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Hi, Have installed Nick's Smoke to my stock Lear45 and b777_300 aircraft (see below). It shows perfectly behind engines of my AI planned stock Lears and B777s; BUT does not show behind engines of the Lears or B777s I fly? Any help would be appreciated, h...
Hi, Have installed new airport using AFCAD. Although I used the correct surface altitude some areas are lower or higher and my new runways float in the air or sink into ground. I did some research and understand there is a 'flatten switch' available to...
Can someone help with this? I installed Calclassics Miami scenery and it installed over the existing scenery, but it is layered over it. The new scenery is there with it's terminal, runways etc, but the old scenery runways are there. Also, the AFCAD in...
Avsim is still not up to full operation. I am trying to find the add-on scenery by Jimmy Martin for Exuma International Airport. Any assistance would be appreciated. 😉...
Any idea when the latest Vancouver Intl. project will be completed?...
I need help. My specific question is this: I purchased some areas of downstate NY from Megascenery. I did a manual download using winzip to my desktop. Where do I place these? In the add-on scenery folder of FS9 or the Scenery folder? I also have a vage s...
I'm having a little confusion installing the RWY12 scenery files. I'm just not sure what it meant by the Read Me instructions. It says to put Lib1 into the add-on scenery folder. Easy enough. Then for libraries 2 and 3 you're told to: copy only the Sc...
Can any 1 recommend where i can get Ai traffic for the following Qantas Garuda Indonesia Singapore Malaysian Rgds Adam...
Can anyone tell me if ISD are still around? If so, do you have their website address, as I cannot seem to find them anywhere?? Cheers Richard...
😀 Hello all I thought I would share with you this excellent little add on for Bremen in Germany I found it at ➡ flightsim Its called eddw2k43 and i've copied this from the readme file ➡ High detailed and realistic Scenery of...
Hey does anyone know were I can get jetways for all airports? I have tryed a lot of downloads but none work.........
Hi All - Happy New year Newbie to FS work here. Still learning so spending most of my time flying the Dreamfleet Baron 58 in and around Scotland. Have downloaded new 78m Terrina meshes for UK, but still not seeing much of Scotland. Can anyone recom...
Hi All. I wonder how to Delete Default Objects in fs 2004. I am thinking of deleting a building close to my local airport. Is this possible? Help please...
I recently noticed that during daylight hours, my scenery shimmers real bad at close to distant visuals. I recall something said in another topic long ago, but I can not find anything by searching....
I have Simwings Mega Airport London (Aerosoft) on my FS9 system. Last night, I noticed that the dynamic vehicles have all disappeared! I uninstalled/ resinstalled the software but I still can't see any animated vehicles. I have the Simwings Mega Airport ...
This is the major airport in Maldives. The airport/ runway positioning is similar to Juliana Intl. - minus the mountains 😀 All suggestions on freeware/ payware welcome 😎...
I am looking for add-on scenery for FS9 for the following areas: -Bahamas Out Islands (I have ImagineSim Nassau, and the TropicalSim add-ons already; also Avsim sceneries are still out of commission). -Phoenix (Arizona) Intl. -Hong Kong (the new ...
Hi, Anyone knows if I can enhance New York City scenary. Have seen Abacus B787 on u-tube flying oner NYC (FS2004) and Manhattan looked totally genuine. I got the display slides on full in my FS9 and the city look is not any close to it. Is there any NYC ...
This site has just been put on the web.The developer(s) make highly realistic scenery for Ireland.Their first release will be Dublin airport for fs2004 hopefully followed by fsx.Heres de link: Oh and the scenery will be aes compatibl...
Hi, Plan to get FS Global 2008 scenery upgrade for FS9. Can someone who got it let me know if the scenery also enhances cities and land (NYCity for example). All the promotional shots show mountain ranges enhancements only. Also any experience with FS ...
Hi, I forumed about this before, but once more to get some clarity. Plan to get FS Global 2008. But $ 60 goes far nowdays, so do not want to waste it. Can someone tell me if FSG 2008 is worth it? All I see in adv is mountains, OK, mountains are fine ev...
ScruffyDuck Software and the ADE Development Team are delighted to announce the release of ADE9X. This is the first version of Airport Design Editor to support both FS9 and FSX. The new functionality means that FS9 airport developers now have access to ...
I'm looking for some good water effects for fs9.any suggestions.can be freeware/payware....
Hey, Would anyone know were to get some scenery for Perth. I am really not pleased with the default (it doesnt even seem to have the CBD!!!!) I have been looking but with no success 😞 Can anyone help me?...
I had a download that did an actual time line of the events of the attack on Sept. 11th but have lost it. Dose any one have this program that I could download or know where I can find? Thanks much......
I've got the FlyTampa Kai Tak airport scenery and am encountering a problem with the AI. I load a flight and sit at my stand and watch the planes depart. After a few departures, one plane gets told to go into position and hold and it just stays there. I'v...
Hi, During landiing at JFK the scenary turned white - runways and buildings basically just white stripes, cubes. Other cities look OK. This stayed even after restarting FS2004 and after rebooting the computer? So am stuck with white hazy NYC and also New...
Hi Does anyone know of any companies who do a good upgrade of this airport? Cheers Rich...
Could someone please tell me if the gates from uk2000's gatwick are meant to move to your aircraft...
does anyone know where to get a good payware/freeware girona airport...
Hi, Unless there is low visibility I can always see ground when flying above overcast? Reeal weather is great, but the ground always shows - bit hazy but shows. Is there any setting in the scenary or in weather I can do to achieve a genuine overcast? I ...
as some of you may already know the ifsd website is now closed.i was searching the internet a couple of days ago and stumbled across a temporary website that has all of the ifsd releases.heres the link:enjoy....
does anyone know where i can get a good freeware/payware changi airport...
i was wondering if there is a good freeware/payware doha international airport addon availible for fs2004....
Well after removing the problematic FSX from my computer and replacing it with FS9, I am pretty happy with the game. I do miss the Grumman Goose, but then there is the 208 Caravan Amphibian. I find the aircraft look and flight dynamics are all very simila...
Help! I'm running FS2004 with Ground Environment and FS Global 2005. I've installed scenery for KHSV (Huntsville). Now, ALL my aircraft at this airport start violently bouncing, dancing, jumping into the air, twisting, crashing etc. This happens to AL...
Hi, Real weather static or dinamic does not seem to resemble the ;real weather; anymore. Seems to be stuck in some previous date. Looks like the data from the Jepesson server do not replicate on FS Microsoft weather server? I usually get the static real ...
Any awesome australia scenery out there? Like MESH & good scenery for airports?...
ok this airport is almost impossible to take off because there are a bunch of trees right at the and of the runway and its not even depicting the actual irport and i cant fund a addon for this so can anyone help??...
Hello,I would like to ask someguys of you if you know any link to give me for fire scenery and to be placeable with rwy12,or EZ Scenery. Mostly rwy12.But if you got for EZ Scenery please give me links;),I would really apriciate it....
Hi. As I'm new here & to adding things to FS9 apart from gauges to panels, I'm sorry to ask a simple question - how do I add a few static aircraft to Bournemouth Airport? Thanks in advance for any help or tips, Terry. 🙄...
Right this may sound like a stupid question but for some reason i dont understand what it really does. So i always see some stuff called MESH but as above ^ i dont understand what it really does and what it really changes? Could someone just explane...
could someone please point me in the direction of a good addon for fs2004 for ground crews and ground vehicles...thanks tim...
I'm looking to push the FS9 scenery as far as it can go in terms of terrain mesh and texture and sky textures. After reading this: I can see that I don't have a program to improve the mesh (the 3d elem...
This just looks too good to be kept under wraps: We are pleased to announce that "Project Canarias 2006" is now complete and that a first Release Candidate is being built for exclusive use by our beta testers. An intensive beta testing period lasting fo...
hey guys do you know of any photo scenery that covers up Tampa Bay Thanks! 😀...
I upgraded my FS9 with a freeware download on PC Pilot's cd and to my astonishment there appeared to be no signs of the Hornets based there. I eventually discovered I was looking on the wrong side of the runway and duly found them. Does anybody know wheth...
Hi peope, im looking for some good PAYWARE Uk airport scenery, including channel islands, im also looking for some good holland airport scenery , but cant find any. I have a good budget, so cost isnt a problem Thanks Matt....
Hey guys, I have noticed in my opinion that the best way of buying scenaries (in a cost effective manner) is in the packages. For example OceanFlight's simflyers (Atlanta, NewYork, Chicago, L.A., Houston, Orlando) and U.S. Airports by Flytampa (Miami, ...