Gotta deep Q here.
I want to remove and replace the landing gear from one aircraft to another.
I fly a 747. The gear reaction to the runway is not real. I like the aircraft though. Another 747 has VERY realistic gear!! I want for the 747 that I like, to have the realistic gear.
Can I: tweak the existing aircraft gear? Or: Can I take the gear from one plane and put in another?
Anyone willing to tackle this?
(More details if someone can help)
We have a few designers that regularly come here, Riclo would be happy to answer you.
That sounds like a major job to me.
Why not take his free class and start building your own, your close to that now with all of your fixing and add this and that.
Aloha Elkin, Basically you cannot move the gear from one to the other because you need the "original" .FSC file (the build file) or the GMAX equivalent file to make the changes. The gear sequence that you want is done during the build and cannot be changed once it is Compiled. Ric
Thank you both for responding. Yeah, You just cannot pull one of these virtual aircraft into the hanger and R/R parts. Some little things, but.. Some day soon though!! This computer tech is moving forward! And quick!!!
I love tinkering with all this.
I tried to readjust the contacts. The aircraft behaved as if it did not have gear. It slid along the runway smoking. Anyway. I added a few more lines of contacts but it did not do anything.
If someone knows how to adjust the amount of smoke and how to add it, This would be great.
I added engine smoke to the aircraft and you can actually adjust it up/down left and righ. I wonder if tghis can be done with the tire smoke. I will mess with it. If anyone has anything on this, shoot.
Happy flying.
Well, I got it to work!!! Now when the 747 touches down, as each wheel set touches, it smokes and leaves rubber scrapes. AND I can feel the reaction in the cockpit!!!!
The way I did it was adjusting the contact points in the aircraft cfg.
Do you know how to raise the aircraft? I.e., the gear is submerged through the surface to about half way up the wheels. I have been adjusting the static values, bu can't get it.
Well, I figured out how to raise and lower the aircraft. Lot of trial and error.
It's the contact points. At the bottom. The part that says static cg height.
RadarMan, Do you know of anyone who can tell me what all the values mean within the contact points? such as point.0= 1.000, 0.000, -19.000 etc.? I mess with them and get different results. I would love to have a description guide that tells what those numbers actually do?!?!
First I would check the SDK's that MS puts out free.
If they don't help check with Riclo to see if he does his own.
Last, a guy named Steve Small has done some of the best (my opinion) flight characteristic cfg's that I've experienced. Look for his name at avsim, find his e-mail and contact him.
I tinkered with it and managed to find out how to elevate the gear just as you would add nitrogen to the oleos or air to the tires. I managed to get the body gear on the RFP 747 to smoke on touchdown too!!! Now it is real,,, as I like it.
I must follow up on your advice though. I've got to know how to recocognise those values. I did realize that the groups of numbers represent the elevation and ground contact of the gear to the ground. You can soften the oleos to where the aircraft sways back and forth as you turn (Gotta keep the taxi speed down, I managaed to scrape one of the engines).
Good stuff.
I REALLY like the TU-114!!! Thank for advising this ac. I put an INS in it for trans siberian travel.!! Have you seen the cabin?
😎 Aloha Elkin, Glad to hear that you got the gear reset. Now for your question on the Values of the numbers, in the example of the contact points you have three sets of number, these represent the "X", "Y", and "Z" (h-w-length) in the virtual world. This also works with the "visuals" like where your pilot sits and looks out. Hope this helps you in your endevours. Ric (sorry for the late reply but I was updating my web page)
You can see my handy work in the screenshots I posted. The 747 now scratches and smokes all 4 bogeys. As well as emmitting a sound for all touchdown. 😀 I did check the SDK RadarMan. I learned that the numbers are grouped as points. point 0 through around 6 to 18 and so on. The 747 had only 6 points (Which kinda means 6 tires. So, I added a passle more to add up to 18! 18 wheels/points.
The numbers: point.0= 1.00, 34.0000, 34.0 ,-45000 Kida looks like this. well, the 4th group of numbers is the 'air in/out of the tires' number'.
Anyway.. All is good.
Also I adjusted the swaying of the aircraft. So when you turn too sharply on the ground, or when it is heavy, it really wallows. Quite real!!!!
Tell me how to increase the amount of smoke from the touch down!!
Pleaaseeee! I'll give you a,,, cookie?
Elkinallen wrote:
Tell me how to increase the amount of smoke from the touch down!!
Pleaaseeee! I'll give you a,,, cookie?
See if any of these help.
RadarMan!!! Where do you get,,,, Never mind,, thank you very much!!! Very helpful info!!!!
You get the cookie!!!! What would you like? Chocolatechip?
You are cleared a block altitude from ground level to FL 100.0
You are granted a cruise clearance to the destination of your choice.
Aloha Elkin, Checked out the Screenshots and they were Fantastic, you could be on a good design team in no time if you put your mind to it. Ric (Radar is a Wonder isn't he?)
CChip is fine unless you have a gummy oatmeal, Ok CC it is.
I tried to scan the cookie to send it and now my scanner is busted. Anyway. I will send it COD.
Thank you. In fact I am interisted in this a lot. I spen 90 % of my time remodelling and the remainder flying. I really like it.
Where do you get those wonderful smileys?!?!
Elkinallen wrote:
Where do you get those wonderful smileys?!?!
Smilies, do you mean for here? We have them, just click on the view more emoticons and a new window will open
Or do you want some sites that have 1000's.
Well if you want to ever give it a try let me know and I'll see what I can come up with as I always wanted to do a Private single seat Jet using the motor from a "sabre" as they are much cheaper than a new one. 😉 Ric
See my lates screenshots on blast effect. Don't let a 172 get behind me!!!!
Ah SOOooooooo!!! HEY!!! I may be stupid, but I'm not smart!! Hey? That did n't sound right!! this is what has been going on with my work till now
Can I have a certificate that says I am smarter?
I was working on the DC-10. The Center landing gear would not smoke when the plane landed. WELL!!! It does now!!!!
I posted some shots.
The first thing I did was thought to myself 'well, the nose gear smokes, so I will copy it to the position of the center main!!!! YEAH!! That's what I'll do'. 👍
I did it and guess what happened?? Well, you know how the airplanes nose wheel turns when you turn the airplane on the ground?!?!?! Well, I COPIED the nose wheel to the center main gear position right? That fuggin plane was nuts on the ground!!! Ithink the main center gear was turning also. 😳 😳 😳
So, I found the code to disable the steering and all is COOL!
You know how when an aircraft, such as a 727 lands but only leaves 1 rubber mark as if it only had 1 wheel on that gear? Well, I figured ot how to make it where the gear leaves 2 marks,,, as 2 tires are touching down.!!! It is an easy mod also!!
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