Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
hmmmm i havent been here in a while now i have I? 😀 well anyways for the people around this site that live in the rockford area probably went to airfest because what else could you be doing on a staurday/sunday afternoon as an aviation enthus...
Come to were we have many active pilots already flying anything from a J3 Cub to a Boeing 747. We have Saturday Night Hops every Saturday and we also get cotrollers online. So come fly on our 24/7 free flight server at and come jo...
folks, the 977th Gaming Community is currently looking for people outside the US to join our gaming community, we have had alot of members since our we opened our doors in 1999, if you love to play lots of games,and love to chat,then the 977th gaming c...
Hi, I was wondering if there was any kind soul out there who has a second hand usb joystick that they would care to donate? I know this sounds cheeky but I live in Zimbabwe, and having gone to vista for the dx10 my old joysticks don't work, I am unable ...
Both stars have died today in Cali Check CNN with live video Please observe a moment of silence ................................................... Thanks you...
OK Guys, i'm sorry if i broke a posting rule by adding a link to another flight sim site if so then please have the decency to to tell me and not just remove my post ! i did check the sticky but seen nothing relating to this subject ..........
Dear Flyaway members, It has been years that I've posted something overhere. Hello again ! Here's a link towards a video that I have posted at You Tube. I think you will like it. Have fun, and have...
This is either very clever effects wizardry or extremely sharp piloting... or a combination of both - check it out - excellent vid quality ➡ Anyone know the name of the movie? :dontknow: ԅ... Most of us know about what heavy rain and pilot error can do 😞...
Yep, got my Laptop back, and heard of all the good and bad, Some :censored: hole taking down AVSIM, 787 flying in a few weeks (actually iv been following that for a while) so im here, and unless my parents take my laptop away again, im here. (Also i picke...
Yesterday Fly Sim Nation released a new carrier for free down load. This carrier has a working meatball, elevator, hard deck hanger bay. Deck camera for landings. The elevator is not a hard deck. You have to slew into the hanger bay. It also has a Bridge,...
A few days ago avsim was hacked and desroyed and may not be back up ever if it is back up and on it will take a while to replace very thing and rebuild it but that may not happen 😞...
Folks, The 977th Gaming Community is recruting members, we have been in operation since 08' we play the following games listed below FSX/FS2004 GTA:SAMP Battlefield 2 BF2: Project Reality Crossfire Eve Online Halo Shot Online Test Drive Unlim...
I hope it's okay to mention this here. I just wanted to let people know we've re-launched the Flight Simulator Network. We originally launched a couple of years back, but, in all honesty, the available features weren't up to much. However, the featu...
For those that make FS videos. I can provide music for them if you need it.. just let me know what you're looking for. All the music is mine all I ask for is credit nothing else.. Just let me know the length you you want it, and the type.. You can see s...
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Aviation Administration doesn't want travelers to know how often commercial planes are damaged by hitting birds. Bird Strikes Info The agency said that information is better kept secret, because otherwise some airlines and ...
New web hosting company. Great support and 99.9% server up time guarantee. Verity of plan's. Visit *dead link removed*...
ryanair hired a ex-porn star as a stewardess lol. link is in the description.... This is a good way to listen on live airtrafic control trafic and build your knolege of atc pratices. Also can be excotomg st times. I think every one with fs or real world avation interest's will find this fun and info...
Yeah i really want to review fsx software but im not sure how to. Can someone help me?...
Cessna 180 flown by Sparky Imeson, author of the Mountain Flying Bible and he died in the crash. The plane had been missing since Tuesday afternoon. Imeson was reportedly alone aboard the airplane, and his last known radar position was about 18 miles nort...
It may be the first time in more than 20 years that a two-seat Supermarine Spitfire has gone to auction and the current example (once stationed at RAF Lyneham in 1944) is expecting to draw bids of more than $2.1 million, next month. Some estimates put the...
Hi every one I,m Munday and have just joined the Editors teamI live in the Uk and my intrests are Aviation in general and look forward to working with you all...
Hey Guys, I am Adam Yeagle, I am one of the new editors for Fly Away. I am excited to bring new info and articles to all of you. If there is anything you really want to see in here, just let me know. Thanks, Adam Yeagle...
Well, I'll be heading off the Victoria to attend the Australian International Airshow held at Avalon airport. It's a pretty big event so is there anything I need to know when I get there? Good spots, what time to get there etc. Thanks....
well i am going to be seeing my first concert and of nine inch nails at the charter one pavilion which is a new venue and guess where its placed? right on the tarmac of meigs airport/airfield whatever you wanna call it. its ganna be awesome 🙂...
Let's play a game... Photoshop + google image search GOGOGOGO! 😀 Template is here: https://forum.flyawaysimula...
The plane that crashed on Thursday was on autopilot, based on my mornings paper. It shouldn't be on those freezing and icy conditions. This could be a factor in the crash- Plummeting and not getting easy control 😳...
Better late than never, enjoy the shots ...
I said the oath. Messed up on one part but got a good laugh. there will be lots of story's I'm sure. All I can say is I LOVE THE CAP...
hey guys its been a while and i need some help finding some new speakers for my computer. I compiled a list of speakers - systems. and is it possible to hook up a home theatre system to a computer?
Just read it. First USA Jet crash this year. Us Airways 1549, Airbus A320 La Guardia-Charlotte
Hello, my name is Claudio Bianco, I am an inventor and I have just finished my last work which started as a simple electrical generator and finally turned into a flying saucer. I invite you to see its design in
My LA teacher is getting crazy information that i went to get a paper from the library.I never did, and she says she signed it and i brought it home. I never went there, got the paper, and brought it home. It's about AR, saying i took 0 tests, even though...
My Dog, Minnie, she was a Bulldog. In 2007 she had a huge tumor in her stomach but i paid out £257 just 1 week before Christmas last year for it to be removed. She was 9, the operation was risky but successfully. early November 2008 she started to hav...
I just got this and i'm wondering where to start editing Screenshots. Thanks 🙂...
People are saying it's too bare, so here is a poll....
NOTE: This is was not typed by me, but a member at - VeeSeeTen: Flying on Jetblue, SAN to JFK last year up to visit an old friend in Connecticut - worst seatmate of all time. I don't know how many of you have ever been sat on a plane, tra...
She was the sweetest dog in the world. Both me and my sister owe our lives to her. She saved us from drowning. She's lived a great long life. She was 15 years old. She is severely missed
Hey, do anyone knows how I can cancel the account on Fly AWAY or cansel the payment every month?...
I've seen a few people with custom avatars, and I wonder how they got it. How do I implement my own avatar?...
A couple days ago, Sterling Airlines went bankrupt- a good airline with exotic paints. :cry: The future is to be decided....
Do you remember the first time you flew a simulator? Where did you take the first flight from? I'd be interested in hearing from everyone about this. Mine was Oakland International in California. RW 27R. Before some of you were born I'm sure. ...
ok whenever i start up my computer it goes fine until i get the intel boot screen and afer that it just shows a blinking line at the top and nothing happens so if anyone can help me that would be awesome and im on my computer right now with a linux liv...
they finally released SP3 and im installing it right now 🙂...
(dead link removed) Made a video. Sub 😀...
Today, I went to Adelaide Airport to watch the A380 Land and take off. I was expecting a crowd of about 40 - 50 people. I guess I was wrong. There was around 2500-3000 people there. My guess was pretty close though, hey? Lel. Anyway the video. Sorry f...
If you are a member of the ever growing army of 'I've had enough of FSX' disappointed souls with seemingly no meaningful future in sight and ...
Anyone who plays it feel free to add me. "I am bad I" I have been playing three weeks now, 69 combat....
well apparently the CERN organization made this thing called the LHC (i think) and what it does is clash to protons together at the speed of light and people think its going to make a black hole and suck the earth up lol...