
john parry Guest

Why does that annoying overspeed message with the alarm sound when the aircraft is no where near its top speed? Is there any way to disable that feature?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I don't think you can but this should help.

Go to the menu: \aircraft\realism settings and then
unchecking 'aircraft stress causes damage'


Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

There is a reason for this and that is your aircraft is exceeding the maximum speed. On the airspeed indicator there is a red and white striped needle,your airspeed should never go above this needle! As you climb, this needle will drop but your actual airspeed will increase as the air gets thinner,don't forget headwinds and weather will reduce your airspeed. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

john parry wrote:

Is there any way to disable that feature?

You can, but I would do ot for the right reasons. Until you understand the difference between the speeds as pointed out by Welshflyer, it mightn't be such a good idea.

But if you must, get Message Kill by Julie Rhodes.

Pro Member First Officer
Pete (pdegraff) First Officer

Headwinds and weather affect *GROUND SPEED*, never airspeed except for the instantaneous, brief effects of wind gusts.

Respectfully. Pete

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

pdegraff wrote:

Headwinds and weather affect *GROUND SPEED*, never airspeed except for the instantaneous, brief effects of wind gusts.

Respectfully. Pete

Have you ever flown under real world weather conditions? Sometimes i'll struggle to reach 414kts gs then do a turn around and hammer back at 520kts gs.

Pro Member First Officer
Pete (pdegraff) First Officer

Welshflyer said: >"Have you ever flown under real world weather conditions? Sometimes i'll struggle to reach 414kts gs then do a turn around and hammer back at 520kts gs."<

Exactly! Thank you for making my point. I rest my case.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Indicated airspeed is the speed that is read off of the airspeed indicator. True airspeed is indicated airspeed that is corrected for altitude (non standard pressure and temperature as we climb). As a general rule, true airspeed will increase about 2% for every 1000 feet of altitude above sea level. The top speed of an aircraft refers to TAS not Indicated airspeed.

As an aircraft climbs to the higher altitudes, the indicated airspeed decreases while the true airspeed will increase. For example, at 35,000 feet you may have an indicated airspeed of 260 knots, while the true airspeed can be 450 knots.

Jet aircraft have speed limits set by the manufacturer that will activate the over speed warning. These limits are set for safety reasons and should not be exceeded.

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