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I have a flight saved as cool start in the F-86 at a small gate. Sometimes I launch the flight, and can have the GP unit their by turning on the GP switch. Other times I get a message that GP is not availible. The first time I made the mission I had G...
Hello - Please advise Does Genuine purchased copy of Horizon Gen X Version 2.0 Scenery for Uk require an online registration to install or can it be installed on multiple PC's Thanks in advance Shaun...
Hi - I bought FSX when first released but found, like many others, that my PC was found wanting in many respects....I am now at the point though where I am using FSX with decent quality and framerates and want to try and make the experience as realistic a...
hi who i can close my fly away account??...
Is it just me or is the repainting community not as large for FSX as it is for FS2004? For instance, I can barely find any repainting kits or tutorials for FSX. Or is it backwards compatible from FS2004?...
How come its so hard to find a airbus 380 for flightsimulator x with cockpit?? Adrian ❓ :idea:...
Hello Is anyone aware of a site containing basic information on how to program this device please, preferable with a short test flight and step by step instructions? Thanks Aidan...
I've searched online for FMC programming (for 737) and gosh they all seem diffferent. Everyone seems to do it differently. Does anyone know of any really good ones? FSX Kareem...
FSX B-52 by Alphasim taking off from Edwards AFB (KEDW) and doing a 180 to land back at the only strip a GA pilot like me can find to handle a behemoth like this. Download---> Comments both good and bad more than welcome....
Hi I have a question regarding how to change flight numbers in FSX. For example the default 737-800 has a name B737W and this is the name the atc also use to contact. Is there any way I can change this name if so how can I do that? will appreciate help...
Anyone know where I can get instructions on how to properly use this gauge. Thanks...
I need help. Trying to install this autopilot guage in the EH 101 but can't get it to work. I have copy past the cfg text into the panel cfg and made the next window in line #5. Should the afcp and ap1 cfg go into the FSX main folder or the EH 101 main...
How come the destination airport in the ATC screen doesnt often appear under the list of 'nearest airport list' or even 'airports further away' until you're nearly there? This gives you no time no adjust your approach depending on the runway they give for...
OK, I've loaded FSX on my new computer (see sig). When FSX starts I get a window tell me the color scheme changed to win 7 basic. and will change back after ending program. Why?? :cry: It talks about "Aero Themes" and have run it's trouble shooter. an...
Hi all, I have added some effects to the effect file but it seems I can no longer get a wake or splash effect on water landings. In addition, I am not getting smoke effect when the wheels touchdown on a runway landing. I checked and I believe all of the o...
so I just vaguely realized the problem i've been having. When configuring the controls to my logitech gamepad USB controller, I use the natural axis in them for ailerons, pitch, throttle, etc. I just noticed that whenever I use them (i.e. I move the...
Ok i was wondering, what is the landing speed for an MD-11 in something like 40 to 50kt winds?...
Ok I bought a new computer so that FSX would run better. The new PC has windows 7, I connected the joystick & windows saw it. But no force feed back, so I check the cong of the joystick in the game & there is NO place that shows use/ turn on feed back? ...
My friend and I wanted to try flying together the other day so we connected two yokes and also two sets of pedals. FSX recognizes them fine, but as expected - there is a problem. FSX will only pay attention to one yoke at a time. The "non dominant" yoke i...
Hey guys, After coming back to FSX after a little layoff of FS, I'm getting fatal errors with MSVCR80.DLL crashing every time I pick a plane, doesn't matter which one I pick, it still crashes to the desktop and restarts FSX. Has anyone come accross...
I have a question. I have recently added a second screen to my FSX. I wan to use the bottom screen as the instrument cluster. Currenlty, each time I re-fly a misson, I must move the instruments to the second monitor. Is there a way of permantantly config...
HI all I have been using FSX for 2 years now, but now it is asking me to activate the product. I have put some more memory in my pc 2 weeks ago then when I started FSX it ask for activation, so I fill in the product key but it says it cannot conect to...
I am not computer smart so need help. I have Vista 32 on my first drive, and I adding a second drive to put ( Windows 7 ) on for dual OS boot. I just wondering about the wiring connection. I don't want to slave the second drive so wondering if I need both...
Flyaway, tomthetank, or RadarMan Can you please tell me how to fix my splash screen. I clicked repair on FSX Disk 1 (for another reason) and now FSX freezes on the splash screen. I did a quick search, but did not find an answer. thanks, again. ...
I keep getting a fatal error at KLAS and TNCM at the same position on multiplayer and I want to see what's wrong. Where can I find the log files? Best regards 😀...
Hi All, I don't know about you, but I love flight simulator, however the bit I like the most is the challenge of taxi, takeoff and succesful landing. Flying realtime to Sydney doesn't really float my boat (time-advance is used muchly on my flights). ...
Somewhere between installing scenery or aircraft all the static aircraft are now black. I don't recall what the last installation was before the problem. All aircraft (except what I'm flying) whether parked, taking off, or in the air are solid black. It ...
Hi folks, generally a newbie here... Can anyone tell me how to change default aircraft in fsx when it loads. It keeps coming up with an ultralight when I want to go to a Cessna 172 Thanks for any help offered. Dave Pierce...
The first thing I would like to say is that even with the Gold Edition you still cannot speak directly to ATC and that is kind of galling in that one of the selling points of FSX is that you can with your voice speak to ATC. The second is a query about h...
HI i just got a new computer with a 22" widescreen monitor and i've looked up many forums about how to find the FSX.cfg file for my computer. I can't seem to find it though. I'm running vista and i already checked the box to show "hidden files". The prob...
I downloaded the Grumman F-14 and it looks great and flies great. I really want to get the gauges and effects working, if possible. I read the readme file that came with the download, and it didn't help. The "gauges" file that came with the download co...
Messages on ATC wondow are unreadable...not garbled...just the words are fade out...How can I correct this problems. Thanks for the inputs....
does ayone know how to file the fsx.cfg file...
I expect many people are familiar with this software, but I didn't find any previous threads in a search so I thought a post about it might be useful. What this great (and really easy to use) software does is to allow multiple input devices (e.g. two k...
A retired pilot was using FSX to demonstrate visibility and control issues in response to the AA Liner that crashed in Jamaica. Aired on 23 Dec 09 Also what's the latest on MS Flight Sim develo...
Anyone know a good addon? I'd like to hear the "soothing" voice of a mechanical speaker screaming things like Sinkrate, pull up, whoop/pull up, Bank Angle... Especially things like 5-hundred, minimums, one-hundred, 50,40,30,20,10, etc... 😉 ...
In this thread all are welcome to post their maths formulas used in sim flight and add your comments. 😀 I have several posts yet to be added to this thread covering additional formulas - but will start here with a recently discussed one. My...
Hi I just downloaded and installed P-51 Sweet Arlene. The aircraft flys very well, and the graphics are great, but I can't get any sound out of it. The "Read Me" file didn't give instrustions on how to load the sound files, or even that you should load th...
I download my plane, read the ReadMe file, do what the file said to do, and the plane doesn't appear in my game 😞 (FSX). Any ideas on what could be going wrong?...
Tere are some planes I like that are only available for FS2004. If I download it, will it work in FSX?...
When I fly to some airport like Soto Cano in honduras. ATC start giving me altitudes the are very hight for an accurate landing. This has happen in other airports like Goloson, Honduras and Merida, Venezuela. Is there a way to fix that?...
I'd like to set the trim/up and/or pitch up/down on a rotating button on the throttle control (saitek x52 controller system). If I go into the control options, I can not set it up to be on one of the rotating buttons..only allows me to select buttons. I w...
I was wondering if anybody else feels that the airbus A321 seems more difficult to fly than any of the other aircraft. When I try to fly the airplane without autopilot, it's very difficult to control, especially on landing after disengaging autopilot. Als...
What do I need to download to make these cockpit panels more realistic?? I keep seeing these videos and their cockpits are so realistic. Then I open FSX and mine (default) look horrible!!! What can I do?...
I can't seem to find it...
I just read there are service packs for FSX...I have FSX Deluxe installed, should I install the SP's as well? What's different in the SPs? Also, I really want to install the Cargo Pilot add on. Has anyone tried that? Is it decent? I like the building m...
I have played around with the knobs on the glareshield that allows one to control the display mode of the ND. But I can't determine which button displays what. They're arent labeled like the knobs are in a more precise 737 addon like Wilco or PDMG. Any...
Ok, Ive seen this thing on youtube I think, and Ive also seen some demos of software and plane add ons with this same type of panning and zoom in and out as well as tilt to the side looks to be a sensor of some sort on the not sur...
There have been a lot of questions about FsP and how it works and what it actually is so this should save answering similar questions every few days 😉 -FsPassengers- What is FsPassengers? FsPassengers (FsP) is an FS2004 addon that allows ...
Ok this is a very annoying problem that i need to get fixed. The problem is that the camera, whether inside or out. But it like jumps, this is not lag or anything. It's hard to explain this....