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I still use FSX but not an expert. I have all the others (msfs2020, xplane and P3D) but I am always drawn back to FSX because of it smooth ATC use (without having to purchase addon. yes, it has issues but I can look past that), the addon mission from ac...
Does anyone still use FSX?...
Is it possible to do air refueling in multiplayer? if it is what is the best aircraft to use that has drogue shoot-type probes? ...
I wanted to play this pro airport where these guys were actually being serious and it said no spawning in the air or on runways.....and I got to thinking how in the world do you spawn in a parking spot? or somewhere other than the air or runways ?...
Hello there, we are an active TS3 server that deals with mostly flight simulation and other games. We are back on line after a few months being down and are open for business. Web We support FSHOST, FSOPEN,...
Hello there, Me and a friend have started up a 24/7 flight sim server for FS2004, FSX we also have a 24/7 teamspeak server where pilots can communicate. Please feel free to drop in. First of all download teamspeak for free at WWW.GOTEAMSPEAK.COM ...
Hey so I have been doing some testing with the Air to Air refueling panel that can be added to f18s and it works beautifully as the f18 is a basket receiving aircraft I was wondering if it was possible to make it available for say boom receiving aircraft ...
It's probably been discussed before but I didn't catch it! Anyone have a location of an aircraft carrier. The locations I knew in the earlier MSFS versions were West of San Diego and Southwest of Maui (small island?)....
I can't play multiplayer on fsx since gamespy. I have ports:- 23456 6073 2302-2420 6112-6122 all open all router ports are open also I've tried switching off my mc afee firewall and connection is still impossible all I ever get is the me...
hey, does anyone know how to work the multiplayer voice communictation? I have the headphones, voice comm. is enabled and im pushing the transmit buttons and nobody responds to my voice. I dont think that they can hear me. Does anyone know why? If you cou... The Annual Rovaniemi X-Mas Fly-In | Saturday December 5th 1800z - 2300z IVAO Nordic Region is proud to announce the Annual Rovaniemi X-Mas Fly-In. EFRO Rovaniemi airport, Santa's official ai...
I am looking for a good multiplayer server i am semi professional and am taking my ppoa soon. Anyone know people with locked servers that i may be able to join? Thank You Chris...
hi there is a new FSX group floating around, the group is called FSX Pilots they operate civil and military aircraft in a safe and friendly atmosphere their website is visit the website to get the teamspeak and...
pls yo guys i need help i have been trying to create an account for my FSX and been for 2 days giving me the same error message ( Gamespy is unavailable right now, please try again later ) Thnx Yo pls HELP!!!! ...
OK so im trying to join a local network for multiplayer i put in ip addresses done about 10 now and all say cannot connect to host anyone one why....
This is a strange issue. On our monthly TS event flights we use FSHost to make ourselves visible to each other. Now comes the weird thing. Two of us, and only us two, cannot be logged in at the same time. I can connect and see the other players and they...
Hi guy's, i'm an old player in FSX. Do anyone know what was the FSX multiplayer server connnection status?? Is that server down?? Because kinda long time was not able to connect. My FSX was update to SP2. I was tried to set port forward and other th...
As you may know, the GameSpy-powered component of Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) multiplayer was decommissioned on December 6, 2012. It is now official that GameSpy will no longer be supporting the FSX title and that users of FSX will need to turn els...
I have one copy of FSX deluxe for my desktop and one for my laptop so i can host a server and log in to it from my pc. The first attempt i tried was to use the one copy of fsx and activate it on both computers, this activated with out error. Once i connec...
hi i was wondering how to make a FSX bot for my flight sim X server that will kick people for not filing a flight plan before taxi and kick people if they are spawning at the runway ect. Please help....
Hello! MSFS-X. When I try to create new gamespy account it says "your password must be less than 16 characters in alphanumeric format" and fails. When I try to use existing gamespy account it says "incorrect password". Anyone can help to troubleshoot ...
Hello, I am new here. I want play online but I cant. I cant register. when I am trying to register it says "Gamesply is unavailable right now" I am trying to connect directly but same. it says 'cannot create connection to host" how can I play mutliplaer t...
Hi I have This Problem And when I install My Flight Simulator X It says Problem with Flight sim x Go to Your Nearest Game Vender? And Before it was on my Pc I tried logging on and it took Multiplayer from the List I need Help Bad!...
Hi, I'm using FSX on VATSIM, thru Squawk Box. But for some reason, I am unable to see other planes that are near me! I've had friends say you need to turn off AI. Can someone help please. Feel like I'm flying blind.... LOL! Thanks!...
ok :evil: I am really getting angry, always when I play multiplayer in FSX, in a couple of mins its says "you have been disconnected from gamespy, somebody using on aother computer" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twis...
Does anyone kow if it is posible to load a saved flight (for starting position purposes) into FSX Multiplayer? I saved a flight a cold and dark and named it with my plane positioned as I wanted it to be. I saved this flight and checked the box as Default...
is it true that you cant play multiplayer in FSX no more? i have been off FSX for nearly a year and i was wondering if what i read on gamespy's website is true can any one clarify things for me 😞...
We are an online group of Microsoft Flight Simulator X Aviation Enthusiasts of varying levels of experience or ability. For pilots, hobbyists or air traffic controllers, novice to expert... ​ ​Sky Connection is your world, connected.​ ...Âg_back_FSX_multiplayer WE need 1000 signatures. We can do this, fight for multiplayer! If you don't know gamespy shutdown 😞...
Every time i press "Sign In" it doesn't do anything so its just like i pressed a fake button. Whats Wrong? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!...
i can` play multiplayer.... it isint WORKING TO SIGN IN! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:...
Dose anyone know how come why I can't log into the fsx server, I just recently installed win8, i can free flight and all but i can't login into fsx server at all or create a new account and request to change my password also, i never had this problem with...
My name is Jacob I am A real world CFI, CFII, and MEI. I am a member of KEUG virtual and have been flying for 5 years im 21. I have 300 hrs and over 3000 hrs in FSX. I would like to offer everyone willing to join a chance at being taught one on one or in ...
Hi everybody, My name's Gian Pietro and i'm a virtual pilot in Aeroservice VA which is an Italian VA. I recently discovered the possibility of doing flights with a real co-pilot by using the fsx multiplayer session. So i'm looking for someone that i co...
Hello everyone, For those interested in Coast Guard, or search and rescue operations, I invite you to come check out the Virtual Coast Guard, a group who flies internationally, has members all over the world, is composed of about 1/3 actual military me...
Hello I'm just wondering if the Fly Away multiplayer has actually started yet? and if it has, how do you get onto it? This may seem like a silly question but i was so desperate to find out. Thank you very much for reading this question. Fly O...
As you know, Microsoft has really focused on and expanded the multiplayer capabilities on the default game greatly since FS9. We now do not need to register with and download IVAO or VATSIM files. Instead, all you need to do is get registered with GameSpy...
When I press the button to sign in it doesn't work almost like a fake button. Please can someone help. I have changed my email because I had to create a new account because I forgot my old login details. Please can someone help....
Hi there, I need a little bit of help with the multiplayer thing. When I crash in multiplayer, it doesn't respawn. I eventually have to quit the server and re join to respawn? Please help Cheers Jake...
Whenever I'm flying a plane on FSX, their is so much lag that i always have to go off because i cant fly it. So can someone tell me how to get the lag away...
HELP - I purchased the annual subscription last night and never received the confirming email. Now when I use "forgot password", it tells me no account is found... I did receive a confirming email from Paypal on my purchase..! How can I verify my ema...
Hi guys, I've no idea of how to play FSX deluxe version as ATC. I'd be trying it for the first time. Frankly speaking I dont even know how to go to ATC mode. Any tips for the same. Links to specific topics with ATC play would be appreciated! Chee...
why when logged in on multiplayer on gampspy when i host a game and when my friend dose we try to start a gate but never happens always on acvtive runway? using kcvg imgiane sim. can any one help. also when flying aircraft online are planes arnt the same ...
Hi everyone! I wanted to know, can players only join my FSHost session via FSClient? If i remember right, i saw minimum 2 sessions (in the Gamespy client) Where the host used FSHost (With commands and so on) and they could ban players. Is it another so...
Unknown Error 02000007 when trying to connect to gamespy, anyone else have this error?...
I have flight simulator x that I have just reinstalled and working fine. The multiplayer was working fine the other night this was with my home pc directly connected to my virgin router and both my sons computers directly connected. Last night I hoste...
when fylining with a friend online just me and my friend how do u get atc working is not woorking when me and my friend fly i do not want to use online atc is there away around this. the atc button is disabled in the cockpit fyling multiplayer online. wou...
Every time I play in multiplayer a few minutes after I join (on the off chance I actually get in without game spy kicking me out) I always get a CTD with a fatal error message please help me this is really aggravating! I really wish Microsoft and G...
Ok folks, long time user, first time fsx carrier ops... Downloaded the CVN-76 from avsim, and had my friend download it also... We created a session and it worked, both of us could see each other. We took turns trying carrier traps, first her in a ...