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I recently had the problem of having blocky water and textures in my just downloaded global base mesh from Orbx. I contacted their support team and they said to replace original Iclookup.bgl file with a new file they sent in the FSX\scenery\BASE\Scenery p...
Does anyone use FSX Flight Tracker, or are you interested? My Captain's handle is JWKiefer.
Hi all, I got my hands on a Thrustmaster Airbus joystick and quadrant set recently and I've been trying to configure it to work with my FSX software for a while. Its compatibility with the program aside, I can't seem to be able to get the whole set to wor...
hi there Due to the motherboard of my existing PC running FSX dieing on me, I have been forced to buy a new PC and reinstall FSX. I have been able to reinstall all my external instrumentation (pedals, radio panels, yoke etc) successfully - the one thing ...
There was a website that had some excellent free airports from British Columbia called stuff4fs. Sadly the owner passed away recently and his website is down. The "freeware scenery" website just gives dead links to the airports. I'm sure i saved his fil...
I see all ads for the charts for CRGSIM but no where do I see a link to download CRGSIM or how to get it and install it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sterk03...
Ins FSX Steam flying the Boeing painted 737-700 I am unable to adjust the seat or view to be alle in level flight to see any ground straight ahead or horizon. The same no matter what flap setting? what am I missing in adjusting this eye level. Thanks ...
como instalar la mision del vuelo de avianca...
i downloaded flight simulator opens but cant start plane what am i doing wrong ?? running i7 would really appreciate it a lot would team viewer work so someone can logon and help me...
I have seen replies that FSX Gold & FSX steam will both run on Windows 10 or 11 & other replies say they will not. totally confused I am familiar with the gold edition that I had on window 7 but I now have Windows 10 Thank you...
Hi, I have downloaded FreeMeshX - Global 2.0, but it is not possible to - add as an example Europe - in the Scenery. Any helpful ideas?...
I have downloaded many aircraft over time, some have interior lights and some don't and no logo lights. Is there any way to install interior lights on planes that don't that don't? I do a little night flying and they look so much better. Thanks, Phil...
Hi. Im on FSX Steam Edition. When I am in the virtual cockpit of the crj700 and move the flight stick, a part of the stick does not move with the rest. Image A (flight stick at rest): Image B (flight stick moved):
I have the steam version of MS FSX and dl a F4 phantom to add to my aircraft inventory. How do I do this with the Steam version?...
can you please tell my the order of add-ons I want scenery library to have 1 ftxaa_orbxlibs 2. orbxopenlc_europe 3 opencl_ namerica 4 opencl_base 5 shows add-on scenery 6 Traffic global What next? airports, cities, other sceneries. Is add-on...
Cannot open FSX-SE goes to startup pic of water and sun and then disappears...with frustration I clicked on the Beta and then did what it said to do but it is not working or opening up either. I looked at hthe FSX-SE file and there are no fsx.cfg file o...
Dear friend Ian StephersI need you and I'm sure you can help me solve this problem.I need to be able to ensure that in the FSX scenarios the trees I inserted from the ADE object library transform according to the seasons.Can you help me please?Do you reme...
Dear friends.I'm talking about the seasonality of FSX's ADDED scenarios.That is the question:Trees by default become full of snow in winter.The same trees that I add with ADE remain without snow.From AVSIM I downloaded textures from a file created by a Fr...
I don't have the \fsx\ folder that should be inside the microsoft folder. how to I do this for steam edition. I need it so I can install TacPack...
Good Day, I joined Pro to have no hassles. Then I downloaded an aircraft in the manner described. The file has been unzipped and appears under aircraft. However, when opening FSX only the default aircraft appears. How do I get FSX to use this aircraft,...
hey, guys recently I downloaded Freemeshx and did everything it said in the instructions on how to download but still the scenery doesn't change. can someone help me, please?...
In FSX Steam Spoilers are visible when in reverse, but otherwise not visible when deployed?...
Can I change the hex color codes in the HUD xml file? The ViperDen F16 HUD colors are very hard to read. For example: Color="#99ff66" So far a test on indicated airspeed doesn't do anything, even after restarting Steam. //----HUD Indicated Airspeed...
Hi, when you have downloaded freemeshX and extracted all the files to "say desktop" Do you then need to copy and paste them into "add on scenery"? If not, how does FSX use these files from a remote setting like a desktop?? Thanks, Will....
Initially, my FSX-se would go back to the desktop screen mid-flight. Now it will only show the splash screen for a second or 2 and go back to the desktop screen. I have deleted the FSX.cfg file several times since and reinstalled FSX from Steam several ti...
Is there a way to get the Jetway and Gate Number to show up in FSX-SE? My GSX-SE allowed me to change the default to A - 6 and the Text String to A - 6, however the white preview square never fills. The *.ini's all show the change. Thanks Mike Port H...
I have everything added to my scenery library. When you hit the ok to leave the window, an error message comes up with...system cfg error area 143 not found and so on for all the 5 files with the same message, different area numbers. What is going on,...
I download the flight simulator X, play the game for a while Then I turn it off for a while, but cannot reload The launcher is blank. So I have to uninstall and then reinstall to play every time I've done this about six times. My computer Windows 10...
How do you make missions? I have the box edition with no disk drive and I also have Steam. I would like to make my own missions. Can you help, please? I don't have a clue....
Using FSX S.E. How do I shut down aircraft engines just using the keyboard like you can do in FSX?...
Hello, I cannot install a new scenery. In this case, it is the Cyprus photorealistic landscape in FSX. Does anyone know how to do it? Norbert ...
how do I start the flight simulator program in flight school?...
How do I add city names to FSX-SE in a land view?...
Hi, I downloaded the Millenium Falcon for the FSX steam edition. It's there and flies and all, but all I see are three blue rectangular shapes. If you turn just right with the scenery behind the ship you can see the outline, it's just invisible. I cop...
Please someone can help me with the weather radar on 737 and 777 of PMDG (FSX STEAM EDITION). Everything is indicated in the user manuals and video tutorials, I have Action Sky Evolution installed... Maybe I should modify something in the configuration? T...
Until recently I thought you could only unlock a GPS in windowed view. I saw an article not sure where that you can also move a GPS to a second monitor in Full View. It will not unlock when you click the top border but if you slide it over to the second m...
I just downloaded msfsx a few days ago and I've done a few commercial flights with no issues until today. When I turned on mouse control and mouse view direction (Keybind Ctrl+Y and Shift+O respectively), it braked and enabled mouse control. There seems t...
I just installed the Orbx global base pack, looks good so far. Should I buy and install Global vectors to complement the base? I have been looking at scenery such as water effects textures, road texture scenery, and team GEX-enhanced autogenic world scene...
I have Nimitz/Ike and Icarriers2 installed. How can I access the carrier without landing on it first?...
I have the latest RFN carrier gauge installed on my F-14 Tomcat. I am able to set the Nav1 frequency for the carrier, but it doesn't show up in the identification box, and when I try to use the ctrl/f1 function it says no carrier tuned. Is this a glitch, ...
I am really confused. Will the FSX Steam edition run on Windows 10 & is it a game similar to the FSX gold edition which I am very familiar with? Thank you...
Hello, recently I noticed that when I reload a flight, save and load, or load a flight plan, every airport or waypoint gets set to 0º, 0º on the map, in the middle of the sea. When opening the PLN (saved in UTF-8 btw) and FLT files, I see respectivel...
Recently after installing additional aircraft I now have a black box with my mouse arrow, this is on all aircraft. how can I remove this box? This only happens in FSX....
I've been using FSX for 4 months now and there are no new entries in the flight log. I typically fly 2 or 3 flights a day so the other features seem to be working ok. Any suggestions for a fix on this?...
Hello, I am running Windows 11, in FSX Steam why is it that rotorcraft nor helicopters do not show up in my simulator anymore? They are in the cfg file but not in the game. thanks....
I purchased the UK2000 Airfields package and the airports are good but Heathrow for instance has very few static planes on the gates - I have activated the common library within the package and set the options to show Static Aircraft also set all sliders ...
I'm unable to get into my existing Steam MS FSX steam account, and I purchased some software that I'm unable to retrieve. I have proof of purchase. I can't see a way to attach the MS FSX purchase receipt to this....
How to print FSX Flight Plans now Internet Explorer has gone?...
I am having a very frustrating problem with addon scenery in FSX STEAM. I have lost terminal buildings in all airports and tried eliminating the addons. Even to the extent of "uninstalling" STEAM. Re-installing only brings back the same problems. Now all ...
I am getting a message telling me to check my internet connection, but i have a strong connection. Can this be fixed?...