I got a PMDG 747 a while back and installed about 1/3 pf the liveries, i went back to install the otheres earlier and this is what happens...
Insert disk
Choose livery and click "install livery"
Next buttons, then installs
At end of install i get "could not open Aircraft.cfg
Then closes!
And ideas?
Im doing a video showing all liveries so i need them, ive also tried downloading them from the PMDG site, no luck
ANY help deeply appreciated!
try reinstalling the pmdg 747
im scared that i wont be able to reinstall it!
But i'll try!
Wish me luck! 🙂
It says FS isnt installed!!
This is gonna kill me soon!
What do i do now!
You can try to contact pmdg you can restart your computer then retry the instilation if that doesn't work try reinstakking flight sim restartng then reinstalling the pmdg 747 althou you'll have to reset the settings in you sim
no way hosay!
I have that many addons it would take an army of super nerds to count them all, lol!
lol alright try restarting the comp then reinstalling the pmdg 747
ok,ill try
Dont work, ive emailed support
hmmm very strange i'll try to think of what it could be and If I thin of something i'll post it here but yes do e-mail support
Best of luck 🍻
I got a reply...
When MS released FSX, they made an error in their installation that causes the registry entries in FS9 to corrupt. Since, like most all products that are installed using industry standard installation tools- PMDG's products look to the registry for current information on your FS9 installation- this corruption creates a problem.
The solution to this problem is pinned prominently at the top of our customer support forum. I'll copy it below for your simplicity:
As more of you are finding copies of FSX at your local software store- we're getting a few reports that in some instances FSX may delete some registry information related to FS9.
We've been working with FSX for some time and find this not to be a normal condition- but it seems that a few of you are running into this- so I thought we'd post a notam here to help you out.
The problem is essentially thus: All PMDG installer check for FS9.1 before installation. If the FS9.1 installation path is not present- then the installer will tell you it cannot run. The only way to fix this is to correct your registry.
Another user this morning pointed out that our friends over at Flight1 have a useful freeware tool that will fix this for you- so rather than re-invent the wheel or tell you how to do it manually- I'd recommend using their tool instead:
Run this tool- then you SHOULD be okay with your FS9.1 installs.... And pass your thanks for this tool along to Flight1.
Paul Gollnick
Precision Manuals Development Group
Manager Customer and Technical Support
Lets pray it works!
Have to go school 😞
I'll try it L8R and report back 😎
Lol I just got back from school anyways please do report back if it works or not thanks 😀
BUT 😀 🙂 😞
My grafics need fixing to!
lol but at least the thing works cheers 😞 🙂 😀
good deal there Mikel... glad you got it running.
please call me mike or michael, i dont know why i used that stupid name, Mikel?!?! Lmfao
I dont like it
well then give us a name TO call you.... other than dude.
mikel_p wrote:
please call me mike or michael
Ahh good deal. Nice to meet you mike.
so what shud i call u? 😎
Belgeode 😉
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