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Is 9.52 mbps a good internet DOWNLOAD speed? I was thinking of upgrading to 20Mbps but I wanted to know if this was a good speed....
playing around editing panels. can someone tell me what a crss gauge is and what it does? forgive my ignorance. Mark Donaldson
Having a Problem with FSX Activation?? If you are having a problem with activation, the second time around please send me a PM. Members only for now. :radar:...
i recently purchased a dell gaming computer and downloaded flight sim x gold edition. the program starts correctly except when I try the flymode a black screen comes up with the white pointer and thats it. no screen comes up that shows instuments, just ...
What will cause the Flight Sim X to stop recording any flights (free flights, missions)? I've restored my computer to a previous time but no effect. ...
❓ Is there any way to slow down a ski plane once it's landed. Do the regular breaks do anything? Thanks!...
I'm not sure this is the correct forum but I'm trying to aclimate myself to the autopilot. Got it working pretty good except it won't intercept the localizer for landing. Just flies on by. Help...
How do you download and install GPS for B707-300C in FSX...
Meu FSX esta travando e fechando durante e ate antes do voo, me parece que apenas estavel nas aeronaves default. A380 Mega Pack aqui do site tb acontecendo isso. Alguem poderia ajudar a entender e resolver isso?...
I have an FSX problem: My virtual cockpit is invisible. I was trying to fix it but nothing. In FSX planes by default, this works. Thanks for the answers....
Hi Guys, I have many years of flying paragliders and trike (Air Creation) but I am a total novice when it comes to Sim. My question is simple. Apart from the computer, what hardware do I need to fly SFX without going crazy? Obviously, I want to fly ...
ok ive just done the high scenery and aminations on gone to a airport with jetways amd still no jetways i'll give you the things again graphics medium high aircraft medium high scenery high weather medium low traffic custom aircraft 40% general...
I there any way to "add" a launch bar (like the defult FA-18's) to another naval Arcraft?...
Before Windows 10 moving flights was simple and straightforward. Since W10, I can't find the flights I've saved anywhere in my computer. I am referring to the .flt and .wx files. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for any help....
Hi. Do any of you know the proper landing speed for the Learjet? I have no problem establishing ILS, getting lined up.... However, I do have a problem with the correct speed relative to my glide path. I have landed successfully numerous times, but not ...
Hello everyone, I recently added a few pilotable ships, including USCGC Chase coast guard cutter and the USS Port Royal cruiser. When I went to "fly" them, the FSX wake flew straight upward as well as aft of the ship. Any ideas? Many thanks John...
I’m having trouble getting the SR 71 program to work. I’m sure it’s something simple but I can’t find it. The files & folders are in the proper place but nothing shows up in the flight sim. I’m running windows 7 and flight Sim X gold editi...
Here is a list of Airports and regions that have been improved which are contained in the deluxe version: City, Country/Region Airport Name International Identifier Amsterdam, Netherlands Schiphol EHAM Anchorage, USA Stevens Anchorage PANC ...
I have downloaded Duxford and Duxford AI. How do i make the Air show work please....
I've been trying to make either the MilViz F-4E or the SWS F-4B start from a saved point. Both airplanes start holding on the runway in position ready for takeoff. Except they're not. A number of switches must be positioned to drop the flaps, turn o...
I have been trying to load pictures to the FSX Kiosk Mode homescreen. I've been using to re-size them and change them to .bmp files, as were used in FS9. I have been including them in the last line of the main section of the respective .flt ...
Hi everyone. Just a question. What exactly is the difference between FSX Acceleration and FSX Steam? I've seen some aircraft downloads (free and payware) the say they are for FSX Steam. Are they interchangeable? Thanks. Simon. ...
So, I just reinstalled FSX and my favorite Delta 777x aircraft, and on my first flight in a while, everything is working as it should except for the airspeed indicators. I am used to flying a 777x, and I have over 1,900 hours logged in that aircraft. Ho...
I am trying to establish whether an i5-10400 with 8GB RAM will run FSX with some fairly modern add-ons without hiccups. The machine would have about 50GB installed in the HDD. I do not believe FSX requires an SSD. Also, will 8GB RAM be enough or wil...
I've tried installing both of these for fsx. I can't find any variants of the 787, then aren’t available to select. The A380 is there but only the first one, I do have all the variants selected check box selected.I have successfully installed a Thai A38...
When will we be able to buy MIcrosoft Flight simulator X? P.S. You guys should watch the preview of the game its un belivible!...
When I get Fly Away emails with down loads available How do I know when these listed down loads are newer then what I have down loaded before. Having a "Created/Update" date on the software would be so helpful....
Can someone please tell me where the ILS Course setting display in the FSX default 747. It may be staring me right in the face but for the life of me i can't find it? So someone please tell me where its situated, i can't keep declaring missed approaches...
after flying mission that contained an engine failure in a c172,I find I cannot free fly without that same failure occuring. How can I fix this so failure does not occur?...
XC-142 Key Commands? Shut off engines? Rotate Wing?...
Hi, I have been using FSX for the last 13 years. As you can imagine everything I have upgraded has been based around this platform from all the add-on software to the hardware flight panels. I have recently upgraded my computer as the old one is sputte...
Hi , I am new to this, can you tell me what speed i can expect after paying my $5.00 . At the moment I am downloading flight gear free flight simulator ( 4.0 GB ) it has taken 2 hrs to download 1.6 GB. I did a speed test on my computer and it shows...
Hello all,I have the following specs: FSX (Acceleration)Windows 7 Professional 64 bitSystem Model: HP ProDesk 400 G1 MTProcessor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4670S CPU@3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHzMemory: 4096MB RAMPage File: 3730 MB used, 4305MB availableDirec...
I am using IObit software--both free and premium, in addition to Windows Defender. I have Advanced SystemCare (free), Smart Game Booster, Defragment tool, IOBit software updater. Recently, I uninstalled McAfee software from my system (I figured that was t...
I'm running FSX Gold edition incl Accelerator (not steam) on Windows 10 on a souped up computer with 16 gb RAM and 16gb RAM Vid card and plenty of hard disk storage. However, I cant' download weather even when connected to the internet! Can anyone a...
I used to love playing this version, but it crashes on startup and they tell you to send a report to somebody somewhere which seems useless because I never get an answer back. I had open the hidden files part, it ran for about 5 minutes, big mistake I gue...
I uninstalled FSX to make room on my hard drive but now I've installed a bigger drive. I uninstalled it properly and also deleted anything that could be FSX related but now when I try to reinstall FSX I get the screen that gives two options, one to repair...
I switched my FSX from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Since I switched, I no longer have variations of different aircraft and copters. The variations are in each folder with the aircraft but only the first one on the list shows up. How can I fix it?...
Hi, i've been trying to search on the web some kind of tool like Virtual airlines acars that's allow me to track every actions that pilots do when flying, I'm not talking about standard tracking such as take off, flaps an so, I'm referring action beyond t...
When I first started up my fsx and departured from any Airport i lose the external text of the plane. If I restart the FSX or computer it goes back to normal again, but only temporaly. Is there a fix for this. Nvidia GeForce Gt 740. memory 8192 memor...
I have two addons from Vertigo Studios, their excellent F6F Hellcat and the USS Enterprise (CV6). I would like to fly the Hellcat off of the ship. Unfortunately, the ship goes into FSX as an airplane and will not come up as a ship or as addon scenery....
After the download wanted to extract the contents. Absolutely refuses to perform the task of extraction. What might be the problem? -John B...
eror 1603...
Hi 😀 - hav'nt been on this forum for a while - good to see it still going strong. Does anybody know how to shut down the turbines in the Lear 45 ? In practicing my flame out scenarios, I have to go into the fuel page (Alt F A) and remove al...
I have recently installed SP1 & 2 to my FSX and since doing this the GPS map is not working, it's blurred and ILS feathers are in the wrong place on all aircraft, can anyone advise? Thanks ...
I was reading a thread in hifisim's forum (active sky x) which talks about how there seems to be no way to set up an overcast layer. Specifically, flying above an overcast layer where the ground is totally obscured. I guess it had never occurred to me b...
Hi guys, I hv 2 questions regarding ground handling in FSX. 1. Any clue how to maintain a constant taxi speed in a 747 or 737? I mean without throttling up and down constantly. I tried using the autobrakes on but was not too happy with it. I'm sure ...
Hello i am wondering if anyone knows whether you can program a holding pattern into the fsx default GPS because I was flying and it was really busy and I almost got a holding pattern but I could not program it into the GPS so I said unable does anybody kn...
Hello, I have been using Microsoft FSX for a couple of years now and every now and then it crashes (the program...not me!) As it was quite infrequent I didn't pay it much attention. Recently I have bene playing it more and it seems to be crashing w...
I've been looking all over for an updated version of the generic Garmin gps unit that comes with planes that don't have them built in the MFD but so far I've come up empty. Anyone know of any Garmin G1000 Addons? I've been hoping someone updated it w...