Hi, sorry to start a new topic for this. I searched and searched and cannot find the original.. Radarman, maybe you could move my question to the original post? But I was wondering what the concensus is regarding the patch? Is it worth it? Thnx, rob
I certainly know plenty of people who've applied the patch and are content with it, as it does add a lot of bridges and has some other benefits. There are a few people that have had problems, but it seems to go smooth for the majority. As for me, I haven't bothered with it because I'm happy with things the way they are and "if it ain't broke then don't fix it," but that's just me. 😉
I have the patch and it went without a hitch.
For me it improved myh fps quite significantly as there was an issue with flying back into areas that you had just ome from which reduced the fps.
But, as SoCalRick said "if it aint broke dont fix it" - sound advice
Habu, Funny this isn't the first time this week I've seen the patch discussion come up again.
It deserves another look.
Many have used it and are very pleased that they did, I'm of the "if it aint broke don't fix it" crowd.
I know that if you do it step by step it works but I don't want to screw up and start over again.
If you do use it you have to change the NO-CD Crack to the new one 9.1 also. We have it here in the utilities download.
Good luck on whatever you choose.
Its the 1st thing to get installed after fs
I was against MS for introducing this sort of "anti-piracy" tool for a couple of reasons
1 Why bother? it was cracked within days(Did MS realy think that it would last??) 🙄
2 Why endanger your original disc by handling it all the time(CDs are not as hard wearing as they like you to think)
3 I had a disc shatter in my cd/rw drive(The newer cd drives spin much faster and just a tiny crack in the centre(where you push it on, in the cd case)and bangLost one cd and even worse one cd/rw drive
On the whole I am against piracy, but and its a big BUTIts my disc,I paid for it with my own money, so,I want to protect my property
Thats my rant for the week
^I agree with TTT but I guess I assumed the original post was asking about the 9.1 patch, whereas if it is about the "no-cd crack" I also share the view that I have a right to protect my property and override the copy protection. Now that may not be a legal right, but I don't really care in this case, lol! 😂 😉
You might be right SoCalRick
Just me after a bad day at the office and I thought my favorite subject had popped up.....Micros
I have installed the MS patch and have had no problems at all with it 👍
Thnx guys, I agree profusely about the cracks. I do not partake in piracy, but have always used cracks...and always will. radarman, I have a cloned BU drive, so I may just install the patch to that one and test drive it. Curiosity is gettiong to me. And YES, If It Ain't Broke....is my philosophy also. Thnx for the words, rob
OK guys, I applied the patch on my BU HDD. Went perfect, but I didn't need the new Crack !! My Help>About says FS 9.1. Haven't flown yet, but why didn't I need the new crack ? Did all of you need the new one? Thnx, rob
You didnt need the crack because your PC belives the cd is in the drive as you have cloned it
According to MS the new patch will not work"full out" if you "use a crack", they are talking about the old one.
Look under Known Issues.
At least that's the way I read it, how about others, what have you done (experienced).
I have run the fs9 update with and without the nocd crack(to see if there was any difference)and can say that I couldnt spot any
MS say that you may get better FPS with the update(I didnt notice as FPS is not a problem for me)
I would certainly try the update whether you have low FPS or not,because you can undo the update ➡
If you want to uninstall the update, follow these steps.
Go to the Flight Simulator root directory.
Double-click the FS9UpdateUninstall.exe icon.
Delete the BACKUP folder.
Note: After uninstalling the Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (Update) you will need to delete the BACKUP folder, as it is not removed by the uninstaller program.
So try it and see what you think
micosoft wanrs that the installation of 9.1 will keep add-ons from working properly. I dont know how much it affects the addons, but at least Flight1 addons wont be working, you have to reinstall all F1s. and after the reinstallation, i dont know if they would go crazy.....
Hi Radarman, let me explain better ! I had FS 2004 installed and was using the original 2004 crack that I got many moon ago as a result of that post I made here. So I installed the 9.1 upd and figured I would have to reinstall the 9.1 crack. But I didn't ! FS opens as before with the original crack. rob
PS...no complaints. I too haven't noticed much difference
I understand what you mean but all I'm trying to say is the MS claims that the new patch will not work as well with the old crack.
If it does or not, I can't say.
They are claiming this and trying to get rid of cracks so they can continue to own the software even after you pay for it.
But don't get me started down that road.
If you (or anyone) feel's that the patch helps, crack old or new, then using it has succeeded.
😕 Microsoft issued the Fs9 update to fix the missing bridges issue amongst other things
One other thing they added to the patch was something to stop Fs9 loading or running correctly if you used the nocd V1 patch
Thats when the whole debate about who owns the product started
A lot of people cloned cd4 as a virtual drive and got around the nocd issue that way
And I think 🤔 it was about a week later that V2 of the nocd patch arrived
So if you update Fs9 with the MS fix use V2 of the nocd crack 🙄
OK, hate to beat this to death but I have new info. I recently recloned by BU drive so I lost 9.1 upg as My Main drive didn't have it yet. But I had installede Flight DeckIII on my main drive so my BU drive ended up with Flaght DeckIII and no 9.1 (hope that's not too confusing). So, I took a short flight from Meigs to a full stop at O'Hare, R-32 R and frame rates stuttered a bit at 9 FPS. I then moved the upd to FS9 folder and ran it as per directions. It now would not start giving the "FSUIPC.dll error. I went to abacus site...http://www.abacuspub.com/fd3/fd3faqs.htm
and found the workaround for installing 9.1 after Flight DeckIII. Now all is well, and believe it or not, making the same flight, Meigs to O'Hare, R-32R, there is almost no stutter and framerate increased by 2. I find this definitive, but realize others may or may not see better frame rates. Just trying to inform...Happy Flying ...still did not need 9.1 crack!! rob
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