Flight 1 ATR-72

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

Well in April I was considering to buys the Flight 1 ATR-72. From the reviews, pictures, and videos I have see it looks awesome. now I really want a regional/commercial airplane to fly all the time. I own two other F1 products and they are great. I don't mind paying 35 USD as I will be paying a little over 50 for the Captainsim C-130. So what I am trying to say is that I really want the ATR. The F1 looks great and I really want it. What do you think. Should I get it? Or should I wait? Thanks.

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Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

I bought it a while ago to go along with FS passengers (you earn points which allow you to fly arcraft of certain weight/engines) so this fit for me.
It is a very nice plane, easy to fly with nice detail. It holds 64 people and cargo which is important for FS pass.
It is not as complex as many of the other payware, you can pretty much get in and go.

Pro Member Captain
Bindolaf Captain

I have the F1 ATR and it's great. Very detailed, all the systems work, the FMS is amazing. If it's "simpler" it is because it's a turboprop ;P The VC is amazing, the textures, everything.

I'd say if you want a turboprop, that's the way to go.

Pro Member Trainee
roger123 Trainee


I purchase it yesterday morning. I was "hooked," very quickly. My advice?
Buy it.

Pro Member First Officer
Kurt Stevens (KurtPStevens) First Officer

Worth every penny 😎

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I just got it yesterday. Very nice. Great sound and views, both 2D and 3D. Don't let folks overstate its simplicity. It can be complex if you want it to be. You have 3 options...cold and dark, ready to board, and ready to taxi. It has a good capacity and range and is quite versatile.


Pro Member Trainee
roger123 Trainee

CrashGordon wrote:

I just got it yesterday. Very nice. Great sound and views, both 2D and 3D. Don't let folks overstate its simplicity. It can be complex if you want it to be. You have 3 options...cold and dark, ready to board, and ready to taxi. It has a good capacity and range and is quite versatile.


What have you tried my friend? I rather like the cold and dark start.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Since I curently have jury duty, I haven't been able to explore the cold and dark option, etc. I have had to be content with short seat-of-the-pants flights betweem KPSP and KLAX.

Pro Member Trainee
roger123 Trainee

CrashGordon wrote:

Since I curently have jury duty, I haven't been able to explore the cold and dark option, etc. I have had to be content with short seat-of-the-pants flights betweem KPSP and KLAX.

Look on the bright side.............
Jury duty will eventually come to an end

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

It did. I didn't get selected, so now I can read the manual and fly. 😀

Pro Member Trainee
roger123 Trainee

CrashGordon wrote:

It did. I didn't get selected, so now I can read the manual and fly. 😀

"Fortune Smiles on the Brave!"

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You folks have wetted my appetite. I have but one concern. Under System Requirements it states that: Low-end on-board sound chips are NOT recommended. I'm afraid that's all I have at the moment. Will that restrict my enjoyment greatly?? Does anyone else have only an on-board sound chip? If so, what's your impression - would you still recommend the ATR 72-500?

Any advice and feedback is appreciated.

Regard, Rick 🙂

Pro Member Captain
Bindolaf Captain

My sound card is on-board, don't even know what kind or type. It's about a year and a half old. Works fine.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Mine is an onboard also. Works just fine.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Thanks for the assurance folks. I'm off to find that clawhammer and give my piggybank a workout.

Cheers, Rick

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