Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
So my friend told me there is a way to play a Google flight simulator somehow - he mentioned Google Earth or something. How do I go about playing this? Do I need to install anything? Is it realistic? Any advice, full explanation and instructions ...
I have downloaded FSUIPC a couple of times now and still do not have the product Key. The file is there but not Key. Where do I find it. 😕...
Whenever I'm flying my plane always tilts slightly to the left and it's very annoying. How do I get it to fly straight?...
Having difficylty adding Air Bus A320 to my airplanes. Specifically, I do not know how to load the aircraft.cfg file code (fltsim.x) into the airplane folder. I am usinf FSX. Can anyone help?...
I would particularly like to find some scenerries for Nicaragua and Central America without going through all 156 or so pages. Is there a map or search box I can use to see what's avalable in a certian part of the world? I am on P3DV5.3. Thanks in ...
I want to search for specific planes and jets for Flight simulator 2004, for example Airbus A350 and Boeing 787; and while i do find some planes there, some aren't available for 2004 and only exist in FSX. Is it possible to update the search function so t...
I have only been flight simming for a short while and it's all very new to me. I took it up because I am training in the real-world for my PPL. I use it to mainly practice my navigation skills. My question is - what was the first ever PC-based flig...
So I've been using the Avsim forum for years - or at least browsing it anyway. However, when I try to visit any pages which are in the Google search results from Avsim, I now get an error, "Sorry, there is a problem. You do not have permission to view...
Hi, Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of ASA On Top 9.5? Thanks. Larry...
Greetings to all simulation enthusiasts! As a newcomer to this community, I'm encountering persistent issues with installing FS2004 and FSX on my Windows 10 system. Specifically, my FS2004 installation stalls due to a missing 'msvcr70.dll' file. Despite a...
Are there comprehensive guides available for complete beginners to flight simulation? I'm interested in learning about basic piloting, including understanding cockpit instruments and fundamental flight mechanics. Could someone recommend beginner-friendly ...
I have bought and paid with PayPal a PRO Account but i cant enter my login (user name and password) for downloading. Can i have a new account?...
Hi, I just recently bought Simtouch and I have released a new version of maps for Prepar3d & FSX. It has multimaps to use such as Google Maps, Bing maps, Yandex maps, and OPE street maps. It will show you aircraft and all other aircraft in real-time....
Is there a website that has approach plates for free like Skyvector for airports outside the USA?...
Hi there, I am totally new to this kind of PC game. I have already played simulators, but only for trucks, trains, etc. I have no knowledge in flying sims as well and I am not a pilot. But I wanted to learn and play a flight simulator. The problem i...
Dearest Ian. I'm sure you know FSX perfectly and I have to ask you how to make an object (for example "house") "night" in FSX. My procedure: 1) I build a house in 3D with the Sketch-Up program (house. SKP) 2) I export the house in 3D with the “Colla...
Hi, I have around 50 flight sim discs can you advise as to selling them, please? Thank you....
Hey folks- Just looking to get a feel for the current state of the hobby. A couple of questions. Hoping you wouldn't mind some feedback- Top Hub airports to fly in/out of? Best US airports to fly international routes from? Favorite aircraft ...
HOW to get the JEPPESEN weather engine to work? I have tried doing a reinstall and even OPA MARSHALL T&T unless I missed something....
I have a registered Pete Dowson's FSUIPC. I was using it with Windows 7 but now installed Windows 10. It now says that it is unregistered. I don't know my key code. Am I out of luck and have to pay another $30 or is there some way to get my key? Thanks...
Purchased the dornier 228 and avro RJ. Used PayPal for the purchase. but on the site it says "awaiting payment" where it should give the serial numbers. Ive already paid. Wondering how long til I get the serial numbers....
I bought MSFS on disk Loaded it over many hours and got it up and running and flying at my local airport plus did some of the tutorials. Then got involved in an online scam so deleted everything off the computer and started all over. The disk version ins...
2 things: 1. When am pushing back from the gate, I'm unable to turn left or right. Is there a way to do that? 2. When parked at the gate what are the commands to call over the grounds crew? (baggage, fuel, jetway, etc) thanks...
Why when you talk to air traffic control do they always say altimeter 2992 when you request altitude increase/decrease/change?...
Hi guys, I've haven't figured this out yet. What is Slew mode and what is it useful for? Timo...
Airport landing question. I have just got into flight simulators so forgive me if this question is old or seems silly but... When getting landing clearance they tell me to come in to runway 24 right base. What does the right base mean? As I appro...
Hi, I have been flying for about a year now, but I have never really used MACH when flying at high altitudes. I have only just started using it. I have noticed also that when I use FSpassengers, my co pilot announces at about 18.000ft...."Passing t...
Hello, I believe that TOGA is an acronym for Take Off Go Around (throttle control). Any advice on how to activate or "use" this feature. I've had it work for me a time or two by accident, but I can't figure out how make it happen "at w...
hello all...I forgot on fsX ... what is the key for thrust reverse?... haven't got into it in I'm feeling better so it's time to fly for any help....
Hi, Purchased XPlane C208 from Simshack, however no serial number provided, the account page just says "pin_not_available". Have raised several tickets all without any form of response. Does anyone know how to resolve? I have to say I will no...
Can anyone suggest a good download manager to work with these downloads - I have tried FDM (free download manager) but it wants to download everything on the displayed page....
Can someone tell me what it is and how to you use it? Thanks ...
I have seen this product advertised on Facebook and wondered if anyone knows whether it is a Bona-Fide product or just a huge SCAM. It is apparently retailing on their website for an introductory price of $67 instead of $137 Regular Price. Many Thanks ...
Hi everybody, does anyone know where I can download a setup file of ezcamviews?...
I downloaded the dc9klm zip file to my fs9 sim. The jet looks fine but the engines sound like a cessna 172. Any thoughts as to what might be the problem. Also, no virtual cockpit and the only DC9 cockpit I see available is the one identified as extremely ...
hi All ive just downloaded my first add on/plug in. Alls well i think just a little advice. Ive downloaded and extracted the western alps scenery, Ok a couple of things. As well explained there are 2 folders which i have put into custom scenery as per ...
I started to download the big scenery 117 GB for XPlane program and tried to stop it because it would take to long but it stays connected. Each time I load Firefox it starts the download again, this has been going on for 2 days. I am now a Pro member but...
Having problems installing the Piper Pawnee download on X-Plane 11. I've tried all the advice on how to move the folder to the aircraft folder in the X-Plane file but it still doesn't appear in my New Flight aircraft panel when I run the program. Can some...
Hello to the forum. I hope that this is the right place to ask this question. I became a patreon member and downloaded the full California Secnery Pack. All 128GB or so. I did follow the directions in the readme.txt file. I am just not sure that I i...
it's listed in on this page however I cannot seem to locate it anywhere? any help would be greatly appreciated....
I'm new here, I could use some advice on choosing a simulator. I got my instrument rating in 1995 and left flying in 2001. Now I'm retired and thinking about taking it up again. I just need a simple sim to reaquaint me with routes and approaches, and the ...
Last year FS2020 caught my eye, and as some who's dipped my toe into the world of real life flying, the idea of getting into a flight sim appeals to me. The thing is, having done my research it seems I'd need to spend over £1000 on a new PC just to...
I downloaded the Add-It Pro software and love the program. However, when I tried to register (purchase) the software the domain it takes me to is MIA. I have searched everywhere for updated info but haven't been able to. I can't use the program any longer...
is there any free su-57 for FSX...
I noticed with the new Boeing 727 aircraft package I downloaded there is no GPS. I noticed this exact same cockpit with the exact same problem previously on a Russian aircraft. Is there a way to plug in the GPS files?...
need some help trying to figure out how to get the traffic shipping bgl to work from my add on scenery file ,i cut and pasted some due to the fact that the i cannot get the regular ones to work .i need the correct path to enter into the add on scenery fol...
need some help trying to figure out how to get the traffic shipping bgl to work from my add on scenery file ,i cut and pasted some due to the fact that the i cannot get the regular ones to work .i need the correct path to enter into the add on scenery fol...
need some help trying to figure out how to get the traffic shipping bgl to work from my add on scenery file ,i cut and pasted some due to the fact that the i cannot get the regular ones to work .i need the correct path to enter into the add on scenery fol...
is there any HAL LCA Tejas plane available for fsx? ...