Trying to use FMC on MD83

Pro Member Trainee
rogerstubbs126 Trainee

I have attempted several flights with the Honeywell system but cannot get it to react when I engage autopilot with it in "ACTIVATE" mode. It goes into a stall straight away and and by the time I get that under control I have missed my first waypoint. From there on in I get no input from the FMC unless I switch on GPS which rather seems to negate its purpose.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

First, here is a product that may help.

  Now a video that may help.


Pro Member Trainee
rogerstubbs126 Trainee

Thanks for that RadarMan. I am comfortable with setting up a flight on this FMC but am somewhat confused by the "Bendix King" user manual. on Page 3 - last paragraph on right side - it suggests that turning Vnav off will result in the autopilot retaining the program and continue on course without Vnav. For me, one of the main attractions is a controlled ascent, particularly the speed under 10000 feet.......Roger

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I know that this is very long but you can pick out what you need.
The information he gives is spot-on!


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