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I cannot seem to save changes to FSX 737 800 aircraft config file when I add Qantas 737 800 livery. I have followed the read me instructions and tried all ways but it says I do not have permission to change config file !!!!! Terribly frustrated !...
I have attempted several flights with the Honeywell system but cannot get it to react when I engage autopilot with it in "ACTIVATE" mode. It goes into a stall straight away and and by the time I get that under control I have missed my first waypoint. From...
Has anyone found an XB-70 for FSX that when looking out the windshield at night, you can hit the L key and light up the runway. It seems that all the one's that I found have the landing light on permanently but when you look through the windshield at ...
Hello does anybody know why there is nothing in the addon scenery folder answers would be great...
There are many repaints for Rob Richardson's meteor, verious Mks. Where can I find the FSX models? His website only seems to list models for P3d. I did find the Mk8 at Lock on, but cannot find the FSX versions anywhere. Has anyone got any ideas? Thanks....
Hi, I downloaded the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Mega Pack but can't extract it. When I try to extract it I get a spinning circle which keeps spinning forever. I have extracted other zipped files downloaded from here and they were all ok. Is there a problem wit...
Hello, Recently installed MilViz F-100 and had trouble due to lack of DLL.XML file. Radarman recommended PMDG document relating to installation of missing file. All problems resolved. Great fix. Many thanks. New problem. I've now installed M...
Is this a common problem with converted models from 9 to FSX or is it a system problem with my computer. I seem to not have the problem with models designed for FSX...
Hello, I have downloaded PJM Juliana airport scenery which per instructions on my Windows 10 system. Approx. 19 miles from the airport, fsx crashes at which point fsx has to be restarted. Would appreciate your possible solutions. Thank you....
In spite of being a paid up member, my download took over 12 hours. On unzipping, I foumd that the scenery folder contained only 7 of the 13 .bgl files. Has the download site been overloaded with locked down members or is it another problem?...
The world of Ai traffic installer keeps saying Unhandled exception has occurred in your appliance. Does anybody know why?...
Hi, Does anybody know how to get default ground vehicles (pushback, baggage loader etc) working on aircraft add ons which come with their own unique ground vehicles? Essentially I would like to somehow remove the unique aircraft add on ground vehicl...
I have just downloaded 45 GB files of scenery and don't want to mess up the installation. There is no instruction included in the three .txt files. Is there a general instruction for installing scenery, by the way? Best regard and happy New Year! ԅ...
Hi, I'm going to install FreeMeshX 2.0 and some other of the more popular scenery add-ons as well as mess around with the fsx.cfg file so I'm trying to figure out where the best airports or areas in the sim are best for testing all of this. I haven't pl...
I downloaded autohover.exe for Microsoft FSX and, when I run it It, shows an error “Parallel configuration I s not correct” I have Windows 10 updated with Visual C + + 2013 (x64) and Visual C + + 2008 (x64) 9.0.30729.17 (I have also Visual 2010 y el...
How do I extract files and install on FSX.I am Using FSX on Windows 7.Please show me step bystep ...
I note the instructions say "FeeMeshX should be placed above the default terrain entries in the Scenery Library, and below any airports or FTX Regions or landclasses"As a newby I need a bit more information.My current library has FTX entries at the top ...
Hi i just can not seem to get an answer to this query at all from the huge world of aviation sim fans.I play with FSX. The ATC in FSX does not issue holding patterns or ever tell you to enter one.Does anyone here use an ATC Addon that actually issu...
my downloads have been taking 15-25 min.Im a member so i should not be getting these slow downloads.Any info would be great....
Hola buenos días. Alguien a descargado este addons, para fsx y le ocurre lo que me pasa. Los winglet, aparecen debajo del ala. Ocurre en todas las librerias de este addons. No se como arreglarlo, si es problema de alguna textura, configuración del ...
Hello, someone can tell me exactly directory where i must copy all mesh folders.. in the instructions means on terrain folder but i don't know where it is.. thank you...
Buenos días. Quiero agradecer a RadarMan le enlace que me pasaste para poder reparar el archivo de agent.dll. No se que ocurrio, pero tanto la pregunta , como tu respuesta desaparecio. Reporte el error a fly away, pero me mandarón un enlace que no ...
I have owned FSX since it was a new sim and I bought several add ons including Just Flights VFR scenery - England and Wales ( a 4 disc pack covering all of England and Wales). My problems started when I "rediscovered" FSX sitting in a draw this year co...
Good afternoon, I lost the Flight Simulator X DVD - Acceleration Extension Pack in ITALIANO. I have the original DVD case with the product key impressed on label, but not having the DVD, I cannot install the service pack. Do any of you know if it is po...
Hi I downloaded the Cyprus mesh ok but the FreeMeshX Global Terrain Mesh Scenery 2.0 keeps failing with network error mid download. Two things, is it better with a downloader and if so which one? And do you think I should use Edge or IE or FIREFOX as I ...
Hey just wondering when you download an airplane & there is a checklist that comes with it which folder does it live in? also is there any other checklist addons you can recommend? Many thanks....
Does anyone know how you move the Heading Bug when on Auto Pilot and the Course Pointer in the Primary Display in the A29 cockpit? I have been unable to find out how in this aircraft....
Using FSX in Windows 10, new i7 16GB, several different types of installed addon scenery will not show up in the program scenery library. I have installed it all several different ways and it shows up in the Windows file explorer, but when looking in th...
FSX Boeing C-97 V3 keeps failing 3/4 of way through? help ...
Does anyone know of an Embraer 190 download with base (free or pay) with a realistic panel (2D or 3D) for download? I would prefoer that Eyepoint left/right, up/down, and zoom all work. Thanks for any help....
I downloaded the a380 and the I cant seem to get the buttons for the fuel pumps to work or find any keys associated with turning them on as I run my mouse across them it identifies them as fuel pump switches but cant then them in or off. Anyone know how...
I download the F35 Base model although it was only 4.21mb and the F35 A,B and C. Only parts of it are showing up. Any idea whats going on?...
is there a concensus of opinion re the best freeware or payware A380 for FSX. I get the feeling that the Overland SMS verion is the best....
Been surfing the net for awhile, and cant find a downloadable version of it. If you have any links, I would be most grateful. Thankyou....
I downloaded x-plane 11 from steam, trouble is I can't find the x-plane 11 folder so I can add my scenery addons I downloaded from fly away. any ideas?...
Hi My name is Mark and I am using FSX and the majority of my Greek airports among others dont have ils settings i.e Land Course and Nav Frequencies. I wonder if anybody knows of an update to add these settings PLEASE. aNY HELP WOULD BE VERY MUSH APPRECIA...
Can anyone remake Canton Island Airport Scenery (PCIS) without trees... Also, all the terminal and Hangar is missing. I have a good reference to the buildings etc. FSX Contact: Thank You...
I am not able to find the switch and cannot set speed control in autopilot. Any help would be appreciated. Colonel Don...
Hello, I am trying to install the Descobrir Portugal scenery, but it doesn't show in FSX's "Add area" option in the scenery library menu. I copied the unzipped folder to the addon scenery folder, but maybe this is wrong. Can anyone please give me a hin...
I get this message when opening fsx " Scenery.CFG file error. Invalid Remote scenery path in scenery area.120. Click ok to continue. FSX opens fine but would like to clear this message.Just don't know how !...
Please help, i have been flying fsx steam on Windows 10 for some time, i had a scenery library full of addon scenery etc. All of a sudden 2 days ago the scenery library in settings area was blank. only the enable boxes where still ticked. The scenery area...
When downloading FSX Deluxe Edition and reaching the point of completion, The Error 1603 and 1722 have shown on screen. Can anyone please tell me how to correct these errors?...
Hi all, I'm trying to install AI Formation Toys V4 for FSX but get an error message that reads "The application failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect." when I go to open it. When going into event viewer, the event has th...
We have added lots of freeware photoreal and mesh scenery add-ons for FSX, FSX: Steam Edition and Prepar3D (all versions including P3Dv4) to the file library due to popular demand by our users. All of the files are of course free to download however yo...
Hi, I cant download this pack despite the detailed instructions. First of all i don't have a file (mine is In general, I haven't been able to install any new planes for ages. They just simply don't load into FSX. Any th...
Hi Guy's, still can't get the RFN gauge to work in my FSX ACC operating in windows 10. I have it working on an older windows 7 computer and also in FSX SE on the windows 10 computer, so I am sure I am loading it correctly. When I select it from views, in...
😕 HI, I recently had to re install FSX ACC onto my windows 10 computer. All goes well with all normal use of the sim. However I cannot now get the RFN Gauge to work in any aircraft, although I have modified the panel cfg IAW the RFN instructions. ...
Can anyone provide some links to some great downloads... aircraft, sceneries... that auto install. I don't like doing it manually. Your help is greatly appreciated....
Hello Everyone.... Is there a program out there where you can make and put objects at any desired location or simply pic from a list ? THANKS !....