Weather -- How to Make a Solid Cloud Floor?

Pro Member Trainee
Brook Trainee

I'm trying to create a weather theme with clear on top/ solid white cloud floor below and having no luck. I can never seem to completely obscure my view of the ground while maintaining clear conditions on top. I only get my ground view down to "murky", with ground not disappearing until I drop down into my low viz zone...

Any suggestions for settings that would achieve what I'm looking for?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Flight environment Pro may help... makes clouds more realistic.

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

I've always wanted to do that aswell.

I use ActiveSky but still, On that if i set it to have solid cloud floor at around 5000ft as soon as i get above the cloud's this cloud floor diserpearce?

I gave up doing it, after i never able to make a solid cloud floor, i just couldnt be bothered to carry on trying anything else.

Pro Member First Officer
Luke (warlord40) First Officer

In FSX this is quite simple, as you can create your own wheather and cloud altitudes and precipitation/densities, Its been a long while since I've used FS9 so I cant remember if that can be done. I'm also using activesky, this does help a bit.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

it can...

Pro Member First Officer
Luke (warlord40) First Officer

Ahh crap...sorry Morris totally missed your post, have you tried making the under 5000ft using thunderstorm option? that fixed it for me

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

warlord40 wrote:

Ahh crap...sorry Morris totally missed your post, have you tried making the under 5000ft using thunderstorm option? that fixed it for me

Never used the thunderstorm option before, il try that later, il record it aswell just incas eit down work, if it don't then you will see what i mean.

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