How to get perfect on the line landing.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

I've been playing FS2004 since quite long now and i still cudn't figure these out. How do i get a perfect landing, i.e. one the centre line, coz everytime i use the "spot" view but in real life pilots don't. is there a way via GPS or navigation systems? also in foggy weather conditions it's difficult, to see so there must be another way? or is it the tower that tells? pls explain how. thanks

Also, how do i open the various doors on the aircraft coz whenever i press SHIFT+E+2 or just SHIFT+E it opens up the main exit only and a panel pops up. Thanks

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Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

in bad weather you must fly ifr - for landing this means tuning to the runway ils frequency on a nav radio, setting the correct course/heading of the runway (depends on panel which the hsi reads from). when you get closer to the airport two (usually) pink triangles willappear on your pfd, and also a pink rectangle in your hsi. this is your glideslope. you keep the horizontal arrow in the centre and the vertical arrow in the middle - this will guide you down to a perfect landing.

the hsi is useful when further away to line up with the runway, keep the pink 'runway' in the middle and make sure it's pointing straight up (must have heading/course set as said before)

question 2: you must press shift+e, let go and then quickly press 2. this only works of course if the plane has 2 doors or more.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

Ok, i get the doors thing, but i dont get the hsi. when i cruise it goes perfectly in line with the line on the gps and the altitude and direction are all set perfectly, how do i get the heading for the runway etc.??

Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

There's this thing in the game, in the beginning, before you fly, that you can read, and there are even lessons that you can take that show you EVERYTHING you need to know.

Instructions must invisible to some people I swear.

Ryan F. Guest

Okay.. here we go in the wonderful world of learning to fly an aircraft, lol. Sorry "McGangsta" ... but Solotwo has a point. If you've been playing FS2004 for so long, then why is it you don't know the different types of ways to land a plane? If you really want an "on-the-centerline" landing, use the ILS. But, appearently you don't know what that is, seeing that you assume the ATC in the tower tell the pilots "okay guys... a little more to the left...".

If you rely on your eyesight alone for 100% of the landings you make.. well it's safe to say 100% of your landings are not going to be on the runway. 😀

..unless of course you choose "Fair Weather" everytime you fly.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Runways are Identified by there magnetic direction rounded off to the nearest 10. Runway 2 will have a magnetic direction of approximately 20 degrees. Runway 31 would be 310 degrees. Knowing this helps you to determine your orientation to the runway for landing. Also read my previous post.🙂

Pro Member Trainee
Bhupesh Trainee

I normally enter the ILS frequency of the airport/approach on NAv1 and activate the NAV1 and MKR button on the radio set, then I follow the ATC direction till the approach is clear once its there I press the NAV button on Autopilot panel and let the plane centerline itself, once the glidescope is on center both horizontol and vertical, I take the control and start decending.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

Thanks for the help guys, i really never knew that the ILS's had frequencies which made landings a lot easier. All i did was contact tower for the runway clearance, then used the map if i was far from it or just my eyesight. Thanks anyways.

Btw just call me Mohit, Mc_GaNgStA was my old nick.

Pro Member Trainee
Bhupesh Trainee


As said earlier just enter the ils frequency of the runway ur landing in Nav1 and then activate it. I think you should go thru the approaches guide written by 99 (Jon). Here is the link I also used to have the same problem but now I make nice landings.

Wish you all the best...


Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

Thanks, and it's finally worked. I got a question, the wingfold option is to extend the wings before landing and the arming of the spoilers too is for landing, right? Well what i don't understand is why do the spoilers need to be armed? and the wings to be extended? I mean, dont the flaps themselves make the aircraft glide onto the runway?

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

wing fold is only on planes that have folding wings. they fold them away at high speed for less drag i presume.

spoilers or speedbrakes are applied to slow yourself down either in the air (never fully extended) or whenyou touch down.

flaps are used to provide uplift so you can land at a slower speed, they're not there entirely to slow you down.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Please allow me to make a small correction. The wing fold is for aircraft that fold their wings or wing tips on the ground. Wings are not folded in the air. The Boeing 777 has this ability to fold it's wing tips but is not simulated in the default aircraft. The Vought F4U Corsair is another. When you move the wings in flight to reduce drag, this is called wing sweep. Only a few aircraft have this ability none of which are default aircraft in FS. F14 Tomcat is one. There's no default key command for wing sweep, it would be a function of the add on aircraft or program. 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Mc_GaNgStA wrote:

Well what i don't understand is why do the spoilers need to be armed?

If you arm the spoilers, they will deploy automatically at the right time. It eases your work load.

Note: In FS it doesn't work all the time. It depends which aircraft you're flying.

Pro Member First Officer
Canyon (NoWorries) First Officer

CRJCapt wrote:

The Boeing 777 has this ability to fold it's wing tips but is not simulated in the default aircraft.

FWIW, the 777 was engineered to have folding wings...but no 777 has ever been built with the option.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

Ok, i fly an Airbus A312 that has wingfolding option. So can someone tell me when do i extend the wings and when do i fold them, and also when and how can i arm the spoilers?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Wing fold would be used on the ground to save space when parking.

Arm the spoilers in flight by pressing [Shift + / ]. 🙂

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