Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Hello, folks. I'm not too certain how active this forum is currently, but I need some help. I am attempting to download FreeMeshX as a paid member, however the in-broswer download continues to fail before completeing, and as a broswer download must com...
I have just downloaded Gibraltar Airport add on scenary.. I got the zip file which I opened and extracted all of which a message said was sucessful. It was sent to my FSX folder as have other downloads. However it does not appear in the game an all I can ...
I downloaded the FSX ATR and Beech99. All was well. I downloaded Hawaii photoreal scenery and lost the paint on my added aircraft. All "stock" fsx aircraft are fine. How can I recover the paint on the downloaded aircraft? What happened when...
Hello. I have a problem : I installed the ATR72 pack from fly away sim, save the readme text, and started my simulator. But, when i select the plane, the plane work, but doesn't have wings... Can someone help me ? Thanks ...
In real-world Scotland we have seaplane terminals/bases in Glasgow, Loch Lomand, Oban, Tobermory and Enniskillen. There was a proposed one at the Royal Ablert Docks at London City Airport. Is there a third party site for downloading?...
I am using Steam and downloaded the Banking Camera. I cannot get it to work. Keeps saying that FSX must be open.....which it is. Can someone please help? Think I might be installing it wrong.
I just purchased this and think it really sucks. No GPWS callouts---says it has them. Boeing over speed Shaker...concerns me that this package doesn't have true Airbus call outs. Is there anyway to make the lady 1st officer disappear? This ...
I am stonewalled trying to install CO Photoreal scenery on my PC.. I have downloaded it, extracted it, saved all the .bgl scenery files into a single CO Photoreal folder. I moved the fplder into the scenery/add on scenery folder in the FSX file list...
Full extraction doesn't work. Running the exe file gives an error code, IE: "cannot access to registration script please try later. Tried the cls forum website--- that doesn't work. Paid $40.99 USD and NOTHING. Please help if you can....
I have recently ran across a problem in the PMDG 747-400 and a manually generated flight plan. My plan is as follows: kabe rwy 24 shagy jetta whino cavdi taxue uducy jnice kdca rwy 1. When the Navigation Display shows the legs, it shows the waypoint udu...
What causes black boxes along the edge of the ocean?...
I have been reading around and have found that the author of Addit Pro FSX has passed and his site is no longer active. I really like the functionality of the program and want to be able to continue using it past the 30 day trial period but am thinking ...
I have just bought a radio panel and a switch panel and both do not power up, however they show as working on the test panel and are showing on the computer under devices. Can someone point me in the right direction, I have tried the enhanced power m...
I have attempted dozens of times to add FS2004 Acft. to my FSX Sim Objects and they do go in there but they never seem to be useable? Reading install directions are very weak in most cases and appear to be fine for the professionals. Any suggestions? I ha...
In PC Aviators Mega Scenery X Southern California my runway at San Diego KSAN turns to mush when you take off once in the air the runway looks normal. Then when you go back to land it has a dark shadow and turns to mush again. Does any one have ...
Hello everyone . I'm new to the forum and am trying to get to grips with XP11. I have some HD mesh tiles already installed for the UK. I have downloaded Ortho Xp files for New Zealand but am confulsed about the directory order in my scenery ini file. At t...
Some of my add-on aircraft are missing parts of the airframe, some just bits but, for example, my Hunter only has the ejector seats showing which is quite surreal. Any solutions?...
Newbe to FS9 and FSX I'm just not getting something here. So SO most of 2004 FS( is the old straight forward cockpit and yes some have the VC virtual cockpit but in the normal view I can see the instruments better and I can move my seat closer or furthe...
Greetings, I'm new to downloading freeware and up to this point I've been doing ok at it by following the instructions as well as I can, but I downloaded "Project Opensky 757 and I thought the install went well when I started the sim (prepar3d v4.5) ...
Hi folks. I recently purchased two Carenado aircraft for prepar3dv4.5. the planes came with auto installers. and i followed the install instructions to the letter and both planes at the end of the install said the installs were succesful. I restarted t...
I am using a Visa gift card to sign up to PRO. It will not take my gift debit card. Wants me to sign into Pay Pal which I do not want to use. your help please....
Hello,I am trying to find the best way to shut down or close the REX Sky Force 3D application (after my flights and shut down of FSX) without using the mouse click option. I have sent inquiry emails to the software main support staff, but I keep getting p...
I downloaded a pack of A380's from here and when I followed the directions (Exported all to aircraft file under FSX, created a folder for all of them, and then logged on) and what do I find, nothing! Can someone please tell me what could've happened? Than...
Can someone advise how to disengage Brake on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020? Thank you, Matt...
After downloading FSX terrain mesh how do I load it into FSX-Steam edition...
I am using FSX with the Windows 7 OS. After installing many add-on aircraft, the aircraft appear white instead of their real colors. How can I correct this? Thank you...
I am a pretty New user of FSX & I just downloaded the Globemaster C7 but I don't know how to get it into the FSX program so that it shows up in my list of pictures of airplanes that I want to fly? How do I do that? I see the C7 files in new download secti...
how to convert a FSX plane into X Plane 11 plane? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Can the activation key be used to install re-insall on another pc?...
Several of my Add-on aircraft haven't any reference information. IE, Rotation speeds, Crusing speeds, landing speeds Etc. Anyone know where or how I can obtain these. ❔...
I'm enjoyng the MU2 and turbo commander sims. Biggest shortcomings are the engines. They are PT6s instead of Garretts. Are there any updates for the engines I can download? Thanks...
Installed AFCAD program. When I open the program, error message, "unable to locate SDX" I looked at the Acceleration disk files and I can see SDX. assistance appreciated KTPL-81 and still flying ...
Fix for this please...
Due to the extensive bad comments I see on your site and outragiously long DL time (12 Days?) at 45KBS to download What other programs will I need to use this scenery enhancment? Your video showing how t install can hardly be seen (too small) and has no a...
Don’t know if I did a bad download or installed incorrectly. I’m running Flight Simulator X Gold on windows 7.Any help would be appreciated. 1. Logbook does not reflect Concorde time. 3. When ending a flight session the Concord has a len...
This is long and I did not find an answer anywhere else (Q&A Forum or the web, so if my search was incomplete and there is an answer I apologize. I downloaded the Basler BT-67 and then purchased the SonicSolutions-TwinOtterSoundPackV2.0 as recommended ...
I've bought the WINRAR program and had it registered. I've also tried to follow the instructions in the 'Knowledge Center'. But due to my lack of experience (and most likely inaptitude+) I am unable to install the airlines into FSX. I cannot find file...
I’ve downloaded 2 airplanes and except for the following issues it works fine. Don’t know if I did a bad download or installed incorrectly. I’m running Flight Simulator X Gold on windows 7.Any help would be appreciated. 1. The MU2 and Concor...
I've bought the program last week. They got my money. However, I did not receive the 'unblocking code', which makes Addit! Pro.... Useless. My e-mails came back as "undeliverable". In addition, since the 19th of August, their site is DOWN. -- Are the...
Good afternoon to all. I know people have already asked questions about add-ons and the replies keep saying "Read the first post"...etc.... I have been using Microsoft FSX for a few years now and am aware of how to add new planes and helicopters and hav...
How to install paint kits?...
I have made a new sound pack for the default 737. How do i give it away on here...
Having trouble installing FSX/P3D FreeMeshX Global Terrain Mesh Scenery 2.0....
Anyone wanting new sunshine coast queensland airport bgl file, let me know at
Hello again, Many thanks for lead to PSP runway. It's almost exactly what is needed. But I have two questions: 1) Is it possible to "lift" the PSP runway from its current environment and place it in another area? Also, re-orient it to another di...
Hello i downloaded VFR scnerery (big files ,california and hungarn) and i not able to add these scenery with fsx scenery librarie.These occours in both of theme downlaoded scneries. Ungan was two scnerires files included i was able to add only the smal...
Is there a Pierced Steel Planking (PSP), aka Marston Matting, addon for FSX? There are lots of WWII aircraft available but nothing I've been able to find with an accurate environment. ...
Has anyone ever installed a drogue chute on the XB-70 for FSX...
I have a dilemma here. I have the Thomas Ruth A300-600F (i.e. already installed, but one of the repaints I want to install requires the Thomas Ruth A300-600R installed. The problem is that in the installation instructions for both it say...
FSX features movable jetways, but they don't service my aircraft when I park by them. Is there a command to make them connect? I can't find any reference to it in my game instructions. Thanks for any adivice. If it doesn't work it doesn't work. (I have ...