Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Despite my asking in this forum about tuning the new F/A 18 radios, I called Microsoft and they told me that the radios on that plane were not tunable and gave no other information regarding that. I am finding it difficult to locate the carriers that c...
where can i find a galaxy compatible for fsx?...
Where can we find good aircraft download with 3d cockpit and not repaints....
Hi! I downloaded plains but they don't have a virtual cockpit view ;...
hello im sure this topic has been talked to death but i downloaded a marines repaint for fa-18 i followed the directions in the read me file but it says to copy and paste this text: title=FA-18 Hornet VMFA-232 Red Devils sim=FA-18 model= panel= sound...
Uk Scenery When do you think that there will be some photographic scenery for FSX for the Uk? As for now I would like to say that the Chapps/Lasses at Microsoft got the Scenery around where I live North Wales prety much Spot on as in there are no level ...
Ok I bought and installed the pack. Now the menu's are screwed up. When I select a menu the writing on the menus is jibberish. There is no way I have found to select radios or nav radios on the F/A 18. They Virtual Panels are sketchy at best. What i...
can anyone point me to a scenery for this place in fsx? (please) so far i know of nowhere that offers one free, but there seems to be an un-landable one for FS-9...
I just downloaded afew planes and now my winzip is performing very slow ????? anyone know y this is ??...
Hello, Everybody Does anybody know of any freewear experimental aircraft, experimentals are like the X-1 here are some pics of what experimental look like.
Hey all, I downloaded a Gruman F-14D (, and I'm trying to figure out which part of the subdirectories go into FSX. Does anyone here have this download?...
I went to fly my aircraft and i just get a white screen.. Its so annoying and i bought it!...
Cessna Caravan Amphibian for FSX Does anybody know where I could find one? Cheers Loren...
Can somebody plz help me!!! i've tried everything i could to download aircraft to fsx. But the only aircrafts that actually got on the game were the ones with no vc ( virtual cockpit) 😞 someone plz help!!! ...
:oops: Call me stupid, but once i download a zip file to the temp file, how do i download into the FSx from there?...
Is there a download of Concorde availble for FSX, that has VC atleast?...
is there a v-22 osprey download? If so where?...
Hi guys! Just curious here. Which of the two (voxatc / fdc live) do you guys find to be the preferable add on, and, can you use both of them at the same time and if so, does it cause any problems? Thanks in advance for any input on this subject. &...
out of all the F-104s top download wich one is the best ❓...
im trying to install aircraft ive downloaded but almost all have panel errors when installed (am using Addit Pro for FSX) for some i can understand as i no doubt dont have the air craft but others are using gauges from preinstalled planes....any ideas on ...
I am trying my best to install the DC 10 Livery package 2 on the flyaway download pages. However, the livery is made for flight simulator X. I have downloaded many aircraft for 2004 from fsx in the past and today even, but this paticular livery does not w...
Hi all. Just woundering if cargopilot is werth the money? I like strategy/skill sims is this the one....
Does anyone know of a download for an aircraft graveyard? There are several real ones in the California and Arizona deserts. I have looked, but was unable to find one. Seems like it would be something worth seeing, loaded with old jets and Air Force plane...
i have a A380 and my speed brakes does not work. can someone tell me what i need to change in the cfg file to make it work...
Looking for new skins for the default 747 for FSX. Anybody know of such a place? Jetman...
how to put 737 pilot in command into fsx I have seen some photos of it....
can some one give me a link to that 747. i am not looking for the default 747 i need another one. thanks guys...
send me some links...
Hi all, I need some help in finding the World of AI installer. I've been to their site and to Avsim, and seem to find all of their packages but not the installer. Could someone please help me out. Either I'm blind or stupid. probably both. Thanks in adva...
I have several World of AI (WoAI) liveries, but so far, the only ones I see at KSEA are Delta, Soutwest and AEOS airlines. but they are few, with Southwest and Delta with about four aircrafts between them either at the gates, taking-off or landing. How ma...
Searching for the best of old Hong Kong Kai Tak airport and surrounding scenery file. Has to be compatible with either Flight Simulator 2004...or SimulatorX....Scenery must include the old checker board land mark for runway 13....
does anyone have the password for the battlestar galactica scenery download...
Hello fellow simmers, I downloaded a DC10 that does not have a VCockpit. I changed the panel and used a 737 panel - I now have a standard panel that's the 737, but not Virtual Cockpit. Is there a way to do this. Yes, I know - it's not a DC10 VC Panel,...
Are there any Auto-installers for FS2004 that can work straight out of ZIP or RAR files without have to extract them first? I've tried all of the installers on this site and none work, even after extracting the files. Plz help!...
After considerable grief I have finally got FSX up and running and joy, oh joy it works! I tried to add a downloaded aircraft and the "readme" told me to put it in the "Airplane folder" - I can't see any such folder in the FSX program - does anybody know ...
How do you get the afterburners on? I just got the FSX NASA XB-70. Really cool, I suggest it!...
Well, since I finally got my computer running the way it should again, I decided to add a new aircraft to my collection, The BAE / McDonnell Douglas AV8-B Harrier:
I would like to add a thrust reverser on this aircraft.... The FFR 31MR/D Super Sylph: The plane flies great, and its landin...
i just bought level d 767-300 for fsx from a download, i get an error "panel initialization"...ive tried their support but the only support they have are through their forums...noone has responded yet ...from what ive read on their forums this is a major ...
Hi there iwas wondering if there was a way to add a virtual cockpit into a 'freeware' addon plane? thanks....
Could someone please tell me how to remove add ons,, from both FS9 AND FSX? Thanks...
hello. do anybody know if there is any B737-300 with Virtual Cockpit for FSX yet? Best Regards. Helge Meyer 😉...
I know there are a few out there. I am looking for the most realistic. Anyone have any experience with addons these? Which do you perfer?...
Does anyone know of a good download that works for fsx that has the black engine smoke commonly seen on older aircraft like the dc-9, 727, 707, dc-10 etc. Thanks in advanced. 🙂...
I have download the aircrafts from the web site. How to add them to my FSX?...
THESE ARE AI FLIGHT PLANS BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE THEM HELP WITH INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE AC#10050,"Adam Air Boeing 737-400" AC#10051,"Adam Air Boeing 737-300" // Adam Air Boeing 737-400 AC#10050,PK-KKC,1%,WEEK,IFR,0/00:00,@0/02:10,310,F,0220,WIMM,0...
i found a pushback add on but i cant seam to get it to work evenafter following the Installation guide. can someone plz help me....
Where is the main button on FS2Crew 747 (non pmdg)...
Just a quick heads up - Just Flight are looking for testers for their soon to be released Rescue Pilot Mission Pack for Flight Simulator X. Mark...
I posted this to the "General" Forum but received no responses. Perhaps I should have posted this here: I’m stuck in the “Civil Air Patrol Search” Mission supplied with FSX Deluxe. After I pick up the downed pilot and am routed to “McCall”, ...