Hi All,
Is there any way to get ATC flight instructions to match your Flight Plan?
Altitude, Heading Etc.
I know about requesting altitude increase/ decrease and 'follow your own navigation' Etc, but if following IFR rules under ATC the instructions seem to wildly differ from your flight plan.
I can understand diversions for emergencies Ect, but under normal use surely this doesn't reflect real flight operations.
Perhaps I'm wrong, does anyone care to explain?
Thanks, RD,
Not quite what I was looking for.
I set a flight plan with an altitude of FL290.
I can use Ground control to give me IFR clearance and the Tower for Take off Etc, and all seems OK.
If I then use ATC under IFR it always gives me wildly different altitudes and a heading that takes me off my original flight plan.
To get over this I can either cancel the Instrument Flight Rules and just use Flight Following, or simply don't use ATC.
I notice that all the 'Flight Plan' videos don't use any Ground Control or Air Traffic Control.
This is also the same as when I was using FSX and earlier simulators.
Perhaps this is the way it works in real life, if it is then what's the point of filing a flight plan with waypoints, speeds Altitudes, Etc?
Using ATC does get me to the correct airport eventually.
Just my curiosity about true flight, but there is a possibility that I'm doing something wrong, or some unknown reason for this.
Perhaps if there is a real airline pilot out there he could help out my curiosity.
A great question indeed, and you've touched upon a topic that often causes confusion among flight simulation enthusiasts, especially when it comes to ATC interaction with flight plans. Let's break this down to better understand the mechanics and the rationale behind it.
Your curiosity about true flight is commendable. While the simulators do a great job, some aspects might not always mirror real-life procedures and operational intricacies to the letter.
For a deeper understanding, you may wish to review the Pilot/Controller Glossary that the FAA publishes. It's a fantastic resource that sheds light on the terminology and phraseology used in ATC communications. You can find it at the official FAA website.
As for your query on whether a real airline pilot could assist, I'm sure there are several experienced pilots among our members who can provide further insight. But I hope my response provides a good starting point.
Keep exploring, keep learning, and happy flying!
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