Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
This may be an off question, but I am getting familiar with the CRJ series and I can't seem to be able to trim the airplane. I can't find an elevator trim wheel. Is there one? :oops:...
Hello, Steve Hinson passed away on Oct 5,2007. He passed away from health complications. His family was with him at home. If you don't know who he is, then just check many of your F14D's and Aircraft Carriers. Both for FSX and FS9. He with help ...
Hey after looking at Top Gear videos on google i searched aircraft landing's. Well i found this video have a watch i find it sooo funny:
Just saw this in computer shopper magazine, it is designed to be the ultimate gaming pc: search commodore gaming commodre xx (the site dosent allow posting a link direct to the page) Anyone thinking of buying one?...
hey i need help i already posted something in the fsx genrel about fsrv2 but this is a diffrent matter (sort off) Well when i add a pic to put onto a plane i cant save it after it says cheak the read only but its off so i cant see no problame here is a... Please comment!...
Ok i realy need help with this: When i wanner make a new account with gamespy on fsx it ask's me for my password to be in ALPHANUMERIC FORMAT i have searched it on google but i still could'nt understand what it ment so if anyone understand's it can ...
why does a 737-400 and above why does the engine on start up start on fire after a repair? do better explain this ill post a video link.
just found this in a U.S. Coast Guard book its one of their motos "You Have To Go Out, But You Don`t Have To Come Back" its so powerful its awsome.......
Just wondering if anyone here has registered here in the last few days. Well, i did last Thursday (8-30-2007). I can log in using my user name and password, but that is about it. It shows that im logged in. But when i ...
Someone at my work sent me this LOL!!! Looks like US Air beat me to it in real life. I still prefer my livery to theirs. Nice job thou...
Can you remember your first ever download for fs? mine was the An-22 from this site, I was scared because downloading itself was all new to me and my mum had to do it for me, it took me ages to figure out how to install the thing after i downloaded it! I ...
This is the download link for a very talented hand artist video. It has music so turn up your speakers and enjoy the show. ➡
uuuuuuuggggggg this is the last day before summers over then i have to go to school tommorow good news is that im in middle school now and i get to go to a new school and not the elmentry school anymore 😉...
radarman i and i think i speak for all the members at flyaway that you are the most helpful, friendliest, and the best dang moderator here! you radarman are the only one who ever responded to almost everyones threads and had to put up with doing some of f...
ok today was like the last day till i have to start my first year of middle school so i was at my local skatepark with my friend and so i rode up there with my bike and my friends mom came to let me borrow his scooter so me and him are going on the ramps ...
Does anyone know why on Sunday 12th of august in Sydney i saw an African international cargo dc-8 and a heavylift BELFAST, yeah a freakin' belfast! was in Sydney. I thought maybe for the APEC thing. PS the Belfast was the only one flying in the world a...
is there a madden 08 cd crack out there and it dosent have to be on flyaway ❓...
Well I sometimes watch the tv show Whose Line is it Anyway and I love it. Thought I would post some clips of it. ht...
what do you think is the most dirtiest airline (judging by how dirty the plane is on the outside) i would say air france. seems like they never wash em'....
Does anyone know of a program that lets you Control Your FS2004 AI Traffic that you have installed. If there isnt one, someone should try and make one, as a freeware product. Like, you go to the Tower, Approach, Center, etc place, pick a tower, look out t...
On the fly by wire aircraft is there still hydraulic pressure to the rudder, or any hydraulic pressure to any part of the plane? I wouldnt think so but I thought i would ask....
Smallest monoplane in the world The Baby Bird. The Baby Bird was 11 ft (3.4 m) in length, a wingspan of 6.25 ft (1.9 m) and weighed only 250 lb (115 kg) empty. Its 55-hp piston engine gave the Baby Bird a maximum speed of 110 mph (175 km/h) when it fi...
Take a look 😁
i was in bridgend today in llandow serviceing trailers which is only 1 mile away from cardiff airport. it is also in the final approach line. so i always see planes in and out. biggest i seen 747 which goes there to be serviced at BA. today i looked up to...
Hi all, I am stuck in a pretty big problem. I am very into airline industry and all aviation related jobs. I recently applied for position of cabin crew with easyJet and Ryanair. The second company replied to me, and I applied for interview. They liked...
A website was started to help Sioux Falls (SD) Get Midwest Airlines with service to Milwaukee and possibly Kansas City. It has an online petition (technically the guestbook) and so far I have 66 signatures from people across the US. I dont care if you are...
Cant find a link to click under 'your account' - how do I kill my account to avoid getting billed again....
For any one that flies in to KORD (Chicago Ohare), there are some changes on a couple of runways. This also for the ones if working on new scenery for KORD, if anyone. As the picture shows runway 9L - 27R will be changed to 9R - 27L. 9R - 27L will be ch...
hey guys, I have time to post and tell you abit how its going with my flying school. Well first I passed the PSTAR exam ( Canadian Air Law) I got 47/50 which is not that bad, YEY ! and this weekend I have my radio exam which will be the abit harder, more ...
where can i find this, is it payware or freeware? is there any AI Addon that any one recomends that is not payware please send me a link or post it in this thread thx in adv...
Frontier Airlines (F9) is going to announce tomorrow 4 new cities operated by Lynx Aviation on their new Dash-400 turboprops according to this article at Rocky Mountain News.,1299,DRMN_4_5609320,...
Just a quick thanks to RadarMan for getting rid of all these spams (again), he seems to do all the work around here. Just to let him know the members appreciate his hard work! 😀...
the idea of human powered flight is not new, but advances in engineering and manufacturing are causing significant changes in this field. check out what these folks are doing. the website is very cool: there are some vide...
Take a good look here...
Meh.... I am making my privet pilot liscnce now, for these 2 weeks I was flying with instructor 2 times a week. next week for ground school I will have my PStar exams, which is about aerodynamics and Air Law really fun pass mark is 90% and 200 multiple ch...
remember in the old days when Flight Simulation first came out to the general public and we though the graphics looks great? ( some of us did anyway ) and now looking back it looks like dirt compared to FSX just goes to show Flight Simulation has co...
😳 Anybody see them to long island pilots that were areested for causing that brazil crash of a jet liner???????????? :rofl:...
well as we all know all the paint is is a red strip ad the door is encircled in a red line but right where the red line and the door meet it turns white why would anyone need to see this? ➡
Please can you tell me where you got your avatar from. I would very much like one!!! 😉...
Where are the brakes on an aircraft? Arent the peddles just for the yaw? I was in a tomahawk a lil one 2 get a ppl licence. Think its called that! And i didnt see the brakes and i forgot to ask...
hey does anybody here play runescape if so, whats your username....
Brand new airlines in the US, Skybus. Operating Airbus 319 aircraft from Columbus, Ohio, they are an ultra low cost airlines modeled after Ryanair in Europe. I don't know if there are any repaints available for FS. ➡ Skybus rules of flying...;_ylt=AuzhwMmDn6z4Us_wQJZCwbSs0NUE :cry: So Sad....
does anyone know were I can get cool 😎 taskbars for my windows XP? thnx ❗...
Booked my JAR-PPL Skills Test for the 28th this month. Hopefully this strange run of Good Scottish weather of late will continue. Hopefully everything thing will go according to plan! ...
Found this interesting video at my VA Forum, thanks to redhmt for posting it.
Hello all iv got a radeon 9600series card and it pretty old now i was wondering can you sugest me anygood cards to use for flight simulator quite cheap nothing exspsive, thaks...
This might be something only the Brits could answer, unless the BBC sold the programme in question abroad, but here goes: Way back (I remember it being 1975 or 1976) BBC2 showed a documentary about a guy called Smith - a prosperous retired gentleman, I...
Well what is your opinion on some in the usa? If you have been one to one and like it post it and if you justh heard some great ones post them to....