Aircraft veers to right on Take-offs. Right engine shutdown

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

Sometimes this happens - other times it don't. My brother inlaw has the same trouble. We both are using windows XP professional. I've tried recalibrating the stick, researching microsoft website. I can't seem to find anything on the subject. Can you point me in the right direction. Thank you! Dan 🙄

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Pro Member First Officer
PH First Officer

I must be misunderstanding the question. Are you stating that with the starboard engine shutdown the aircraft veers to the right ie towards the dead engine? If this happens it should...assymetric thrust, left engine powered up will pivot the plane to the right unless corrected with significant rudder (for FS) or differential braking.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

That seems to be what he's asking for. I'd say turn on the right engine, but i'm stupid that way

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

Thank you both for your speedy replies! Yes, I can restart the engine but I'll have to go through the same process next time I take up the Boeing 737. An inconvenience for sure!
Have you seen this sort of problem before?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Is the problem that the plane veers to the right, or that the engine shuts down by itself?

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

Upon increasing throttle on take-off,the aircraft veers to the right. Looking at the instrument panel, I can see the right engine failure - showing my problem, but I just don't know how to correct it. Thanks!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Hmm, don't really know, so I can only guess.

Check you don't have any failures ticked in the failures box in Options.

Make sure both engines are selected when increasing the throttle. Press E then 1 + 2 quickly in succession.

Hope that helps Dont Know

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

Oh yes! That was the first thing I thought of - Flight failures - I've also uninstalled - reinstalled 3 times. Very puzzling indeed!

Pro Member Trainee
Arik Trainee

if you're going to uninstall and reinstall..make sure you check that ALL files have been removed from your hard disc drive (C drive ??) before reinstalling.
I had that problem with FS 2000 recently. Bought a new computer,installed and it ran fine. Then I had to uninstall it (don't remember why) and on reinstalling it,it just wouldn't run. Tried several times. Then noticed that after uninstalling,there were still some files on my C drive..deleted them..rebooted...reinstalled..and voila!! works fine.
Hope this helps.

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

Thanks for the tips, everyone! Dan

Pro Member First Officer
George (OrlandoGeorge) First Officer

Could also be that the issue just lies w/that particular A/C. I have a Delta jet that loves to torque itself all the way down the runway on take off roll. 'Tis evol says I. Evil or Very Mad

Check this out...

Pro Member Trainee
harmonairbase Trainee

I have found a treatment but not the cure! So far, the best that I can do is before take-off: press ALT....go to top of screen under flights on reset flight and it runs fine.

Pro Member First Officer
George (OrlandoGeorge) First Officer


Thanks for the tip. I will try that one out! 🙂


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