Joystick Problem

Cobra51 Guest

I just got a CH Combatstick 568...when i try go to fly, the nose of the aircraft keeps going up..when i use the joystick to level it and then center the joystick it happens again until the aircraft is going straight up.

I calibrated the stick but still not working, not sure what to do and am not that savvy and don't know what has to be done to get this to work.

hope i am giving enough information.

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Pro Member Trainee
flacke Trainee

Did you TRIM the aircraft for level flight?
There are FSX keys for trim UP, and Trim DOWN.

If your joystick [same as mine] is calibrated then all you have to do is look for the trim keys in the FSX list of keystrokes and then write them down . Then trim the airplanes in flight.
You can also re-program the trim commands to buttons on your joystick [as I have done].

Cobra51 Guest

Thanks, that did the trick. Appreciate the help

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