Hey folks,
Just to let the others out there - who like me think the Level D 767 is the best thing since sliced bread - know that Level D have placed an update on the site that makes this wonderful plane even better.
It's mainly subtle stuff but really important. The VNAV logic is perfect now and the plane descends perfectly in terms of altitude and speed, reaching thw waypoints very close to the target alt and speed.
Sound set is also new too, and the LOC and GS tracking has been tightened up.
This is just a superb simulation from just about every perspective and is now even better !
One tip - the handling (especially on approach) is just soooo much better if you really crank the SENSITIVITIES settings for the joystick UP to about 75 - 80% and just set TINY little NULL ZONES.
If you have these set wrong, like any add-on it can become numb to handfly but if set up properly this really is the heavy to beat all heavies!
Heres a link direct to the Update :-
GPS-Kid I have noticed that the PMDG also has the problem with VNAV and I have often been thousands of feet to high.
I could not find a fix on the PMDG site is there one out?
I agree Ranald, the PMDG can be slow to get to the right altitude.... I'm not aware of a fox as yet.... I tend to use the VNAV on the 737NG for climbing but tend to descend according to ATC rather than using the VNAV for this reason.
I don't think it detracts from what a great add-on the NG is but I agree that developers generally haven't fully cracked VNAV programming logic yet..... although this new Level D 767 update comes very close!
I'm really pleased with the update. I was surprised to hear a brand new soundset, and it is superb! It remains number one in my fleet, and now with UVA's bid packages, I never have to leave its cockpit! (except for those short hops in the ERJ-145)
As far as the PMDG's descent profile goes, you really need to be pretty involved in it. With the LDS, you simply set up the flight in the FMC and it can do the whole thing for you. I've found PMDG takes a lot more care and watchfulness. Make sure when you enter altitudes for the waypoints and start the descent, you have enough room to descend. That's usually the biggest issue. Next, make sure that you monitor the descent speeds in the FMC. A lot of times those need to be altered to get you down to the waypoints at the right speed. Also, one thing that can throw you is that it doesn't always try to descend to the next waypoint's altitude, but the one after that, and then the one after that. I've never understood that, but i've found when entering a STAR that it may blow past the altitude for one of the middle waypoints and be right on target for some of the later ones.
It does but it nearly always happens on APP becouse there is a lot more waypoints that why its good to have the approuch diagram so you con enter the right altitudes.
Hey Mr Grunge I was wondering where you were!
I thought you'd like the update, it has made a lot of subtle things even better about this fantastic add-on which I have to say is my favourite of 2005.
I do love the ERJ too....
Just can't wait for the PMDG 747-400 as I have a real gap in my hangar with no pro 744 !
The PMDG 747-400 is going to be great 😀 All they need to do is figure out some way to be able to save the flights becouse I dont have the time to do 15 hour flights
I like the idea of a payware 747, but I'd have to learn to use the FMC. So far I've failed in all attempts
Sorry GPS, I was off in the Adirondack Mountains for a week. It's amazing with all this technology how much can happen in only one week!
I'm very eager for the 747. The hype for this product has certainly been intense, it's certainly a lot of pressure for them to live up to! They're certainly good at teasing their market, giving screenshot releases monthly to keep everyone salivating.
I appreciate the value of not locking yourself into a release date, resulting usually in an inferior product, but there is something to be said to having a goal! I wish developers wouldn't use the phrase "whenever we're finished" or "whenever it's fit for release." I'm fine if the goal gets pushed back, but please give us a ballpark date!
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