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After resetting my PC I lost my FSX SE copy and I can't use steam without it. I can get on steam but have no fsx se to go with it. I have the REG# for fsx but no copy. After the reset I lost almost evverything FSX, FSX SE ETC.......
Any way to download a copy and use my registration? ...
Hello.. Of the 727s offered, do any include FMS or GPS? Thanks to all.....
is there any ai aircraft carrier and f 18 for FSX deluxe?...
More of a statement I suppose, my installation of FSX-SE 3 times now trying to sort out discrepancies always with default aircraft never any add ons it never works the same NEVER. sometimes one prop on a twin seems static at idle. next time all good and b...
Hi, I tried installing FS Recorder using the .msi installer and it seemed to install ok cause the installer finished sucessfully but when I begin a flight, there is no menu options added for recording. This is my first time using it so I wanted to ask i...
I installed (download) FSX Steam yesterday, but when I try to add aircraft in F:(c86)/ microsoft games I fet a FSX icon. When I double click I get the above error message,...
Ya know, been driving myself crazy trying to find a joysick. Tried a T16000M and HOTAS Decided go with Cyborg Graphite. Said it was P'n'P. Windows sees it fine in settings, correctly identifying it, Tried both X-Plane 11, steam beta, and FSX, same way...
Hi For sake of all that's holy, why did they involve a piece that doesn't want to work right? I load FSX (beta) without the recorder, can fly all day. Load the recorder, eventually it crashes. I have an HP 15 laptop, 8Gb, 2.16 intel 🤔...
Hi, Can you please help me with this one. I'm working my way through the Commercial Pilot lessons in FSX Steam Edition but I'm struggling to stay within the parameters or achieve what's required within the programmed timeframe before the dreaded "Since y...
How do you set up a session? I seem to be able to create one. I have a briefing room. I can start simulation from the briefing room. But nobody else can see or connect. Thanks. ...
Hi all, I fly for a US cargo company and recently purchased fsx steam (windows 10) with Logitech yoke/throttles, rudder and switch panel to get my 12 yo son and 14 yo daughter started with flying while they're at home due to the virus. I have been unabl...
I am curious how the search works? I searched using 8 monitors with FSX and nothing came up,but hundreds of non relevant posts? I have tried different words, sentences and nothing relevant comes up based on my search? I have other questions relating...
I would appreciate the help on this, I've already tried what other topics in the forum state. I' ve installed each continent and patches folders in the /Add On Scenery and /Add On Scenery/scenery folders, using Add Area and following the blank space rule....
hi flyers i was just wondering if there is any addon for fsx to get cabin crew and co pilot voices like on the fsx missions? thanks in advance...
Hi guys, I recently bought this plane and the dlc that comes with it. When I booted it up there were a few 2d panels, GPS, Radios and Autopilot. The first two work fine however the autopilot panel is blank, the popup square is there but no autopilot.I can...
can I download fsx or steam program? I cant find my copy of fsx please ...
What could be the problem with my logbook? none of my flights are logging....
I'm having problems with getting my edits to the default CRJ-700 aircraft cfg file to take effect. I made edits that added a few new camera views and I added some repaints as well. Neither are taking effect and only default liveries show up in the aircraf...
As soon as I take off and raise the nose and landing gear, the palne crashes. No other aircraft in my library does that. Please explain what I need to do. Thank you. ...
THE B744_VIRGIN_COSMIC shows in my aircraft folder fsxse but it has not installed in simulator itself. every thing with the copies and pastes to the effects and sound ext what am i doing wrong...
I've been having some trouble with some of the Aircraft I've downloaded. While their files transfer over to the correct placing. I find when I check to see if they're appearing in my Steam Flight Sim X; They're showing up as devoid of their textures, appe...
Downlowed RIKooo enhanced DC-3 and ailerons stuck in up (left wing) and down (right) position when plane cold dark and same when plane is hot and flying - but plane still flies ok. Just curious if there is a way to fix. I read some the STEAM forum an...
I bought a AeroHeaven B17 from SimMarket and downloaded it via a "Direct Download" link. As with previous aircraft I have successfully used the DDL and I ran the installer and sent it to SteamApps>common>FSX>DLC folder and clicked install but ...
Downloaded the opensky 737-800 american airlines and the virtual cockpit is mising on fsx. Looked in panel folder and it has alias 737-800. What is wrong? Should use default 737 panel but is just a blank screen with terain only....
Hi Folks Is anyone able to help. I am not abel the to get the majority of the repaints I download to work. I am following instructions on the files but they will not show up in sim. I hace put the cfg for the 737-800 below and the file structur...
G'day- I recently downloaded a payware F4 package from Steam, but it didn't include a panel. I found a suitable panel and downloaded it. Problem- I can't locate the F4 package in the FSX/Sim Objects/Aircraft folder. The F4 and it's variants appears ...
Has anyone encountered issues with the ILS for RWY 08 at Toronto's Island Airport? I have tried multiple techniques, using NAV alone; using GPS to line up correctly then switching to NAV and APR hold etc. Nothing seems to work. Tried it in several airc...
I have downloaded the Flight FSX inmy windows OS. But i am clueless how to install and open it....
Whilst flying ifr in a default 737, the atc makes me says I am below or above my assigned altitude. I keep pressing b and entering it manually but the same thing happens....
I downloaded the patch from , it discarded the default seatbelt sign sound. I backuped the a321 folder and I dont know what the name of the file is. I am going to t...
I can't seem to engage my landing lights either 10M feet or on final. The switch flips down then up immediately. Any suggestions!!! Thx...
My question is, will these 2 sceneries work together or will there be some compatibility issue?...
Every time i try to open fsx it keep saying steam is not running SOMEONE HELP! :evil:...
My joystick had been working fine for a year now, but now it does not work for fsx, it works for xplane but not fsx. I recalibrated it and it said it was fine, it still did not work... Please help...
Hi, I am having a problem installing some updated airport scenery in fsx steam. It appears that the files added to the 'Addon Scenery\Scenery folder Don't appear. Could some body help me out please...
Hello! I use FSX Steam edition, and turned recentely to carrier landing. I downloaded AICarrier. It works fine. I downloaded RN carrier gauge I installed on the Fouga Zephyr. It works excepted that I cannot select any carrier in the selection menu. The...
As FSX ( steam edition ) opens I get message box's that say----------------Scenery.CFG file error. Invalid remote scenery path in scenery area . 127 . Click OK to continue. Can I see this scenery path and fix it,? or do I need to delete scenery area and ...
Hi! I downloaded United 757-200 file but i cannot see the control panel and tail view. did i do something wrong? Can anyone help me? Thanks!!...
Hi: Several months ago, I mistakenly installed Steam FSX-SE to my "C" drive...Operating system is installed there...Now, as you can imagine, the drive is filling up, almost full...Is there any easy (?) way to move FSX-SE to another drive without uninstall...
I fly for a VA and use the "User Defined Weather" to provide either rain or snow. We use the VAFS system and points are given for landing in bad weather. After setting up the FSX weather, the rain or snow many times shuts off at destination airport. M...
Hi. There, Been having a few issues with ILS appproach for landing where n final the aircraft at 2 locations was right of the runway, I checked the ILS frequency and headings as they were as written on the World Map. What am I missing as this has been...
I wonder if anyone has had the problem of water covering scenery, ground level and how can I remove it, please? :cry:...
Hi everyone, When i want to run the WOAI downloader i receive the error: Error loading package list from WOAI web site: Can not set up a secure SSL/TLS channel. Does anyone here know how to fix that? Tanks in advance...
I am using FSX Steam on Windows 7. I have downloaded the "Brisbane West Wellcamp" update from the FSX AFCAD files page. If I follow the simple directions in the readme it doesn't work for me. I've spent hours reading posts that relate to this pro...
I hope someone can help me. I have a Thrustmaster T-flight stick X which worked fine with Microsoft Flight SImulator X (Boxed version). Today I bought the Steam Edition and now my throttle slider doesn't work anymore. I deleted FSX SE, updated the latest ...
Package great in fsx steam except when landing runway 28, a grey rectangle becomes visible above the runway and you crash if landing on the runway below the mysterious runway lookalike rectangle. The package is self loading. Anyone with this problem and...
does GSX work with the Steam edition FSX?...
Just wondering if there is an FTP site that you could Batch download Scenery files here on AVsim? EllisDee...
As an example I just installed a Boeing 737-700 into my Steam FSX Airplanes directory. The panel does not show. The panel file reads " alias=B737_800\panel". I have the B737-800 in the same directory but can't get it to work. Any ideas on what I am doing...