Where is my FS9.CFG?

Pro Member Trainee
Jive1 Trainee

I've been setting up again my FS9, and I did it three times, and I could not find my FS9.CFG, nor even the FS9 folder, which should be in the Documents and Settings folder somewhere.
I only find the Flight Simulator Files including flight files, but nothing else...
What could be the reason why this is happening now? I used to have those files with previous setups, and this time, when I also re-installed Win XP pro before this last three setups, I don't find the FS9 folder in my Documents and Settings Folder....

What could have happened?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You have to make the 'hidden' files visible. Please don't ask me how to do this right now, as there are a million different ways of doing this.

Ok, once you've done this, here's your path:

Desktop/My Computer/Local Disk/Documents and Settings/(Your)User Name/Application Data/Microsoft/FS9:::

I ain't kiddin'.... that's the path --- Microsoft I love you ❤️

Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

Hey Tailhook, are you Cuban?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

walesdragon wrote:

Hey Tailhook, are you Cuban?

ROFL... It's a long story.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain


Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Belgeode and Walesdragon, check your PM's.

Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

Whenever I did this I could never find my cfg, even when I made my files visible. This is what I did that may help you. Start - Run - Type in
%appdata% then go to microsoft, fs9 then you should see your cfg there.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

CRJ I'd like to know too, sounds interesting 😳

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

He's not interested in recruiting YOU to FSF so don't expect a PM any time soon. But why not have a little fun - here's what he probably was looking for but couldn't find:

CRJCapt wrote:
I don't know what a PM is. Could someone write 2 or 3 paragraphs, in a condescending tone, describing the technical, social and morale definition and use of a PM Question

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting my friend, I have a slow connection Wink
Since you don't know what a PM is, I thought I'd help you out and post one here as an example:


From: Tailhook
To: CRJCapt
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:09 pm
Subject: Regarding your message

I received a PM from you some time ago with a subject like "A rant about a gamepad-controller".

I deleted it straight away - never read it. It means, I have no idea what it's contents were.

I look at my inbox a little bit like my house. If a visitor arrives, I expect him to knock on the door and ask politely for permission to enter.
If instead he smashes in the door and tries to behave as though he owned the place, I won't waste my time and get rid of him quickly without much talk or room for argument.

Including the word "rant" in the subject line I regard equal to trampling in the door upon arrival.

Whatever it is you wish to convey, approach me with respect and I'll treat you with respect. You're welcome to PM me like any other Flyaway member, though as I just explained, I completely ignore junk-mail, I won't even open it and that is regardless of who the sender might be.

However, after this blow to your ego, I don't really expect you to PM me again. That would be too embarrassing. Instead, you'll trundle off to the forums and drum up support, you don't strike me as one who is able to fight his own fights... and once you've established your support base, you'll start stalking, probing, provoking and spoil for a fight.

I will use a platitude here: 'There is nothing new under sun'.

Finally, I assure you, you won't ruffle my feathers. Whenever I feel that things are getting too silly and childish, I just ignore posts, yours or anyone elses for that matter and I suggest you do the same.

Have a good day Sir.


So now you now what a PM is. No need to thank me my friend, you deserve all the credit. After all, you were the instigator.
After re-reading the paragraph in bold type, wouldn't you agree that I was spot on with my assessment... including the "stalking"?

I know you love this kinda gossip Cheeks, don't we all

But it gets better... just sit back and watch, Sheriff CRJ will blow his bugle as soon as he reads this and all the little boys from FSF will come swarming over here like locusts and join in the flaming and bashing.

And a jolly good time will be had by all

Pro Member Trainee
Jive1 Trainee

Hey! Bawls327,

This is exactly what I was missing...

I even could not find any Application Data when making the files visible, and now, when doing as you told me, there they are... all of them.
Fantastic! Thanks a lot!


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Tailhook wrote:

He's not interested in recruiting YOU to FSF so don't expect a PM any time soon. But why not have a little fun - here's what he probably was looking for but couldn't find:

CRJCapt wrote:
I don't know what a PM is. Could someone write 2 or 3 paragraphs, in a condescending tone, describing the technical, social and morale definition and use of a PM Question

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting my friend, I have a slow connection Wink
Since you don't know what a PM is, I thought I'd help you out and post one here as an example:


From: Tailhook
To: CRJCapt
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:09 pm
Subject: Regarding your message

I received a PM from you some time ago with a subject like "A rant about a gamepad-controller".

I deleted it straight away - never read it. It means, I have no idea what it's contents were.

I look at my inbox a little bit like my house. If a visitor arrives, I expect him to knock on the door and ask politely for permission to enter.
If instead he smashes in the door and tries to behave as though he owned the place, I won't waste my time and get rid of him quickly without much talk or room for argument.

Including the word "rant" in the subject line I regard equal to trampling in the door upon arrival.

Whatever it is you wish to convey, approach me with respect and I'll treat you with respect. You're welcome to PM me like any other Flyaway member, though as I just explained, I completely ignore junk-mail, I won't even open it and that is regardless of who the sender might be.

However, after this blow to your ego, I don't really expect you to PM me again. That would be too embarrassing. Instead, you'll trundle off to the forums and drum up support, you don't strike me as one who is able to fight his own fights... and once you've established your support base, you'll start stalking, probing, provoking and spoil for a fight.

I will use a platitude here: 'There is nothing new under sun'.

Finally, I assure you, you won't ruffle my feathers. Whenever I feel that things are getting too silly and childish, I just ignore posts, yours or anyone elses for that matter and I suggest you do the same.

Have a good day Sir.


So now you now what a PM is. No need to thank me my friend, you deserve all the credit. After all, you were the instigator.
After re-reading the paragraph in bold type, wouldn't you agree that I was spot on with my assessment... including the "stalking"?

I know you love this kinda gossip Cheeks, don't we all

But it gets better... just sit back and watch, Sheriff CRJ will blow his bugle as soon as he reads this and all the little boys from FSF will come swarming over here like locusts and join in the flaming and bashing.

And a jolly good time will be had by all

A PM is just that...a private message.
To post it in the forum shows what a crude uncaring impolite person you are now and always have been.
I have a whining little girl PM from you but would never think of posting it in any forum or even tell anyone the contents.
Go crawl back into your hole like you usually do for 6 months and come back again strutting around trying to make little boys follow you.


Pro Member Trainee
Jive1 Trainee

I have now a new question...

Since I want to have my FS9.CFG visible all the time, what should I do now?
I want, from time to time, makes changes in this FS9.CFF, so I want to have it permanentlt visible....


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

RadarMan wrote:

A PM is just that...a private message.
To post it in the forum shows what a crude uncaring impolite person you are now and always have been.
I have a whining little girl PM from you but would never think of posting it in any forum or even tell anyone the contents.
Go crawl back into your hole like you usually do for 6 months and come back again strutting around trying to make little boys follow you.


You call this 'moderating'?

"A PM is just that...a private message." You obviously hadn't figured that out during the days of this thread: https://forum.flyawaysimulation.com/forum/topic/12072/xbox-controller/

"I have a whining little girl PM from you but would never think of posting it in any forum or even tell anyone the contents."

So you did get my PM but couldn't be bothered to reply... you call this 'moderating'?

Your righteousness in not posting the contents of my 'whining little girl PM' on the board covers up an ulterior motive on your behalf and you now it as well as I.
Feel free to post it on the board, there'll be no complaint from me.

...or, if you prefer, I can post it. It is not I who's got something to hide here.

Me or anyone else complaining about the flaming language you're using on the board toward a particular member is pretty much useless... water off a duck's back. After all you're the Boss.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Oh god, I don't wanna see were this Horse is going Unsure

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

A complete miss tailhook, had nothing to do with FSF, PM's or past arguments.

Last transmission on subject.

Last edited by CRJCapt on Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Jive1 wrote:

Since I want to have my FS9.CFG visible all the time, what should I do now? I want, from time to time, makes changes in this FS9.CFF, so I want to have it permanentlt visible.

I created a desktop shortcut to the FS9. CFG file, works better than manually looking for it even if it is set to be permanently visible.

Once you find the file, right click and select [properties]. Copy the location.
Should look similar to:
C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9\FS9.CFG"

Go to desktop and right click. Select [new], [shortcut]. Paste in the location for the shortcut and give it a name. Now you will be able to access the file quickly and easily.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

emerald_flag wrote:

crj threw a rock and started a spark

tailhook had some wood and the spark cought on fire

radarman threw some gasoline on it

tailhook threw some more gas on it

crj tried to throw some water on but may have put more gas in?

I keep you updated with this story back to you in the studio cheeks

And you'll be the one to get banned if you don't keep your nose out of it.


Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

not sure what you mean by you didnt see any app. I want you to go to your start menu, then at that start menu you will see run. You want to click that. You need to type in that little bar area this: %appdata% just copy that in there. That should bring you up to some hidden files. Then when you are there go to microsoft then to your cfg.

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