Will UTX and GENx impact FPS and performance ?

Pro Member Trainee
fvjuke Trainee

Hello guys,

new here but I have been reading a lot in the last few weeks.
Finaly decided to become a member !

I am currenlty trying to optimize my set up, (will upgrade my CPU shorlty) but I would also like to improve the "eye-candy" and install UTX, GENx but wanted to know if these will impact my performance in terms of FPS (keeping the same settings) ?

Thanks in advance for your help on this.
Bye Smile

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Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain


Pro Member First Officer
Tom (cthiggin) First Officer

Yes and No -
Depends on your current hardware / and how your sliders are set now.

I've been running UTX/GEXn/GraphicX/SceneryTech Landclass for several weeks and in fact, I'm getting better fps than the default FSX scenery. -
But, I do understand, IF your hardware is over-taxed now, the above programs will tax them more - but you can turn down some sliders a wee bit and still get great eye-candy.

The optimum "we simmers" are trying to achieve is a constant 30 fps - which is video quality......and it's good.........and even a constant 20 is still good. - I've been fortunate enough to build a hi-end pc with water cooling and quad - and yes, I thought just because I could get 70 - 105 fps, I was just doing great. - In all honesty, I am more than pleased with a constant locked 30 - can't tell a bit of difference.

Don't be afraid to lower the sliders a bit IF you get greater quality eye-candy. In summary - it's a balancing act between hardware, tweaks, "good" add-on programs, and what makes "you" happy.


Pro Member Trainee
fvjuke Trainee

Thanks for your reply cthiggin,

I was able to follow NickN advice (defrag and cleaning up my system) and settings guide and get a decent quality with FPS in the 50s at high altitude and at around 25 (set at unlimited) when landing in Toronto which is not bad (good enough for me) and the graphics are good but could be improved in my opinion. I still get some blurries (I think this is what you guys call them) where the image is not clear right away (mostly trees) but when paused, it takes a few seconds and they sharpened.

I was hoping to add some add-ons and not compromise too much my performance in terms of FPS.

So which add-ons do you recommend I buy and is there a specific order for installing them ?

If there is no big hit on FPS, I was think of getting Ultimate Terrain X, GEXn, Scenary Tech and probably Graphic x.

Any advice ?
Thanks again,

Pro Member First Officer
Tom (cthiggin) First Officer

Sounds like your fps's are pretty good - again, even a constant 20 is "not" bad -
The "blurries" have been a problem to many of us. It's the processor trying to catch up - there's just so much info being processed.

Again, from my experience, the fps's were better with the "good" add-on's.

Strictly from my experience (and yes, I talk to NickN by pm many times - this guy is a guru when it comes to FSX and add-ons) -
GEXn, 1.06v , SceneryTech, UTX with all updated patches, - I would wait for REX to come out soon. I am going to replace my GraphicX (which is good) with REX, which is just phenomenal. Go to their site: think its www.realenvironmentextreme.com - will blow you away.

Installation: UTX, GEXn, SceneryTech - Nick tells you how to place them in order in your Scenery Tab or I will be more than happy to do so. Once loaded, you do not have to boot them each time.

Also, if you pm me, I will be happy to attach my "tweaked" fsx.cfg, which is a "NickN" and cthiggin compliation that has worked great for the past 3 months.

I have VistaHP but do NOT run in DX10 mode, which is still in it's infancy.

My specs: Q6600 Quad, XFX 680i MB, 4 Gig OCE Ram, SwiftTech H20 Liquid Cooling, Raid Stripe 128, O'clocked to 3.6 ghz, memory overclocked, GTS 8800, overclocked. - STILL, FSX will bring it to it's knees under certain circumstances, such as using Ultimate Traffic 2007 with slider set more than 60%.

Hope this helps.


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