Anti-Aliasing problems

Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

Hey guys, I was wondering, with fsx, all my aircraft look smooth and really nice. But on fs2004, my aircraft look extremely jagged and ugly. I've put Anti-aliasing ON in flight simulator and I've put it to 16x on Nvia control panel but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

AA should be on in the settings of FSX and off in the settings of FS9.

Set it at 4X in the cards settings control panel and AF at 16X.


Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

It's still really jagged. Do I ENHANCE the program settings on fs2004 or override? And what about anti aliasing transparency, I've set that to supersampling, is that alright?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

The cards other settings are a mystery to me, I use ATi and the setting "names" are different.
Wait for someone else to come along.


Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee

I have the same problem.
Everyone says I need those and those Nhancer settings, but when I get in FS, everything is jagged up.
I was forced to turn in game aliasing on 😞

Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

Bartfs wrote:

I have the same problem.
Everyone says I need those and those Nhancer settings, but when I get in FS, everything is jagged up.
I was forced to turn in game aliasing on 😞

Yeah it's really weird and the fact that the in-game anti-aliasing sucks and hardly makes any difference, I just keep it turned off.

Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

Also, this is a video I took a while ago that I just watched today and this was taken using the amazingly bad ATI EAH2400PRO video card. And look how smooth the aircraft looks, I'll take some screenies later with my 8800Ultra and show you guys. Is this anti-aliasing a problem with all Nvidia cards or just the 8800Ultra and the GTX < I read this somewhere.

Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee

walesdragon wrote:

Bartfs wrote:

I have the same problem.
Everyone says I need those and those Nhancer settings, but when I get in FS, everything is jagged up.
I was forced to turn in game aliasing on 😞

Yeah it's really weird and the fact that the in-game anti-aliasing sucks and hardly makes any difference, I just keep it turned off.

It does make a big difference for me,
Will try to get some screens..

Pro Member Trainee
Dorianee Trainee

what does anti-aliasing mean?

Pro Member First Officer
walesdragon First Officer

It makes your graphics look smooth. So if you have a plane, and If you had anti-aliasing off, the edges would look jagged but if you had it turned on, it smoothens it.

Pro Member Trainee
Dorianee Trainee

oh ok..thanx

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

I do realise im reviving an old post, but seeing as nobody gave an answer, I am having the same problem and it really sucks, can someone help me please!!

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