Fine tuning Logitech Force 3D Pro

Pro Member Trainee
boomshiko Trainee

Hi everyone,

Does somebody on the forum use the Logitech 3D Force Joystick? If so, what kind of sensitivity settings do you use? I've been trying to fine tune the settings, but the stick makes the plane way to shaky. What's the catch?

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Pro Member Trainee
stocz2 Trainee

Does somebody on the forum use the Logitech 3D Force Joystick?

I have one. I usually have to calibrate it everytime i start MS flight 2004 😞 .

If so, what kind of sensitivity settings do you use? I've been trying to fine tune the settings, but the stick makes the plane way to shaky.

I am new to MS flight sim, i am still trying to figure it out myself. I always thought it was the wind doing it to my aircraft Embarassed . Probably wrong though. Because the aircraft usually flies fine, until i get close to landing my aircraft. Thats when i have most of my problems.


Pro Member Trainee
boomshiko Trainee

You can create a profile for FS2004 using the Logitech device manager. Just select the fs9.exe file as a game profile and you'll only have to calibrate and asjust sensitivities once. In the future whenever you start FS2004 the logitech profile will be loaded and your ready to go.

My question is if someone knew the correct adjustments because there are a lot adjustments possible. I'll experiment and post results.

Pro Member Trainee
stocz2 Trainee

Thanks boomshiko i will try doing it.

You can create a profile for FS2004 using the Logitech device manager. Just select the fs9.exe file as a game profile


bigbadazzneega Guest

😂 YES I have the same problem just on landing. Seems nomatter how great that you line up the runway the aircraft at the last stages drifts left of right.
I tjhink it is the sensitivities and null zone stuff. logitech 3d seems there is no real calabration for a exact zero point like when you go to joysticks and propeties for the joystick in add a joystick, it just mearly lets you see all the buttons that are working. NO move throttle to top or twist handle and press any button to calibrate it.
my problem is when i try to bank(use ailerons) the way the joystick is shaped It automaticly may twist the handle so my rudder kicks in and its travel zone is too quick, so the aircraft slips off to the side.
I had figured it out how to use more twist on the joystick and less rudder once but i hadta do it everytime i started flightsim. now that i am using logitech 3d again (Cuzz my microsoft sidewinder 3d pro is kinda worn out)
I forgot how to adjust the logitech.
BOOMSHIKO is right to create a profile once that you figure out the adjustments and that you would always have it!
Me too i am going to make one! idk what all i wrote was tryin ta say i have the same problem with logitech 3d. and now i am a lil relieved it wasn't just me after all THANKS ,cheers 😂

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