) - Does the same function to what is assigned to NUMPAD DECIMAL (and vice versa)
This is effectively limiting the amount of control buttons I can utilize on my keyboard and considering the amount of controls there are its a right pain. Can I somehow re-map these keys?
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