FS2004 Sound problem.

Pro Member Trainee
pilotpat Trainee

Since FSX is down due to same problems everyone is having. I cranked up my settings in 2004 and holy crap it's a different simulator with max graphics. I have developed a stutter in my atc transmissions. Everything else is going great. Could someone point me to a post or give me a quick fix?

Thanks a bunch.

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Guest Ed Guest

Uh, maybe uncrank your settings and see if that helps? ❓


Pro Member Trainee
pilotpat Trainee

I tired messing with them and pulling back some on them but i still have a stutter in the atc communications.

Pro Member First Officer
Steve (SpiderWings) First Officer

pilotpat wrote:

Since FSX is down due to same problems everyone is having. ....

Is FSX online? Only? Guess I should go read FSX forums but since its unlikely I'm going to get it in the foreseeable future and I have limited time... curious though.

Pro Member Trainee
pilotpat Trainee

Yes it is available for multiplayer online. But i was speaking to it being down due to 1722/1630 install error that can only be resolved at this time by a full reinstall of windows and everything else. Can't get it reinstalled and haven't committed to the reinstall yet until i can tweak it to run as well as fs9.

Pro Member First Officer
Steve (SpiderWings) First Officer

Ouch.... guess I'll feel better now for having to wait. Its probably hard to go back to FS9 after seeing FSX. Yesterday I found myself at a family get together and got bored so I went to my mom's old computer - it has FS98 on it and BOY! I know I loved it when it was the latest - and I know it was a step up from FS95 but yikes! I ended up quitting and going back to visit with everyone in the other room.

Pro Member Trainee
pilotpat Trainee

FSX graphics are really awesome but like all the other posts, it does tax your system. But when i can see the reflection ofthe ground and trees in the spinner on my prop, that is awesome!! Once the bugs are worked out by the guru's here and the MS peeps, it is a must have as far as i am concerned. Most likely means updating computers and such but we are doing that all the time anyway, right?

For the time being i'll fly fs9 with most of the graphics maxed out. But even at this, FSX's graphics at a med/high level crush fs9 in my opinion. I have no scenery add ons to fs9 so i cant speak at these but stock to stock, no comparison. I like the changes they made to the starting screens and such a bunch too.

waiting for the reinstall answers....i sit patiently......

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