How do I create a flight to start in mid-air?

FT Guest

When I do "create a flight", how do I make it so I'm about 15 miles out, at 3,000 feet or so, to a certain airport? I'd like to practice my landings on different airplanes at different airports. But all I've seen is the "select runway for departure" section. I don't want to have to take off and circle around every time I want to practice my landings.

Is it possible to do it like they do in professional simulators? I was in an MD-11 sim recently and you could select how far out you were during a landing.

Thanks in advance.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

For "slew" press the "Y" key and you will be airborne, that's how we get the gliders up without a tow-plane.


Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

When you get to the point you want to have as your starting point pause and save it, give it a name. You can they select that flight any time you want to use it, and you can change planes.


Fly to the position you want to start from. Click Alt / Flights / Save As

Repeat for each distance/altitude you want to practice then you can select whichever you want.


Just like buses. None for ages then three come at once.

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Just like buses. None for ages then three come at once.

One advantage, we don't charge.🙂

FT Guest

OK I think I have it figured out. Thanks.

Now does anyone know the key for trimming the 'pitch'? My landings are coming in flat, they aren't flaring up enough so I end up crashing every time.

I need to adjust the pitch so I can flare up my nose more at very low speeds.

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Set your trim for the decent rate you want, just use a little up elevator to flare.

Pro Member First Officer
john (verygom) First Officer

Repositioning plane. Can you not simply go to "world" - "map" - place cursor on the aircraft and move it to wherever you want??

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

verygom wrote:

Repositioning plane. Can you not simply go to "world" - "map" - place cursor on the aircraft and move it to wherever you want??

You can bring up the map in the plane and drag the plane to any place on the map. Just left click on the plane and drag it where you want it and release the button. I imagine you could do the same with the world map.

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