Landing the learjet

Pro Member First Officer
coolsan First Officer

I'm having trouble when landing in the lear. I touchdown and even though I deploy spoliers I bounce back into the air, I end up having a missed approach or a collapsed landing gear.....any pointers for a smooth landing?
I have a hard time flying smaller planes, and with the 747 I can make smoke less(tire wise) landings......What's easier for you, un plus petite ou grand?

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Pro Member First Officer
leadfoot First Officer

There are some handling bugs in the program regarding the Lear and especially the King Air. The Lear is lightyears better in FS '04 than FS2000. It was almost uncontrollable in 2000. It still has a serious nose up problem when the spoilers are deployed. At this point I think it's inexcusable for there to still be a problem here. The King Air is little if any better in '04 than it was in 2000. They should not have included it in the sim if they are not going to improve it's handling characteristics. I rarely fly it for that reason. It should at least be as easy to control as the ATR 42, or any other dnld planes.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I'm not a jet flyer but if you bounce on landing isn't that an indication that your coming in at too steep an angle and should level off sooner.


Pro Member First Officer
coolsan First Officer

Thanks leadfoot, that explains it all. It's not the angle Radarman, I've tried coming in at near stall speed in the smoothest glide path possible but nah!

Pro Member First Officer
George (OrlandoGeorge) First Officer

RadarMan wrote:

I'm not a jet flyer but if you bounce on landing isn't that an indication that your coming in at too steep an angle and should level off sooner.


Yes, I was going to say the same thing as RadarMan. 😂 I have flown theLear and I have had real issues keeping the A/C at a proper speed on the approach and landing. That thing just takes a long time to slow the heck down like a lot of the military jet A/C in FS? Maybe try doing something to add as much fuel as possible or add station weight if it can be done? Then I wish you luck in doing what I have trouble with and take it easy on the glide and approach. Guess you have that one mastered which is more than I can say. 😕

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

I find the Learjet the hardest of all FS planes to land... the problem seems due to the fact that the engines take an age to Spool down !

I've alwways put this down to some sort of bug, or maybe the fact that it's a small plane with rather powerful jet engines.... I've pretty much given up flying this because landing just doesn't feel right..... The best landings I've achieved are where I "retard" the throttles right up at 300 AGL ...... it's the only way I can get the plane to settle down and stay on the ground once she's down ! 🙄

PH Guest

Gotta agree the Lear is tough, but I think, and I can only speak for FS2002 as explained previously I am poor!, it is best to fly a/c like the Lear into the runway. No real flare just "check" the pitch at 10-20ft or even lower if you dare- stabilised app like any other is key. At low weights you only need just over 100KIAS get 40* flap and the wheels out early with the throttles back let the speed decay and then add a trickle of power not textbook but hey! who's watching.

Pro Member First Officer
coolsan First Officer

If you hit Ctrl + W and watch your traffic land you'll see that even the computer can't land the lear properly....surely there's a bug somewhere

Elkin Guest

I am a real lear guy. I fly the lear 35. One thing about the fs 9 lear. They programmed it very real!!!!! It handles very realistic!!! One thing you cannot do is over flare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When sitting in the cockpit, you have the sensation of that you are going to plow your nose in the runway!!! Just like the real plane!!!
What you have to do is approach at about 3 degrees nose up and then flare 2 degrees only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elkin Guest

I have not noticed any b'ug' in the lear model. The default lear. Is this what we are all discussing?

Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

Seems you're the first with that opinion Elkin Wink

Looks like everyone will then just have to keep practicing Wink

Guest Ed Guest

I fly the default Lear in FS09, and I had problems landing the first few times-- but only if I armed the autospoiler. Even in level flight, the spoiler will cause the nose to pull up sharply-- if you do that on touch-down, the plane will jump back up into the air, and you'd better be ready to go around or you'll come down hard. 😳

So don't arm the autospoiler. Come in at about 130 KIAS, 40 deg. flaps and be ready to hit the thrust reversers (F2) when you touch down. Works every time.

The Lear Jet 45 has gotten to be my favorite plane-- I like the KingAir for puttering around and sight-seeing, but when you want to haul a$$ from Point A to Point B, there's nothing like a jet. 😀


PH Guest

Agree with the above posts. Have now flown the Lear in 2004 and find that a flat almost 3 point landing is best. No big flare or hold off required. Speed as an absolute max 130KIAS I tried it AUW at 115 worked fine.

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

What does CTRL+W do.... ?

(As per Coolsan's post above)....

Am I missing a viewing trick here, as I've not used this functions... it is FS2002 only, or FS2004 as well ?

Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

name of the function eludes me atm, but you can switch to exterior views of all aircraft nearby with CRTL+W...

or at least, thats'what it does for me 😂

Pro Member First Officer
George (OrlandoGeorge) First Officer


In the regular external fuselage view (not spot view) you can hit CTRL + W (key defined by default in the US version) and watch your nearby AI traffic land. It is cool and when they approach the runway on final look and see if you can find your A/C on the tarmac. Leave lights on at night for easier location. Can select the 'L' key and flash the lights to locate if the AI is at altitude and still see your plane on the airport below. If you grow tired of looking at one plane in particular, just select CTRL + W again and move on to the next AI plane.

Also I like to adjust the view by hitting ALT and then going to view and view options to set the degree difference. It's neat to do on take off and you can get unusual angles for screen captures. Also changing the degree of the view will allow you to look at the airport or your plane if your view is obscured by a building or something else in the scenery.

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

That's really handy - thanks George... I probably haven't experimented anough with views in the Sim - tend to stick rigidly to Cockpit views while taking off and landing - and external Spot Views (rotating around with th Joystick Hat Switch) to look at my gorgeous planes while in the Cruise!

Did you know that if you press CTRL + W while in a cockpit view you get another small sub-window with an external view of your plane - good fun for landing !

Pro Member Trainee
FHeselton Trainee

I know that this is subject is over 6 months old, but I've just started working with the default Lear45. I have found that with or without the autospoiler on I seem to bounce unless I'm about 125 over the threshold, then with I throttle back, I touch down about 120 with little or no bounce. In checking the information contatined in the knee board, I find that the recommended landing speeds are between 102 and 123 depending on the load.

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Elkin wrote:

I am a real lear guy. I fly the lear 35. One thing about the fs 9 lear. They programmed it very real!!!!! It handles very realistic!!!

I must say though, in a recent trip to an FS2004 based full size simulator, the owner said the Learjet was the most realistic plane of all the default aircraft.


Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

PH wrote:

Agree with the above posts. Have now flown the Lear in 2004 and find that a flat almost 3 point landing is best. No big flare or hold off required. Speed as an absolute max 130KIAS I tried it AUW at 115 worked fine.

I find PH's description on how to bring this bad boy in works the best for me. 😎

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