Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Is there time acceleration in FSX? If there is what key is it? I don't feel like waiting 5 hours flying there oof...
I am using FSX steam on windows 10 and have downloaded and installed FSX Ground Airport Texture upgrade and it looks nothing like the screenshot and the concrete runway edges look worse than the default one. Is this designed to work with this version? Â...
I need to know where to find the PLN files in FSX Steam to download a mission here in Fly Away. will someone help me or do I need to be a member first?...
FSX STEAM edition the F18 hornet has gone missing!! how can I re-install without re-installing the whole program?...
I noticed an SDK folder in the FSX:SE edition & am wondering in regards to the Airport Design Editor, can it be used without the FSX disk? The instructions in the Tutorial (ADE version 1.20) say we need the FSX disk ... but this is also from 2015 if not ...
New here. Need to know steps to install planes....
I am flying the AN-14 to explore Nepal. It is a great plane for low difficult approaches. I cannot get the ADF to work. I think I figured how to change frequencies. I think the small rotary switch changes the 1's digit. I like the plane, it com...
I got a MS Flight Simulator 2006 X12-50238-01. I have the product key but it doesn't work on Windows 10. What link can I use to upgrade or install this program to Windows 10? Is there a free download of this program for Windows 10? Please let me ...
I downloaded one of your addon missions (The most dangerous missions alps 1) and it replaced all of my mission in my flight sim. So now I can only see just that mission in my missions list in the game. but in the files, all of the files are there except t...
I downloaded an absolute boatload of addon aircraft for FSX SE. However, as I'm starting to play the game more, I'm noticing more crashes and want to uninstall some aircraft. Many of the addon aircraft I downloaded had me move files into other folders ...
I am not sure what I did but I am getting black smoke or black squares around my tires on landing or take-off. This will show up on most aircraft and on the runway or water? Any idea what changed this to happen? Thanks sterk03...
I am totally unable to figure out how to download and install aircraft from FlyAway to FSX Steam Edition. The instructions always direct me to a folder that does not exist and I come to a dead stop. Where can I find a step by step that will enable me ...
When starting FSX Steam, a dialog box says Flight Simulator cannot run without a valid scenery.cfg There is a scenery.cfg file in the FSX folder. I deleted the newly added airport, I found a posting of a file on this forum and replaced the old one. S...
Hi there, just a question Can anyone tell me how to get extra AI in FSX? I see the old "World of AI" web page does not open and I heard it doesn't exist as FSX is seen as obsolete. Is there a substitute for it on the web? Some assistance would be ap...
FSX Steam not launching due to Target and Startin as well as side-by-side issues. Can anyone help with this, please? When I go to launch the game. A pop-up window says. Unable to launch the game. Make sure the Target and Startin folder point to the correc...
I have loaded the latest version of the RFN gauge into the aircraft panel config of the aircraft in FSX steam. Although it appears in the instrument panel, when selected it flashes momentarily and that's the end of it. I have loaded it numerous times ...
Does anyone have some experience with the Saitek Autopilot Panel? I am considering purchasing one for use with FSX-SE...Any opinions welcome! Thanks......
Just got new FSX Steam and saw that Google Earth had a tracker for FSX, is this worth pursuing for a newbie just feeling things out?...
Hi, can someone please help? I'm running Microsoft Flight Sim X steam. Looking on my hard drive I cannot find the FSX folder with my aircrafts in. I have loaded a few aircraft add-ons and when I run FSX the aircraft are white. Any ideas folks?...
Hi, is there a German ATC/Voice Pack that I could use for FSX? I would like to recreate a WWII or post WWII ATC and wanted to use a German Voice Pack. Thanks, Rob...
Hello, im currently having a problem where the Views have replaced the Plane Movement, when i press 2, Camera goes done, when i press any other number in the pad, it moves the camera, Help me!...
Hello, I recently downloaded both the FreeMesh X Global Terrain Mesh Scenery 2.0 and FreeMeshX USA (which added up to a total of almost 100GB in zip files) and installed them to my FSX Steam Edition after some reviewing of forums and finally getting it r...
I dont ask for much but why can't I fly a mission with out it crashing (system crash) half way thru a mission or free flight. It always happens using the menu use and it frustrating. I have researched and done all the fixes. I am a hobby simmer and don't ...
I recall initiating Direct X 10 somewhere on FSX Steam juste to see whnat would happen.... big mistake... please advise wheree in the settings/controlls, the direct x change box is located.  Most all my added aircrafe are without textures - and i remed...
I need to find where my purchased addons I purchased from steam when I downloaded Steam FSX and how do I remove one or more from affecting the original Steam FSX The Steam site is confusing and support from where is confusing it seems no support from s...
Hi Good Morning, Can Anyone Tell Me Please How Much Trim Is Required For Landing and Takeoff In Boieng 737? ...
Hi i have a powerful system running gigabyte nvidia 2070 super card and just purchased a ultrawide 34inch monitor. was really excited to play flight sims again after 15 years. the game feels like im on my amiga from the 90s. it looks nothing lik...
hallo is er een no cd pachts voor fs 2020...
I downloaded the Poskey Opensky 737-800 and followed the installation instruction, extracting the file into Steam's FSX/Simobjects/aircraft folder. I booted up FSX and the plane doesn't show up. I then went back to the aircraft folder and removed the fo...
Hi all... I'm new to this "Steam" thing so do beat me up to bad... I'm trying to get my FSX Sream ru8nning and for some reason my flight stick does not work correctly. It is a ThrustMaster T-Flight Stick X. Steam "appears" to see it, but when I load...
Trying to add this through Scenery Library. I go to the directory where the scenery is and click on the scenery folder and click OK. It says nothing found. I double checked the folder and the .bgls are there. Help!!...
I seem to have lost a lot of west coast scenery: Norhwest California, Wasington, and British Columbia. Everything is just a flat nothing with no airports. Any idea what I might have done to cause this or how to repair it? I have treid deleting FSX Steam a...
Hi!My Laptop is an i5 2nd Generation 2.5GhzRAM: 6GBGPU: Intel HD Graphics 3000 (1.7GB)Windows 10 64bitI have only spent a few hours playing the game but the picture quality is crap. On Youtube, I see videos of FSX flights using +/- the same components as ...
By msitake. i have deleted c:/program files/steam/steamapps/common/FSX/sound folder for fsx, can you please give me the sound folder in zip format? Â ...
Hello to all, FSACC is a great utility, I'm sure I have had it working with FSX previously, I;ve just installed FSX Steam, when I attempt to run I get tole it can't find fs2002 or 2004, Any one else have this problem, I've tried FSACC 3.2 and 3.5. Hopefu...
1. all aircraft with the exception of those furnished with FSX, when loaded show "zero" textures 2. SFX will not upload any new second hand scenery, the follow me arrows nolonger work and the whole program will simply crash when trying to upload sec...
Im having issues in FSX with some of the cockpits not havng working dials knobs or buttons is there a way to swap cockpits fron one folder to another to fix this problem?...
je ne parviens pas à faire démarrer un avion à hélice Je fais pourtant tous les réglages mais le moteur s’arrête après un moment ? Merci si quelqu’un a eu le même probleme et a pu résoudre de me renseigner Avant de desinstaller le jeu , mo...
Hello. I have been using FSX for quite a number of years now, and am considering going on to FSX2020. My question is really this! I live in what has been voted the most beautifull country in the World, Scotland! Â I realise that many people around the Glo...
Hey everyone, I'm new to sim and want to know if there are any add ons that create realistic renditions of the airports of the 1960s or 70s......
payware aircraft textures not showing since download w10 updates cpu 3.2 i5 650 6 gb radion 550 fsx prof scenery configurator Under W7 no problem then f.godhelp thanks...
I've copied the scenery files into the 'addon scenery/scenery' folder but when I try to 'add area' in FSX scenery library it says "no items match your search"Â I've tried two methods. From 'settings' and in flight FSX doesn't seem to see " ***.bgl ...
Hi can someone tell me where i can purchase the fsx Boeing 777-200 jet package from i am wanting to add this to my fsx steam in my files or id there a free download i can have of the complete package installing the 777 in the files to use...
File -Â Hi Need some help to complete the installation of this great download. I use FSX (Steam) running on Windows 10. My problem with the installation is that I cannot find a file needed to complete the installation. Acco...
Landing after a 'flight plan' I would like to get Ground Permision to taxi to a gate for unloading, yet this don't seem possible. Reason 'I would like to land, unload, refuel, reload and take off again with a new flightplan. Saving when necessary. Al...
I downloaded and installed the NWA WACO aircraft files but the aircraft appears with no paint scheme, just a grey skin. This is on Steam FSX.  The download instructions just say extract to Airplane folder but that creates a FSX_WACO_Fleet folder that...
I downloaded and was going to install Denmark_Scenery (Filename However I receive the message below. Malicious file This application may cause damage to your device. Sensitive personal data may also be at risk. App:...
Quite a while ago I purchaced two addons for my FSX (Steam) Addit Pro and Traffic 360 One of the problems with Traffic 360 is the Airport tower. The display is showing 'Trial period expired'. This only happens with the Tower display. I have entered the ...
i have black squares where roasd shoud be how do i sovle this in steam i cant post a picture on here ...