Annoying little problem


hey all

hope someone can help as its starting to get on my nerves,the problem is when i start fs it automaticly loads up at seattle,not much of a problem but its annoying having to wait for it to load just to exit back main menu.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Is it loading the previous flight that you took or is the default Cessna sitting on the runway.



it is the default flight

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Something needs to be amended in your FS9.cfg file and to honest I don't know what.
I've never seen this before.
The only way that I can duplicate that is to go to "My Documents" open the Flight Simulator" folder and click on one of the small aircraft icons. That bypasses the icon on your desktop or in the program menu.



RadarMan wrote:

Something needs to be amended in your FS9.cfg file and to honest I don't know what.
I've never seen this before.
The only way that I can duplicate that is to go to "My Documents" open the Flight Simulator" folder and click on one of the small aircraft icons. That bypasses the icon on your desktop or in the program menu.


hey thanks for the reply,ive allready checked the cfg (not like im a expert or nothing 😀 ).im not to sure what im looking for however i found these options

LOADSIM=1 <i thought i was onto a winner with this one but no joy

tried changing the values one by one but nothing 😞

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

You can always save a flight as a default one... 😉


Greekman72 wrote:

You can always save a flight as a default one... 😉

i tried that,i saved a flight in the middle of the alantic so there is nothing to load and it will be quicker,however when i check the box to make this the default flight,nothing happens always goes back to seattle

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

I've just recently started having this same problem, so any help on the matter would be great.


SamIntel wrote:

I've just recently started having this same problem, so any help on the matter would be great.

whooaa someone else with the same problem,annoying isnt it 😀

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

I haven't seen anyone come across this problem before. Have you installed any new add-ons recently? Is this the first time it happens? I'm not sure how exactly you might go about this. See if you find something here ➡

If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall. It should repair the issue. Hope it works out 😉


crosscheck9 wrote:

I haven't seen anyone come across this problem before. Have you installed any new add-ons recently? Is this the first time it happens? I'm not sure how exactly you might go about this. See if you find something here ➡

If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall. It should repair the issue. Hope it works out 😉

hey,yes ive installed pleanty of addons recently (so many ive lost track) so i dont think id be able to trace it back 😞 this is what is putting me off doing a reinstall it would take ages though i think my fs would benifit froma reinstall as i have loads of addons i dont use or need anymore

thanks for the link im going to have a look now

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