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Ive just brought the PMDG 737 TNG and Fs Passengers, and i was just wondering if we would be allowed to use FSP with FsX , even more, my PMDG 737 witch isnt even a month old! Any ideas or comments from microsoft on this matter?...
What button(s) do you press to turn on the parking brake, im at the end of a flight in a beechcraft 1900d on fs passengers and can't unload the aircraft until parking brake is on...
The latest theory based on the now later release of Vista, it seems reasonable. Do we want 2 versions and will we pay for 2 versions. The chances of MS giving us a free downloadable upgrade to me is slim and none. One-A new FSX in 32 bit that won't ha...
radarman this is going to sound stupid i know but do you or do you know of any one who wants to get rid of their fs 2004 history of flight?mine got stolen with my computer while i was in the hospital last year and i was able to get another computer but al...
when is coming out and were can I get it when in the uk I acnt wait to get it... :censored: ...
on the fsx screenshots ive noticed the 747 landing gear is missing, is it just me being stupid or am i right??...
So the story goes that FSX will only be available on DVD. I thnk that sucks. I dont have a DVD player in my computer and I dont want one. Why should I? I have a DVD player in my entertainment center where I watch my movies. So I have to install a DVD pl...