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Added scenery file which is around Jackson Hole Wy. I used Addit software and it put the files into the Microsoft Flight Simulator/Scenery folder. They are not in any separate folder. If you scroll down thru the Scenery folder they are just fi...
Hi, I have downloaded AI Carriers2 and Javier Fernandez's Nimitz and Eisenhower version 2 about a year ago and had nothing but long, wonderful hours of simming heaven. I wish to thank them for their excellent work. 🙂 About 2 weeks ago I installed...
I download the Ifly 747 the other day as I mainly fly the 767 but was looking for a freeware 747, but I am having a few problems setting up the 747 for flight. So to test this aircraft I decided to try a short flight from Klax-Ksea. I use Fsbuild to p...
I have installed the Aerosoft PBY 5 into fsx on windows 7 and the installation went just fine. However, when I looked at the plane, the only thing showing in the cockpit is the checklist with nothing else appearing. I have tried all day to find the prob...
Panel gauges for "Cessna Citation X 750 2.0", display on FSX-MS OK, but are blank/black on main panel in FSX-SE??? Would appreciate any help. Thanks...
I have installed the Iris Eurosoft A10 warthog in FSX windows 7 and am having multiple problems. When looking at the main panel and switching to another view using the S key, a large portion of the main panel is still visible at the bottom of the screen....
How to download the Hughes XF11A into FSX.? Can't load it....
Hi. I have upgraded to Windows 7 and my VFR scenery (FSX) DVD(s) will no longer install beyond the initial setup program screens - it errors with, "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application". (I have repeated the error on anot...
I installed Addit Pro. Placed an aircraft add-on download in a folder labeled FSX Downloads, which contains a folder for the aircraft . Addit Pro Wizard was supposed to install the aircraft in FSX. I don't know what I would have done wrong, but the aircra...
Hi guys. I'm not new to the FS world (been playing since FS9😎 but only now I've finally decided to take my simulation to the next level and been thinking about buying some paid add-ons. I have done some searching and I found the Traffic 360 fro...
I dont have an Airplane file in my Sim Objects file. Thanks for any help....
I have noises in correct volume for flaps and gear but no engine souds just a silent taleoff from the active runway when flying the F-111 I recently installed in FSX. Can sombody suggest why and recommend a fix Thanks 😕...
Hi, I have recently downloaded the Nimitz and Ike ver2 and aicarriers 2. I believe I have un-zipped aicarriers 2 properly and installed it properly but when I went to run the program I came up with an error window that pointed to problems with Java or rel...
I have Fernandez' Nimitz carrier saved in my downloads. When I try to install it into FSX I get the message in a dialog box stating "Cannot create C:\Program Files9(x86)\Microsoft Games\ Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects\fx_beaconb_cvn.fx". I tried man...
I am trying to download the FSX Boeing 747-400 Complete Package-Fly away Simulation . When clicking on Download, the only thing that happens is it keeps buffering and won't download. I'm using the free download option. I've used Fly Away many times an...
I downloaded F-16 on my windows7, 64 bit computer. Then I followed the instructions and placed downloaded folders and files in the required locations. I started FSX and tried to fly in Virtual Cockpit Mode, but the cockpit glass is not transparent, so I c...
I recently installed a S-64 Skycrane addon helicopter in FSX, and I can't seem to set any new key mappings to lower the water tank snorkels (firefighting model) or to lower the logging claw (every other model). I need to find out how to get the key comman...
After Downloading the File FSX Air Tractor 802A File size: 706.08 kB and following the next instructions, INSTALLATION: 1.) Copy and paste (or drag and drop) the 4 enclosed "fx" files into your FSX "Effects" folder. (They are probably there...
used installer for beech 18,installed but exterior of plane is invisible,interior 2d panel and seats,windows perfect.tryed to upload screenshot,don't seem to be able....
subject line pretty much says it all... does anyone know where to acquire them? I loaded included .pln and .wx and .xml in proper locations, but can't find the associated flight plan......
Hi guys I'm in need of your help. I've got the standard edition of FSX and I'm in need of the SDK that comes with the deluxe edition. Anyone know where I can get it from? I'd like to use it straight away rather than buy the deluxe edition and wai...
Can anyone inform me directly to my e-mail address what am I to do, as FSX has stopped adding entries to my logbook? It's very annoying - it caused me to keep track of my flights manually and after flights I then have to add this info in an MS Excel sprea...
just bought this plane and it doesn't work... Nothing controls the aircraft except for the throttle. Landing gear aren't visible. Can someone please give me a little tech support? I'm pretty angry and I feel like I just got ripped off....
Hi all, I know that most people will say that you should have looked at the FAQs, but I couldn't find anything of help to me. I am running Windows 8, with a PC meeting the recommended requirements for my flight simulator which is FSX. I have a bu...
I have been searching high and low for a little program where I could type in the name of the waypoint and then have the program search for it and display the latitude and longitude. I have tried Skyvector but that is not what I am looking for. I origin...
I tried the Widetraffic application, but I'm not seeing any other traffic on either PC on the LAN. I've gone over the manual, followed the settings instructions, etc but no dice. Is there any other app out there that enables AI Traffic on the LAN? ...
greetings: I just downloaded the J41 and tried to load it and FSX CTD'd. I looked for the fix and found varoius approaches. First I will try the most simple and that is to set the default freeflight airplane to the glider. I will keep posting inform...
I have an airbus a340-300 in my fsx, but the problem is that the minimum speed for vrotate is lmost 230 KNOTS!!!!! and the runway is not long enough for the aircraft to takeoff. I compared with another a340 that I had but that one was ok in the vrotate...
😞 Um Hey guys !!! I wanted to get the FSX AI Traffic Editor and It says I need an SDK pack. But when I went to the FSX Website it said to not install an SDK if you have Acceleration, which I do!!! How do I fix this, and where can I download one ...
I was wondering if there is a way to install an autoland function to the autopilot in this otherwise flawless simulator. I have buttons that indicate approach, localizer and backcourse, but no A/L for AP. Thank you. P.S. This is the download with Air Ca...
Does anybody know a good 707, Dc-8 or Boeing 747-100, 200 or SP. I would really apppreciate the fact, that the plane has a VC....
I fly small general aviation aircraft with FSX... I was reading some time ago about a program or download that gave you realistic landing sounds on FSX...??? I have searched around a bit and can`t seem to find what I`m looking for, so if anyone knows of...
I have been successful in working with the PMDG MD-11 and adding some additions that I know other people have asked for. I have been successful in adding GPS, Radar, Rwyinfo and Map for the MD-11. I have been testing it for several weeks now and it seem...
Hi, I have downloaded several airplanes for my FSX ACCLERATION. I have installed it also. But when i open the game to select the aircraft i have installed/downloaded, i am not able to see it, i.e., it is not showing up in the airplanes' list!! Pl...
I have downloaded the Meyers 200D, however the only thing that is visible in the virtual cockpit are the gauges, radios, and GPS. In the external view of the aircraft the ...
After I downloaded the Thomas Ruth Airbus A300-600R, I wanted to test the jetliner, but the instruments are dead. What can I do?...
Hi there, I would like to know if there are any Air Rarotonga planes available for FSX- I use Accelaration. I would prefer a full model, if not a link to the livery and a link to the model would be absolutely amazing! Thank you ever so much!...
I follow the instructions on the downloads.. make a separate file... copy the Aircraft to Airplanes, Gauges to gauges, effects to effects.. no matter what I do I end up with a plane with no color or interior... sometimes no skin at all... Very frustrated....
Hello, Have downloades the A-1H Skyraider Navy Va 25 and Va 176. 1.The 176 works in free flight but the Va 25 in virtual cockpit has no outside view (all is black)and switching to outside view you can see a black propeller. Why, both planes are on the s...
Hi folks. I've just installed FSX in a brand new Dell computer that will be used for the flight simulator only. The installation went without a hitch but upon launching the game my screen doesn't have a menu bar at the top. To tweak the game I have to e...
my default airbus a321 is invisible i cant view it pls does anyone know how i can fix it? The problem started when i was trying to a new texture on the aircraft pls help me out thnk u.......
Hey everyone, So my old computer was no longer able to support FSX. I just bought a used one that was totally overhauled and updated and more than capable of running FSX again. When I loaded my add ons, I was unable to change the aircraft CFG files....
Hi, Is there a simple altimeter add on that I can map to a key, and have my altitude/airspeed show up while in external view? Right now I rely on thevirtual cockpit panel for altitude (by zooming in on the altitude display). I searched around but could...
Problem 1---Screen goes to black when switching from different views or going to instant replay Problem 2 ----GPWS does not work properly--will say 500 and that's it! Problem 3---clicking from different views too fast causes FSX to crash Problem 4 ---p...
Hi. Can you point out me the names of airplanes helix military with operational hook of tail, to unload for FSX from Fly Away? Thanks for the answers. Regards..... Micke...
I admit from the start I a relative Newbie to all of this... I purchased FSUIPC 4 late last year and have just recently installed it ( No Problem with the install) onto my PC... I am also an "Old Guy" and can`t seem to figure out how to assign my Saitek...
hello im having issues with callouts i had them working before now there not tried installing them when i start fsx and fly tells me to active gauge i hit yes but no callouts. ive done over and over installs but nothing dosnt seem too work. was working...
Hello I have been trying to download planes. I follow online tutorials and get the plane downloaded but its all black just a shadow of the plane. Where do I go wrong?...
I have about given up on this. I did a search, but couldn't find any info on this. I can't for the life of me get the VC to show up. When I go to VC, I have no cockpit at all. I followed all the installation instruction but it's a no go....
Hallo, Dies ist das erste Mal, das ich etwas in einem Forum poste, doch diesmal bräuchte ich wirklich etwas Hilfe von euch... Und zwar, es geht wie oben schon beschrieben um die iFly 737. Anfangs hatte ich keine Probleme mit ihr, doch jetzt verhält...