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Hello, After the update, on the main screen, a couple of the images are not there (just gray screens) like the activities and training. When I click on the training screen the sim sends me to the hanger and there she sits, all decked out in a bright pink...
Hi can anyone recommend settings for my Airbus joystick that will give me a chance to succeed? Everything I have tried sets me into a spin and renders the sim unplayable. I have tried different settings for all axis but no luck....
Hello, I get an error message on Disc 9 I'm on Windows 10 and I have over 300 GB of free space on my hard drive. Can anyone advise Stan Unwin...
I spent nearly 2 days loading MFS 2020 from DVD plus all the updates. Some aircraft panels are displayed as a check pattern. In the cockpit view on the Cessna 152, some of the instruments and all the window views are also displayed as a check pattern. I d...
G MAN how do I install add-ons on the MSFS2020 ??...
New to MSFS2020 so need some info on the mouse pointer vs mouse camera movement. When I hit the end key to go outside camera view I have set up the joystick to handle the view of the camera. I want the mouse now to be able to click on various items like m...
Need help to find the list of keyboard items and commands, so when it says (back in the air) where is this key to do this otherwise the aircraft just sits on the ground. Also, how do I pause the flight? If I try to use the mouse I think hit the whit...
having problems with the MSFS 2020 PC configuration just freezing tried everything I could think of but it still does it from time to time and when you least expect it and you have to go into Task Manager to shut it down. I am baffled does anyone have any...
Is there a Robin R2160 downloadable for MSFS 2020, please?...
Currently, I'm experiencing a very unusual problem in MSFS 2020. Parked at the departure gate with engines running in cockpit view. Needing to change the view, I select for instance Ctrl+2. Normally the view changes and stays locked to the new ...
For instance, in the "Africa Relief" flight, I have trouble seeing the runway simultaneously with PFD instruments. I believe there is a keystroke set that shows an unobstructed view of the runway with PFDs along the bottom. How can I get this configuratio...
Am I the only one that every time there is an update something doesn't work? I spend 3x more hours trying to fix this game than I do flying. NOW the flight plan defaults to automatic—both with in-game and Navigraph. No choice of runway, everything...
Every time I start the sim all the settings of the former flight are gone and back to default. I spent many hours to solve this without success. Please help. (I am happy with P3D which is stable)....
Does anybody know the official release date for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and when it's coming out? Also, what are the major changes and what can we all expect from this new version? Will I be able to upgrade free of charge or will I have to b...
Have my MSFS2020/Community/One store folders on a separate drive from base Sim which is on root C drive. I have a DVD version on MSFS. (I also use AddonLinker to link all my aircraft/ scenery from another drive to the Community folder). My questions 1. ...
I'm pretty new to the sim and while I managed to get the map open once - for the life of me can't find a way to get it to come back up. How do I open the map view in the simulator? A full explanation would be most appreciated. Bit of a rookie here....
When I save a flight in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 using the default system, the saved file lacks the flight plan, making it irretrievable. How can I prevent this issue from happening? Are there specific steps or settings that ensure the flight plan ...
I have lost several scenery downloads due to a disk failure. How do I re-download files when I get the message that I have already got them? SJ...
Question. Ever since first playing MSFS, I have found that many but not all of the bridges worldwide, have dark skirts hanging down under them to the water or the ground below as the case may be. They appear as solid non-see through walls. In NYC for e...
I have downloaded the Mitsubishi Pajero Auto (An FSX Update for MSFS) and want to put it in the "Airplane" file to activate and "Fly" Drive on the roads. I could do this easily in FSX but I can't 'Read" MSFS files to know where Aircraft is located....
Hello again, I have always gotten great answers for my problems here on Flyaway so please work your magic again. Right away, I started having some kind of texture problem with lots of pink views and such. While trying about 8 or 10 different solutions the...
There is no way for me to get the "APPR"-button in an RNAV approach to work. Am I overlooking something or have you experienced the same problem, when flying the A320 FBW (version 0.11.1 stable) in MSFS (version
I get halfway into a flight and ATC just stops. I have delegated communication to the co-pilot and all you hear is him responding. Is anyone else having this problem?...
Easy question, as a former naval flight engineer, is the Lockheed P3 Orion available for MSFS 2020? I have in excess of 4,000 hours in the real aircraft and would enjoy having a flight simulator version. I have searched but no luck in finding it. Now th...
Hello everyone, I have been trying to start up the FlyByWire A32NX all the time according to the MSFS checklist, but at some point, all my overhead panel buttons show "FAIL". I have looked at many tutorials but I still can't get it to go away. Can anyo...
I have a lot of aircraft in my MSFS and recently brought from both the MSFS Marketplace and Captain Sim different versions of their B777 aircraft. I am having problems with in that the drop-down sun visors are in place after loading the aircraft for a f...
I have been a flight simmer for 25 years and consider myself to be a competent virtual pilot. I purchased MSFS 2020 directly from the Microsoft Store. I have Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo peripherals. They work perfectly well with X-Plane 11 & 12. However, de...
Ok, I installed the MSFS2020 missing UK Piers scenery upgrade from Fly Away, and still missing Piers. Now I probably did something wrong as I'm new to MSFS 2020. I extracted the file and then put that folder into the community folder and that is what I th...
I am thinking of starting on MSFS on Steam instead of buying the software for PC - is it the right decision? Pros There is no initial investment if I find that it's not for me I can start with the base and buy more options later It is a much cheap...
Ok, I tried to download an aircraft to see if this would work since the UK Scenery did not have proper files included, and the same thing. No .JSON files in the folder so how does this aircraft get listed under MSFS2020. It has Simobjects/airplane wh...
Mouse cannot move or select cockpit controls, just show a blue highlight when the mouse hovers over the item. ...
I set up the joystick and assigned a button for the trim to move. It will move the trim on the aircraft like elevator very slowly and takes a long time to get any movement...but eventually the trim comes out and it goes back to to trim so I'm constantly t...
When copying folders to fsx I sometimes get a window saying some of the files have the same name and do I want to replace or skip. It usually happens with gauges or effects files. What should I normally do in this situation?...
Why is my download speed only 210Kb /s when O have 300 MB/s internet. What is everyone else getting as it makes buying pro a waste of money....
Hello. I would like to mix the Logitech pro flight yoke with the CH Thrustmaster Throttles. Is this possible? Are there any recommendations? Thanks....
Where and how do I find MSFS screenshots after using the F12 key?...
I cannot get an activated cockpit camera view, I select Ctrl 1, Ctrl 2, etc and the view jumps off, and will not activate. I have been attempting to set new custom camera views without success, this may have caused the problem I have reset the keyboard ...
Anybody know who runs this site? I signed up for membership in January, then cancelled my subscription (sent two emails about it and never was responded to) and was still charged for it this month. ...
Hello everyone, After changing my SSD "c" from 1 to 4T, with a copy of the old on the new, everything works except msfs2020. So I reinstalled the 10 luxury premium MSFS2020 DVDs. In the end, he asks me the code of 25 elements, which I do. Answer: This cod...
I have a corrupted aircraft bought and downloaded from MSFS Market Place and would like to completely remove all traces of the aircraft so that I can download it again. I don't mean just deleting from Content Manager as this still leaves traces. Please a...
New to MSFS2020 and using Steam. I downloaded some market MSFS2020 products and they showed they downloaded. I now cannot find the downloads and then how do I get to install them? I think I got that it deals with the community and strange one of the down...
Hello sir, I want to buy an addon on Marketplace in MSFS2020. First was it ok but now, every time the order is annulled. What can I do to resolve or to repair this? Help me, please. Andre Magerman.Thanks for this. Best regards....
Hello all, I am trying my absolute hardest to get FSX legacy planes and helicopters to show up in the hangar! but no matter what I do, it doesn't work!...
Hi Guys, After our initial release in November, FlightLog Analyzer has received a lot of new features already, and is a must-have tool if you want to make better usage of the game's logbook. Below are our new features: New Information being collect...
Over and over, the simulator keeps crashing on me and I can't figure out why. I've updated the game and updated graphics drivers and still, it crashes and I can't figure out why. Using Windows 11 (with all updates applied). Any guidance or explanati...
The problem arose after loading PMDG 737 freeware liveries. Have gone back and deleted recents since the problem began, no change. ...
As an avid simmer, I am curious about the advent of AI and how it might impact future releases?...
In MSFS is it possible to communicate with other pilots shown on screen? And if yes, how can be done?...
Can you use MSFS 2020 on VATSIM or IVAO?...
I have a problem with the default A310-300. So far I was able to activate the cockpit with the following settings on the tablet: Ready for Takeoff Set As Default Activate The cockpit was then activated and I was able to make all the settings, e....